Hong Kong (PA-PA-HK)

ID: AHR0000342
Table Description
T7HK11 General information of the IR56 forms
PA0344 HR Master Record: Infotype 0344 (Familiy members HK)
PA0351 HR Master Record: Infotype 0351 (Country Information)
PA0345 HR Master Record: Infotype 0345 (Hong Kong Tax)
PA0347 HR Master Record: Infotype 0347 (Entitlement plan)
PA0346 HR Master Record: Infotype 0346 (Contribution plan)
PA0348 HR Master Record: Infotype 0348 (HK Appraisal and bonus)
PA0349 HR Master Record: Infotype 0349 (Eligibility grouping)
PA0440 HR Master Record: Infotype 0440 (Receipts)
PA0342 HR Master Record: Infotype 0342 (HK Extension to I0002)
PA0343 HR Master Record: Infotype 0343 (Contract HK)
PB0342 HR Master Record: Infotype 0342 (HK Extension to I0002)
PB0343 HR Master Record: Infotype 0343 (Contract HK)
T7HK2H Provider Attributes
T7HK1A Nature of Quarter
T7HK2 Contribution plan
T7HK23 Retirement paln status
T7HK2K Contribution rules for Retirement Plans
T7HK2P Output Format for Length of Service(LOS)
T7HK2Y Employee Group Criteria ID for Retirement Plan
T7HK3 Entitlement plan
T7HK01 Occupations for familiy members
T7HK3F Scheme type for entitlement plan
T7HK2O Output Format for Length of Service(LOS) - Text
T7HK3L Benefit Plan Status Texts
T7HK04 Control table for EOY Payment
T7HK0P Extension of T001P
T7HK1D Tax year control table
T7HK2C Contribution plan eligibility rules
T7HK2D Contribution plan transfer rules
T7HK2E Assigning contribution rules for Contribution Plans
T7HK2F Contribution plan special rules
T7HK2G Nature of contribution/entitlement plan
T7HK2I Contribution plan eligibility grouping
T7HK2N Source of pre-prorated calc. base for retirement plan
T7HK3B Entitlement plan attributes
T7HK3C Entitlement plan eligibility rules
T7HK3D Entitlement plan transfer rules
T7HK3E Withdrawal type for entitlement plan
T7HK3G Vesting Schedule and multiplier
T7HK3I Entitlement plan eligibility grouping
T7HK3J Entitlement plan withdrawal attributes
T7HK3K Entitlement output texts
T7HK3M Wage type for entitlement plan
T7HK4A Events & reasons for LSP/Severance payments
T7HK4B Factor & constants for LSP/severance payments
T7HK4C Maximum amounts and reckonable YOS for LSP/severance payment
T7HK5E Appraisal main and detail citeria assignment
T7HK5F Weighting of appraisal types
T7HK5G Weighting of appraisal detail criteria
T7HK5H Weighting of appraiser
T7HK5I Weighting of appraisal main criteria
T7HK5J Conversion of appraisal points to ranking per main criteria
T7HK5K Conversion of appraisal point to ranking per appraiser
T7HK5L Conversion of appraisal point to ranking per appraisal type
T7HK5M Conversion of appraisal point to ranking per detail criteria
T7HK2Z Contribution Rule Criteria for Each Contribution Rule
T7HK1C Tax grouping for report
T7HK2B Contribution plan attributes
T7HK12 Additional information of the IR56 forms