Italy (PA-PA-IT)

ID: AHR0000374
Table Description
T5ITF24C Table for F24 compensations
T5ITF24A Archive F24 Administration
T5ITF24 Archive F24
T5ITNL 01/M data history
T5ITNB INPS registration numbers table
PA0548 Infotype 0548 - security funds - Italy only
PA0659 HR master record for INAIL administration
PA0154 HR master record, infotype 0154 (social security data)
PA0156 HR master data, infotype 0156 (Tax deduction)
PA0407 HR master record, infotype 0407 (Abs.addit.inf.)
PA0160 HR master record, infotype 0160 (Family allowance)
PA0306 HR master record, infotype 0306 (Family data)
PA0155 HR master record, infotype 0155 (
PA3209 PA-PA-IT: Infotype View
PA0159 HR master record, infotype 0159 (Seniority)
PA0483 Infotype 0483 - Data entry from CAAF - Italy only
PA0157 HR master record, infotype 0157 (User
PA0158 HR master record, infotype 0158 (Amounts paid by 3rd party)
PA0305 HR master record, infotype 0305 (previous employer)
PA0421 HR master record, infotype 0421 (special remuneration)
T5ITWC Conditions
T5ITNM Form indicators table
T5ITP1 Social Security fund
T5ITR8 Regional tax settlements
T5ITM4 District indicator table
T5ITNG 01/M data table - section B
T5ITNE Local offices table
T5ITNS Special status regions and districts
T5ITNU INPS rank table
T5ITSL Table for INPS reg. numbers / places of work
T5ITGD Define EEF groupings
T5ITPC CAF table
T5ITM8 District tax settlement
T5ITP8 Regional tax settlements
T5ITL1 Other taxations table
T5ITL2 Separate taxation
T5ITA3 Family member indicator for family allowance
T5ITD4 Document types
T5ITEA Definitions Exposure and attributes indicators for tape
T5ITQL Taxation types to be highlighted in the payroll
T5ITQT Settlement indicator
T5ITST Seniority pay scale jumps indicators
T5ITA1 Family allowance calculation type
T5ITAD Wage types to recalculate (not used anymore)
T5ITAT Family indicator
T5ITCG Settlement request for contributions
T5ITCH Contrib.settlement type
T5ITCS Contribution indicator
T5ITCT Taxation type
T5ITD3 Family member indicator for tax deduction
T5ITDG Settlement request for deductions
T5ITDR Employment deduction expenses type
T5ITDS Family member type
T5ITDT Deduction indicator description
T5ITF1 Accrual indicator
T5ITF5 Severance indemnity revaluation table (IT)
T5ITFT Provision indicator
T5ITL5 Decontribution settlement
T5ITMO WT grouping indicators for overviews
T5ITMS Local sections
T5ITNJ Special remunerations table
T5ITP3 Payment schedule
T5ITR1 Description of administrative data indicator for the user
T5ITR5 Table for regional tax indicators
T5ITRT Qualification of user administrative data
T5ITSV Pay scale jump valuation type
T5ITTS IRPEF contribution indicator
T5ITM5 District tax indicators table
T5ITP5 Regional tax indicators table
T5ITQA Territorial Insurance Position
T5ITQB Tariff type
T5ITQF INAIL person subgroup
T5ITQ4 CoCoCo activity code
T5ITQ6 Code: other mandatory insurance form - cont.&
T5ITDQ Allowable expense type
T5ITMT WT grouping indicators for overviews
T5ITLY Decontribution settlement texts
T5ITN8 Text table
T5IT1P HR area/sub-area grouping - HR Italy
T5ITA2 Family allowance values
T5ITA9 Family allowance treatment
T5ITAA Recalculation type - (not used anymore)
T5ITAB Current and previous year management - Italy only
T5ITAC Recalculation period management
T5ITAE Cumulation wage types of recalculated differences
T5ITAF Documents which can be linked to family ind. for fam.allow.
T5ITC1 Contributions
T5ITC2 Negative tax bases
T5ITC3 Lowest rate management
T5ITC4 Lowest rate amounts
T5ITC5 Tax scale rounding
T5ITC6 Contribution table extention for settlement
T5ITCI WT which form the tax base
T5ITD1 Family dependent deduction
T5ITD2 Direct employment deductions
T5ITDA Miscellaneous data deductions
T5ITDC Min. and max. number admitted for element type
T5ITEB Exposure indicator attribute for print
T5ITEC Calculation rules of exposure indicators ?
T5ITED Calculation rules for Totals 770
T5ITEF 770 form: heir management
T5ITEG Pay Scale Indicator 770
T5ITEH Activity area 770
T5ITEL Relation type 770
T5ITF3 Provision accrual
T5ITF6 Severance indemnity revaluation percentage table-HR Italy
T5ITF7 Severance pay
T5ITF8 Accrual settlement
T5ITF9 Accrual settlement indicators
T5ITGC Table of public holidays calculations on company behalf
T5ITGE Extra EEF monthly pay table
T5ITGI INPS authorization table
T5ITI2 INPS general data table
T5ITI3 Percentage table
T5ITIA Nursing table
T5ITIC Marriage leave table
T5ITID Blood donation table
T5ITII Sickness handling c/INPS table
T5ITIM Sickness handling c/company
T5ITIN Accident handling table
T5ITIP Maternity table
T5ITIS Sickness handling scale c/company
T5ITL3 Monthly decontribution
T5ITLA Severance indemnity calculation table
T5ITLF Min.and/or exempt amount processing - Italy only
T5ITM1 WT grouping indicators for overviews
T5ITN3 01/M period data
T5ITN5 INPS contract indicator
T5ITNC Additional data table at company level for DM and 01/M
T5ITND Place of work table
T5ITNI CUD: heir management
T5ITNP Table for print contribution
T5ITNR Calculation rule table
T5ITNV Assignment table of INPS levels
T5ITP2 Payments to social security funds
T5ITP4 Payments to fund management
T5ITPB Evaluation of calculation base - Italy only
T5ITPS Company activity indicator table
T5ITQ1 Rounding table
T5ITQ2 Net pay rounding table - Italy only
T5ITQI Table for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form
T5ITQN INAIL status and taxation indicators
T5ITR6 Local tax
T5ITR7 Taxation formula
T5ITS1 Percentage pay scale jumps - percentage ceiling
T5ITS2 Amount-based pay scale jumps - number/amount-based ceiling
T5ITS3 Amount-based pay scale jumps - fractional no. based ceiling
T5ITS4 Percentage pay scale jumps - number-based ceiling
T5ITS7 Insurance pay scale jumps - class change
T5ITSA Expiration management
T5ITT1 IRPEF table
T5ITT2 IRPEF negative tax base table
T5ITT5 IRPEF tax base rounding table
T5ITTA Previous years arrears
T5ITTB IRPEF miscellaneous data settlement
T5I30 Events and Reasons for Italy
T5IT01 Company
T5ITF24B Sort table
T5ITGS Table to manage severance pay choice
T5ITI5 Rules for the determination of work and absence days
T5ITI7 Parental leaves: parameters
T5ITI9 Table to split AB
T5ITIT Special parameters for grace
T5ITIU General parameters for grace
T5ITIV Nursing table
T5ITM6 District taxes
T5ITM9 District tax settlement referred to previous year
T5ITMA District tax payment steps
T5ITMB Payment phases calendar
T5ITP6 Regional taxes
T5ITP9 Regional tax settlements with reference to previous year
T5ITPA Regional taxes payment phases
T5ITQC PAT/TT - contribution indicator
T5ITQC_2 PAT/VT - Contribution Code - Weighted INAIL Rate
T5ITQD Association INAIL modifier to PAT/VT
T5ITQE Taxation type for infotype
T5ITQP INAIL positions
T5ITQR INAIL offices for positions
T5ITQS INAIL offices
T5ITR9 Local tax settlement with reference to previous year
T5ITRA Local tax payment steps
T5ITW9 Table to map codes and regions of the F24
T5ITD6 Deduction expected income table
T5ITGB Assign EEF Grouping
T5ITI8 Old evalution basis for absences
T5ITIG Ordinary days/hours table
T5ITQ8 Cont.&coord. services codes for employee status/type
T5ITWB Rule attributes
T5ITA4 Family allowance values - special
T5ITCF Taxpayer Identification Number of Agencies or Cash Offices
T5ITDE Family member type
T5ITF23 Codes without Accrual
T5ITF25 Link INPS Code Wage Type
T5ITR2 Regional Taxation - Corrective Measures
T5ITGG Table of general data for EEF
T5ITGM Highest rate table
T5ITGR Authorization grouping table
T5ITT7 Data settlement according to 730
T5ITIE Absence indicators