Austria (PA-PA-AT)

ID: HLA0100256
Table Description
T5AA1 B2A A1: PDF File and Relevant Record IT3671
T5A9A Created Statement of Employment (A)
PA3248 HR Master Record: Infotype 3248
T5AP0527_COSTD Cost Distribution for Infotypes 0527/3238
PA0751 HR Master Record: Infotype 0751 (Company Pension Plan AT)
PA0137 HR Master Record: Infotype 0137 (Garn. Compensation A)
PA0136 HR Master Record: Infotype 0136 (Garn. Transfer A)
PA3233 HR Master Record: Infotype 3233
PA0056 HR Master Record: Infotype 0056 (Sick Certificates A)
PA0526 HR Master Record: Infotype 0526
PA3347 HR Master Record Infotype 3347
PA3671 HR Master Record Infotype 3671
PA0044 HR Master Record: Infotype 0044 (Social Insurance - A)
PA0632 HR Master Record: Infotype 0632 (Semiretirement A)
PA0135 HR Master Record: Infotype 0135 (Spec. Garn. Cond. A)
PA3670 HR Master Record Infotype 3670 (SI Notifs A as of 2019)
PA0367 HR Master Record: Infotype 0367 (SI Notification Suppl. A)
PA0662 HR Master Record: Infotype 0662
PA0042 HR Master Record: Infotype 0042 (Fiscal Data - Austria)
PA0058 HR Master Record: Infotype 0058 (Commuter Rate - Austria)
PA0134 HR Master Record: Infotype 0134 (Garnishment Amount A)
PA3232 HR Master Record: Infotype 3232
PA0527 HR Master Record: Infotype 0527
PA3238 HR Master Record: Infotype 3238
PA3205 HR Master Record: Infotype 3205
PB0574 HR Master Record Infotype 0574 for Applicants
PA0055 HR Master Record: Infotype 0055 (Previous Employer - A)
PA0131 HR Master Record: Infotype 0131 (Garnishment/Cession A)
PA0132 HR Master Record: Infotype 0132 (Garnishment Claim A)
PA0133 HR Master Record: Infotype 0133 (Garn. Interest A)
T5A1I_BG Official SI Employee Groups of SI Agencies
T5A1I_EG Supplements to SI Agency
T5A1E Characteristics for Contribution Groups
T5A1F Values for Characteristic Types of Contribution Groups
T5A1I Technical Contribution Group
T5A1I_EA Property Types for Pay Scale Groups
T5A1I_EB Property Values
T5A1I_TR SI Agency
T5A1M_F4GRP Grouping F4 Display
T5ASZ Evaluation Method for Releases from Work
T5AA1_NT A1 Notification
T5A1I_TB Technical Employee Groups
T5A03 Employee Groups/Employee Subgroups
T5A2C Texts for Tax Exemption
T5A2T Tax Procedure (A)
T5A6A Adjustment Types
T5A6B Equalization Reasons
T5A6E Garnishment Group
T5A6H Rules of a Garnishment Group
T5A4S Assgmt Job/Pos. to Heavy Labor Pos. in Acc. with Sec. 5 Reg.
T5A2S_PP Commuter Rate (Kilometer Limit)
T5A6C Special Garnishment Cases
T5A1M_F4SVAL Values in F4 Display
T5A1I_AN Social insurance institutes
T5A1A SI Groups (Austria)
T5A1M_F4SGRPT Texts for Subgrouping F4 Display
T5AISTATT Texts for Request Status
T5A2CT Texts for Tax Exemption
T5A2TT Tax Procedure (A) Translation
T5ASZ_T Evaluation Method for Releases from Work (Text Table)
T5A09 Subapplications for Austria
T5A0A ER Assgmt Unit for Authorities
T5A1B_AV Unemployment Insurance Scale
T5A1D SI Characteristics for Contribution Groups
T5A1Y Age-Dependent SI Contribution Groups
T5A2L Additional Information for Annual Data Medium L16
T5A9B Payment Attributes for Subapplications
T5AE1 Absence Types: Entry for Illness Notification
T5AE2 Absence Types: Alignment for Illness Notification
T5AE3 Absence Types: Conversion in Event of Missing Illness Notif.
T5AEA Function Numbers
T5APG Customer Layer f. Dynamic Instance Generation (Analog T5APF)
PA0467 HR Master Record: Infotype 0467 (Add'l SI Notif. f.Comp A)
T5A1S Employer Account Numbers with Social Insurance Bodies
T5A1W SI Age Levels
T5A1Z ELDA: Check Table for Dereg. Reason and End of Employment
T5A1Z_PBS ELDA: Check Table for Dereg. Reason and End of Employment
T5A2G_NEW Municipality Code and Municipality Status
T5A4D Time-Dependent Entitlement Quotas
T5A1C_UML Contribution Amount/Types Encrpyted in T5A1X (NTS)
T5A1I_PGRT SI Employment Area Text
T5A1I_TG TASY Properties of Official Pay Scale Groups
T5A1M_F4 F4 Selection
T5A1M_F4FATTR Field Attributes F4 Display
T5A1M_F4FIELD Fields - F4 Display
T5A4Q_TIM Time-Dependent Properties of Attendance/Absence Categories
T5AA0 Absence Quota Type for Recognition of Leave
T5ASY Payroll Control Using Release from Work Evaluation Method
T5AA1_EMDEF A1 Notification: E-Mail Parameters
T5A0A_NEW Employer Assignment to Tax Authorities (New)
T5A1C_NTS Obsolete: SI Contributions/Amounts for Manual Entries NTS
T5A1I_BEG Properties of Technical Pay Scale Groups
T5A1I_BGE Possible Supplements to SI Employee Groups
T5A1I_BTS Obsolete: Successor is T5A1I_LGART
T5A1I_IM SI Pay Scale Implementation per Step
T5A1I_TBE Properties of the Technical Employee Groups
T5A1I_TBG Official SI Employee Group for Technical Employee Group
T5A1I_TRZ Internal Key of SI Agency with Supplement
T5A1I_TS Obsolete: T5A1I_TS replaced by T5A1I_TSE
T5A1S_NEW Employer Account Numbers at SI Bodies (Time Dependent)
T5A1X_NTS Obsolete: Control for Determining SI Contributions (A)
T5A2S_FBPI Indexing of Family Bonus / Sole Wage Earner/Single Parent
T5A2S_FBPI2 Indexing Family Bonus Plus
T5A1B SI Contribution Groups
T5A1C SI Contributions/Contribution Amounts
T5A1X Control for Determining SI Contributions (A)
T5A0P Personnel Area/Subarea AT
T5A2F Tax Offices (A)
T5A2G Municipalities
T5A2S Deduction Amounts: Tax (A)
T5A5Z System Responses for Master Data Maintenance
T5A1T Social insurance institutes
T5A2D Tax Procedure and Reasons for Tax Exemption
T5A2E Income Tax Rates
T5A4A General Absence Data
T5A4C Entitlement Quotas (Obsolete)
T5A4H Date Specifications (Continued Pay)
T5A4U Entitlement Quotas
T5A5F Technical control for sickness certificates
T5A5K Forms for domestic sickness certificates
T5A5U Forms for Leave Sickness Certificates