Belgium (PA-PA-BE)

ID: HLA0100264
Table Description
PA3440 HR Master Record: Infotype 3440
PA0125 HR Master Record: Infotype 0125 (Garnishment B)
PA0504 Pensioner's Advantage B
PA0569 HR Master Record: Infotype 0569
PA3207 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 3207
PA0100 HR Master Record: Infotype 0100 (SI B)
PA0101 HR Master Record: Infotype 0101 (Tax B)
PB0109 HR Master Record: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B)
PA0109 HR Master Record: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B)
PA3326 HR Master Record: Infotype 3326
PA0735 HR Master Record: Infotype 0735 (Dimona B)
PA0505 HR Master Record: Infotype 0505
PA3270 HR Master Record: Infotype 3270
PB0107 HR Master Record: Infotype 0107 (Planned Working Time B)
PA3271 HR Master Record: Infotype 3271
PA0107 HR Master Record: Infotype 0107 (Work Schedule B)
PA0503 Pensioner's Definition
PA0138 HR Master Record: Infotype 0138 (Family/Ref.Pers B)
PB0108 HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B)
PA0108 HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B)
T5BPC Postal Codes
T5B1S Companies
T5B16 Reason for Exemption
T5B24 Code of Pension Advantage
T5B27 Code Sickness and Invalidity Insurance
T5B1E Employee Groupings for Institution Tables
T5BDRJ Job Card Codes
T5BDRX Activa - SI Reductions
T5BDRZ Activa - Allowance Codes
T5BHA Values for Inflow and Outflow Types
T5BHB Retrocalculation Taxable Differences: Action Types
T5BD5 Inherently dangerous activities
T5BD7 Groupings of premium rates for risk activities
T5BDRM Grouping of deductions for DMFA
T5BP7 Internal absence code definition table
T5B17 Fiche 281.##
T5B21 Kind of Pension
T5B22 Periodicity
T5B26 Origin of Advantage
T5B28 Type of Index Pension Codes
T5B29 Kind of Calculation Pension
T5BFCN Fusion Code Belgium
T5BFCNT Fusion Code Text Table
T5B0F Country Codes & Nationalities (B)
T5B01 SI Categories Employees (B)
T5B02 SI Categories Employers (B)
T5B03 SI Specifications Employees (B)
T5B04 SI Notifications Employees (B)
T5B05 Function SI Hourly Paid Employee without Regulation (B)
T5B07 Profession Groups (B)
T5B09 Type deduction of SI-contribution employer (B)
T5B11 Tax Calculation Type (B)
T5B12 Spouse's Professions (B)
T5B13 Leave Regulation Taxes (B)
T5B14 Marital Status (B)
T5B53 Postal Codes for Taxes (B)
T5B5A Fusion Postal Codes
T5B5C Postal Codes Villages (B)
T5B6C Joint Commissions (B)
T5B71 Work Schedule Systems (B)
T5B72 Weekly Workdays "Regime" (B)
T5B73 Regulations Work Schedules (B)
T5BD1 Local Unit ID entities table
T5BDR Deductions codes for DMFA
T5BPM Absence modifier definition table BE
T5F99FU Investment Types for Capital Formation
T5B6B Pay Scale Agreements (B)
T5B1W Company ID
T5B1ET Text table for identity table employee grouping
T5B1WT Company ID Text
T5B0A Text Table SI Categories Employees (B)
T5B0B Text Table SI Categories Employers (B)
T5BPX Text table for internal absence codes BE
T5BPY Text table for BEMOD (absence processing modifier BE)
T5B0K Mapping of country ISO code to the NIS country code - Belg.
T5B15 Translation Table: Marital Status
T5B31 Translation Table BE Educational Leave Quotums
T5BVB Contract Type Belgium
T5BVD Mapping Table Educational Type
T5B1H Relationships Betw. Companies and Institutions
T5B1P Personnel subareas
T5B1R Relationships Betw. Pers. Subareas and Institutions
T5B1T Relationships Betw. Companies and Institutions
T5B1U Relationships Betw. Personnel Subareas and Institutions
T5B5D Match Belgium Postal codes to region
T5BREMESTY Reorganization measure - Reorg. Meas. Type assignment
T5B1ST Texts for companies (obsolete - not used)
T5BIE General extension table
T5BD3 Additional Social Insurance Contributions (obsolete)
T5BD6 Assignment of premium rates to risk activities
T5BP10 Mapping of absence categories to internal absence types
T5BP4 Absence splitting table
T5BP6 Rules for absence collision
T5B41 Mapping date types to internal date types for IT41(Belg.)
T5BDRY OBSOLETE:Job Card Code: Relation. with Deduc. and Allowances
T5BH1 Retrocalculation Taxable Differences: WT Assignment
T5BP5 Absence neighboring definition
T5BP8 Absence category attributes
T5BP9 Absence processing BE: illness attributes table.
T5BDRCV DmfA Deduction Code - Conversion Table
T5BDRYR Job Card Codes - Relation. Deductions, Allowances and Region
T5B9G Employee Groups/Subgroups (B)
T5B9A Institutions (B)
T5B9P Plant/Plant Section (B)