Hungary (PA-PA-HU)

ID: HRI0000024
Table Description
PA0226 Garnishments (H)
PA0308 null
PA0441 Corrections for reports (Hungary)
PA0193 Pers. master record infotype 0193 (Data of prev. employer H)
PA0284 null
PA0285 null
PA0307 Additional data for taxation
PA0514 Materials issued
PA0286 SI child's supplementary data (H)
PA0660 HR master record infortype 0660
PA0175 Additional personal data H
PA0176 Statistical data H
PB0175 HR Master Record: Infotype 0175
PA0178 PA0178
PA0164 Infotype 0164
PA0513 null
PA0287 SI child quota (H)
T5H31 Cleaning code
T5H35 Goods issue code
T5H7P Professional training level codes
T5H7S Borrowed workers - borrower data
T5H7T Employer
T5H6R Garnishment priority rule IDs
T5H1A SI contribution types
T5H1D SI contribution levels
T5H4C SI accounting - code types
T5H6P Garnishment (garnishment type)
T5H7E Cross-divisional schedule line
T5H7G Division-specific schedule line
T5H7I Statistical code
T5H7K Hungarian county code
T5H7M City code
T5H8A Paying office areas
T5H8C Paying office groups
T5H8E Paying office
T5H37 Size type code
T5H2G Tax settlement code
T5H7A Valid FEOR numbers
T5H7C Valid FEOR number of extension
T5H2S Tax allowance amounts
T5H6L Theoretical amount
T5H6N BC brackets
T5H1C SI contribution types texts
T5H1E SI contribution level texts
T5H2R Tax allowance amounts - texts
T5H2U Tax computation method texts
T5H7B Texts of valid FEOR numbers
T5H7D Text of valid FEOR numbers of extension
T5H2J Settings for infotype 307
T5H3D Normal sizes
T5H4R Accountable lost time in calculation of SI average
T5H5D Help table to infotype p0441
T5H5H Absence identification to corrected absences on P0441
T5H3C Supplies
T5H3E Material size type
T5H48 Absence types - Customizing Hungary
T5H5I Customizing table for RPUSTDH5
T5H6Q Garnishment priority rules
T5HAC Define program variants
T5H6M Garnishment characteristic
T5H1B SI contributions
T5H4B Control wage type generation to SI services
T5H4I Text table of process codes of SI services
T5H4J SI services reporting
T5H4K SI accounting - family bonus values
T5H4M Absences - inactive insurance
T5H4S Help table for insurance
T5H6G Chargeable wage type of garnishment, input options
T5H6H Garnishment rule
T5H6I Possible garnishment rule
T5H6J Assign garnishments to wage types
T5H6K Garnishment percentage of the wage type