- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
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- Enterprise Portal (EP)
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- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
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- Enterprise Compensation Management (PA-EC)
- Fiori UI for Personnel Administration (PA-FIO)
- HR Administrative Services (PA-AS)
- HR Information Systems (PA-IS)
- HR Manager's Desktop (PA-MA)
- Integration with SuccessFactors BizX (PA-SFI)
- Management of Global Employees (PA-GE)
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- Pension Schemes (PA-PF)
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- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
China (PA-PA-CN)
ID: JD10000018
Table | Description |
T7CNREW_APRPARS | Payroll result master table |
T7CNST | CN: Last Result of Simulate Termination Payment for Labor WB |
T7CNRM_RPTASSIGN | Assign Reports for User |
HRP5058 | DB Table for Infotype 5058 |
PA0528 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0528 (Family information) |
PA3422 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3422 |
PA3533 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3533 |
PA3534 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3534 |
PA0529 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0529 (Add. Personal Data CN) |
PA0531 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0531 (Income Tax) |
PA0536 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0536 (Administration) |
PA3531 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3531 |
HRHAPCN_OBJ_MSG | Object Library: Additional Message |
PA3532 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3532 |
PA0534 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0534 (Party Infomation) |
PA3224 | Contract Termination (CN) |
PA0532 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0532 (Insurance) |
PA0537 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0537 (Going Abroad Information) |
PA3529 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3529 |
PA0533 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0533 (Personal File Managment) |
PA3528 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3528 |
PA0530 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0530 (Public Housing Fund) |
PA3212 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3212 (Special Payment CN) |
PA0535 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0535 (Project & Achievement) |
PA3530 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3530 |
PA3211 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3211 (Contract Elements CN) |
PA3527 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3527 |
PB3527 | Applicant data infotype 3527 (model) |
T7CNRM_DREPORT | Report with Dynamic Rows or Columns |
T7CNTC_BR_DETAIL | Detail of Calculation Base Rule |
T7CNRM_RPTSTA | Statistical Dimension Definition |
T7CN28 | Service Fee to Holding Location |
T7CNRM_CHNGCNTNT | Detail of Change Management |
T7CNRM_DECITM | Determining Factor Item |
T7CN15 | Social insurance authority institution information |
T7CN16 | Public Housing Fund authority institution information |
T7CNRM_TXDTTYP | Detail of Statistical Item Type of Text |
T7CNRM_GRPDIM | Grouping Dimension |
T7CNTC | Define Tax Calculation Rule |
T7CNRMP_CUST_PD | Configuration Table for Fields in Organization Management |
HRHAPCN_OBJ_LOG | Object Library: Action Log - Additional Data |
T7CNREW_APRHIS | Payroll approval item history |
T7CNREW_APRITEM | Payroll approval items |
T7CNRM_FRMOPR | Operands for Formula |
T7CNRM_RSCNTNT | Reporting Structure Content |
T7CNREW_APRCFG | Approval flow |
T7CNRMP_DETITM | Determining Factor Item |
T7CNRMP_RPTASSGN | Assign Reports for User |
T7CNRMP_RPTSTA | Statistical Dimension for Report |
T7CN17 | Minimum Salary |
T7CNRM_REPORT | Report |
T7CNRMP_RPTGRP | Grouping Dimension for Report |
T7CN3F | Reported Tax Data |
T7CNRMP_SUMITM | Summary Structure Item |
T7CN6H | Position Holding Type |
T7CNA1 | check table for attribue of educational institution |
T7CNA3 | Check table for Instruction Mode |
T7CNAA | Qualification Certificate Code |
T7CNAB | Qualification Certificate Level |
T7CNAC | Application Type |
T7CNAD | Way of Acquiring the Qualification certificate |
T7CNAE | Title Category |
T7CNAF | Evaluation Panel |
T7CNAK | Off Position Type |
T7CNAL | Retirement Type |
T7CNAM | Issued By |
T7CNAN | Retmt Grade |
T7CNAO | Highest Position |
T7CNAP | Paid By |
T7CNAQ | Retmt Benefits Type |
T7CNAR | Retirement Benefits |
T7CNAS | Early Retmt Reason |
T7CNAU | Awards/Penalties Reason Code |
T7CNC2 | Define Status of Corporate Pension Plan |
T7CNC3 | Reason for Changing Plan Information |
T7CNC6 | Define Participant Status |
T7CNC7 | Define Reason for Participant Status Change |
T7CNDC | Define Disability Classification |
T7CNDE | Employee Grouping of Disability |
T7CNDG | Define Disability Grade |
T7CNLC_DECTYP | Decision Type |
T7CNLC_OUTCM | Outcome |
T7CNLC_TMNGRP | Termination Group |
T7CNLC_TMNRSN | Termination Reason |
T7CN21 | Contribution Group |
T7CN23 | Contribution Level |
T7CN35 | Special rule rely on protocol |
T7CN40 | Personal File Category |
T7CN41 | From/To Category |
T7CN44 | Social Class Status |
T7CN45 | Personal Identity |
T7CN54 | Role in project |
T7CN55 | Achievement(Result) Level Code |
T7CN56 | Achievement(Reward) Code |
T7CN57 | Position Category Code |
T7CN58 | Position Name Code |
T7CN59 | Political status |
T7CN60 | Appointment Reason Code |
T7CN61 | Position Level Code |
T7CN62 | Position Type Code |
T7CN63 | Going Abroad Purpose Category |
T7CN64 | Expense Provider Category |
T7CN65 | Occupation status for family member |
T7CN67 | Political Affiliation Exception Type |
T7CN68 | Project Type |
T7CN90 | Year end tax declaration reported information - CTXE |
T7CNRM_BCTGRY | Business Category |
T7CNRM_PSTATS | Reporting Period Status |
T7CNRM_RPSTRU | Reporting Structure |
T7CNREW_APRDEL | Payroll renewal - Approval set delegation |
T7CNREW_USRFPA | User favorate control record |
T7CNDE_SUBTC | Deduction Subcategory |
T7CNT1 | Tax Declaration Report Controlling Setup |
T7CNY1 | Individual Tax Declaration Income Type for Year-end |
T7CNRMP_CUSTEXT | Customer Exit |
T7CNRMP_DETFCT | Determining Factor |
T7CNRMP_DREPORT | Report with Dynamic Rows or Columns |
T7CNRMP_SUMSTRU | Summary Structure |
T7CNRM_FMTITM | Format Item |
T7CNRM_FORMULA | Calculation Formula |
T7CNRM_TTABMAP | Mapping Table of the Corresponding Text Table and Text Field |
T7CNC1 | Define Corporate Pension Plan |
T7CNRMP_VALUEITM | Value Item of Statistical Item with Value Reading Type |
T7CNRM_COUNTER | Counter for Technical Keys |
T7CNDX | Tax Policy for Disability Employee Groups |
T7CNRM_SASSGN | Business Category Assignment |
T7CN36 | Tax grouping for company |
T7CNRM_DECFCT | Define Determining Factors |
T7CNDE_CITYC | Working City Category |
T7CNRMP_FRMOPR | Formula Operand |
T7CN38 | Occupation category |
T7CNCA | Define Contribution Period |
T7CNRA | Assignment of Tax Calculation Rule to Income Category |
T7CN39 | Income category |
T7CNRM_ASSIGN | Report Assignment |
T7CNRM_RPTPRD | Reporting Period Definition |
T7CNC0 | Contribution Calculation |
T7CNRX | Tax Calculation Rule Configuration |
T7CNCP | Commercial Pension Insurance Product |
T7CNIW | Wagetype Configuration for Income Category |
T7CNC8 | Define External Institution |
T7CN31 | Special rule category |
T7CNC9 | Assign External Institution to Pension Plan |
T7CN32 | Tax Area |
T7CNA2T | Text table for category of educational institution |
T7CN6X | Occoupation status text |
T7CNRM_DREPORTT | Text Table of Report with Dynamic Rows or Columns |
T7CN09 | Periods of Notice (CN) |
T7CN2W | Assign Wage Types for Supplementary Insurance |
T7CN37 | country codes for china tax |
T7CNLC_ASSOUT | Assignment of Outcome |
T7CNLC_STRS | CN: Wage Type Assignment for Simulate Termination PY Result |
T7CNLG | wage Type table |
T7CNTX | Tax Rate or Amount Paid by Employer |
T7CN0P | Personal Areas/Subareas (CHINA) |
T7CN13 | Salary information (CN) |
T7CN29 | Social insurance |
T7CN30 | Tax Withholding Fast Formula |
T7CN33 | Exempted Amount Table |
T7CN34 | Special Calculation Rule |
T7CN71 | Province Key for CN |
T7CN80 | Service year Valuation Rule |
T7CN27 | Social average salary switch period |
T7CNRM_DECSET | Decision Factor SET - OBSOLETE |
T7CNRM_FORMAT | Define Report Layout Format - OBSOLETE |
T7CN20 | Contribution base |
T7CN69 | Project or Achievement Related Infomation |
T7CN13_SWITCH | Switch Period to Read Salary Information |
T7CN20_CHI | CHI Tax Exemption for Tax Area (CN) |
T7CN20_CPI | CPI Tax Exemption for Tax Area (CN) |
T7CNDE_AMOUNT | Deduction Amount for Deduction Type |
T7CNF2 | Wage Type Assignment for Income Type in Tax Declaration |
T7CNTX_AMT | Tax Area Relevant Amount |
T7CNTX_RATE | Tax Withholding Fast Formula - Tax Reform |
T7CNY2 | Wage Type Assignment for Income Type in Year-end Report |
T7CN10 | Tax Calculation for Casual Worker |
T7CN11 | Tax Rate for Additional Tax |
HRHAPCN_FPROPS | Field Properties |