Brazil (PA-PA-BR)

ID: AHR0000083
Table Description
T7BREFD_DEPPLAN Dependent of health care private plan
T7BREFD_EEGAR Payments made to alimony beneficiaries
T7BR_UNINEE Application record - unemployment insurance
T7BREFD_BENEFRY Beneficiary information group
T7BREFD_TRAINER Professional responsible for training
T7BREFD_EEDEP Dependents
T7BREFD_ERCNTC Contact of person responsible for information
T7BREFD_BENDEP Beneficiary dependents
T7BREFD_PYGAR Payments made to alimony beneficiaries
T7BREFD_TRAINING Tranings and simulated training
T7BREFD_ASOMON Biological monitoring result
T7BREFD_BENDATA Data related to the benefit.
T7BREFD_EEPENSN Information on provider of survivor`s pension
T7BREFD_STLOG Event status log
T7BREFD_STERR Status error
T7BREFD_VACPAY Detail of payments made regading the vacation.
T7BREFD_PYREM Employee remuneration information
T7BREFD_CATADDRS Accident location
T7BREFD_ACCIDPLC Accident location
T7BREFD_EEADDR Employee address
T7BREFD_PYTOT Totaling of worker's remuneration
T7BREFD_EELOAN Loaned employee information
T7BREFD_EEINFO Employee information
T7BREFD_ABSRECT Temporary absence correction information
T7BREFD_BENONRES Data of beneficiary non-resident or resident abroad
T7BREFD_FINIS NIS archive information
T7BREFD_EETERM Termination
T7BREFD_EEABS Employee temporary absence
T7BREFD_EERABS Employee temporary absence return
T7BREFD_EESDMP Dismissal protection start
T7BREFD_EETEMP Worker on temporary loan
T7BREFD_BENCESS Information regarding the benefit termination
T7BREFD_BENSUSP Information regarding benefit suspension
T7BREFD_EEEDMP Dismissal protection end
T7BREFD_PYRCPT Payments made to the worker
T7BREFD_PYREOT Remuneration other company codes
T7BREFD_PYPART Comp.information regarding the partial made payment
T7BRUNIONDUE Information on the employer union dues
T7BREFD_EEOINF Other information of employee
T7BREFD_NIDENPAY Payments to unidentified beneficiaries
T7BREFD_ININFO Trainee exclusive information
T7BREFD_PYWTAM Wage types that form the employee remuneration
T7BREFD_NFS Invoice details
T7BREFD_BENEF Payment beneficiary identification.
T7BREFD_NDOCK Remuneration of temporary workers, non dockworkers
T7BREFD_PYPAYINF Details on payments made regarding payroll
T7BREFD_PYRESC Information regarding harmfAgent and simplesInfo
T7BREFD_RULAW Lawsuit of rural producer
T7BREFD_RURLWRKR Rural producer information
T7BREFD_UNIONDUE Information on the employer union dues
T7BREFD_FEDLIM Federative person compensation limits
T7BREFD_PAYRESC Details on payments made regarding terminations
T7BREFD_PREVINF Payment detail
T7BREFD_PYBENINF Detail of payments regarding Welfare benefits
T7BREFD_RURALACQ Acquisition of rural production information
T7BREFD_PSPYWTAM Wage types that form the employee remuneration
T7BREFD_RPPS Public agency - Special Social Welfare Policy
T7BREFD_EECNTRPS Statutory worker information
T7BREFD_ASO Occupational health certificate
T7BREFD_CAT Communication of work accident
T7BREFD_COMPLINF Additional information to periodic events
T7BREFD_EELAWS Lawsuit of the employee
T7BREFD_ERCOINFO Company additional information
T7BREFD_EXMPINC Exempt/non-taxable income
T7BREFD_HAZCAT Risk factors
T7BREFD_HAZINF Environmental risk factors
T7BREFD_HELPLAN CNPJ of health plan provider
T7BREFD_INTWRK Intermittent work convocation information
T7BREFD_LAWSTRD Information on the existence of lawsuits
T7BREFD_LEGCOMP Information regarding legal compensation
T7BREFD_PAYINFO Information on the payments made
T7BREFD_REINT Reintegration information
T7BREFD_ROLE Role identification information
T7BREFD_RPLCOP Replacement information regarding port operators
T7BREFD_WRKENV Work environment information
T7BREFD_ALQFEN Federative person factoring information
T7BREFD_BENINFO Beneficiary and income identification
T7BREFD_BREAKT Work day breaks
T7BREFD_CATCAUSE Work accident causer detail
T7BREFD_CATVICT Detail of the victims of the work accident
T7BREFD_DETCOM Detail of competences to which the payment refers
T7BREFD_DNOD1300 Dependents control of the eSocial framework 1300 - PAY
T7BREFD_DRUGTEST Information on drug testing for professional drivers
T7BREFD_BRANCH Branches/construction sites table
T7BREFD_CATCERT Medical certificate
T7BREFD_CAT_INFO Communication of work accident
T7BREFD_EEASO Occupational health certificate
T7BREFD_EEBANK Employee bank details
T7BREFD_EEDISA Challenged employee
T7BREFD_EEDOCS Employee identification documents
T7BREFD_EEFOR Foreign employee
T7BREFD_EEIDPY Worker identification
T7BREFD_EEORES Condominium information
T7BREFD_EESVNC Information group of employment relationship succession
T7BREFD_EEWRKP Employee place of work
T7BREFD_ENV_INFO Information on work environments and risk factors
T7BREFD_ERBKSH Bank information
T7BREFD_EREXEM Additional information - Exempted companies - Exemption data
T7BREFD_ERINFO Employer identification
T7BREFD_EROINF Other employer information
T7BREFD_ERSWHO Software house information
T7BREFD_EVDEL Event exclusion
T7BREFD_HAZINFO Risk factors
T7BREFD_JOB Job information
T7BREFD_MEDEXAM Occupational medical examination information
T7BREFD_NTPRCA Cancellation of notice period
T7BREFD_PYAGRE Identification of agreement/convention/bargaining
T7BREFD_PYCLOSE Information on closing of periodic events
T7BREFD_PYPER period to which the remuneration differences refer to
T7BREFD_PYWPL Establishment identification and workplace
T7BREFD_TEMPWRK Infomation regarding temporary worker's remuneration
T7BREFD_WRKPLC Workplace information
T7BREFD_WRKSCH Workday information
T7BREFD_WTYPE Wage type information
T7BREFD_EEUNION Worker trade union membership
T7BREFD_ENVCODE Work environment information
T7BREFD_EPC Collective protection equipments - EPC
T7BREFD_LAWCOINF Additional information of legal decisions
T7BREFD_LAWYER Lawyer identification
T7BREFD_LEGALFEE Detail of lawsuit fees
T7BREFD_NRESIPAY Payment to non-resident or resident abroad
T7BREFD_ORGEDUC Educational entity
T7BREFD_PAYBPF Beneficiary natural person - resident in Brazil
T7BREFD_PAYBPJ Framework table control
T7BREFD_PORTOP Port operator information
T7BREFD_PREMREG Information on the employee preliminary record
T7BREFD_PSCAREER Payout suspension information on taxes and FGTS
T7BREFD_RESMON Biological monitoring manager data
T7BREFD_RISKDATE Information on work environments and risk factors
T7BREFD_RKDTHCHG Environmental working conditions - Change
T7BREFD_RKDTHEND Environmental working conditions - End
T7BREFD_RKDTHSTA Environmental working conditions - Beginn
T7BREFD_RKDTSCHG Environm.working conditions that originate retirem.- Change
T7BREFD_RKDTSEND Environm.working conditions that originate retirem.- End
T7BREFD_RKDTSSTA Environm.working conditions that originate retirem.- Beginn
T7BREFD_RUMKT Information on the establishment that traded the production
T7BREFD_SUSPINF Payout suspension information on taxes and FGTS
T7BREFD_WTSUIT Administrative process or lawsuit related to a wage type
T7BREFD_ABSMEDC Additional information regarding medical certificate
T7BREFD_CPFCHG CPF change information group
T7BREFD_DUMMYNOD Table for recursive node control
T7BREFD_FGTSLOAN Information on payroll loan operation with FGTS
T7BREFD_BCPFCHG CPF change information group
T7BREFD_BENSUCN Benefit transfer information group
T7BREFD_EECNTC Employee contact information
T7BREFD_EEDWSC Regular workday information
T7BREFD_EEEODS Union leader source company
T7BREFD_EEEWSC Special workday information
T7BREFD_EEFACT Relevant fact statement
T7BREFD_EEFWSC Workday in fixed shifts information
T7BREFD_EELVNT Employee leave notice
T7BREFD_EETRFR Worker transfer information group
T7BREFD_EEVWSC Relief shift workday information
T7BREFD_ERFGTS Exclusive information for FGTS
T7BREFD_PYBENEF Information on paymento to beneficiary public sector
T7BREFD_PYCMPL Payroll additional information
T7BREFD_PYINFO Payroll additional information
T7BREFD_PYPAY Wage types that form employee remuneration
T7BREFD_PYPREPER Informs remuneration differences from previous period
T7BREFD_PYREVN Payroll additional information
T7BREFD_EERISK Harmful agents
T7BREFD_EPCEPI Information on EPC and EPI
T7BREFD_EPI Individual protection equipment
T7BRTIME_EEINFO Additional time information of employee AFD
T7BREFD_EECOMP Employee identification additional information
T7BREFD_EEWERT Info termination employee with no employment relationship
T7BREFD_EVLNK Event copntrol table event link
T7BREFD_PREVPAY Payment regarding the eSocial start
T7BREFD_EELINF Employee legal information
T7BREFD_INFRRA Additional information - income received cumulatively
T7BREFD_EECNTR Employment information
T7BREFD_EERSNC Change to absence reason
T7BREFD_ADMLAWST Administrative lawsuit information
T7BREFD_DETDEDUC Detail of deductions
T7BREFD_DTCTRL Current and previous validity
T7BREFD_ENVRESP Information on the environmental records responsible
T7BR_UNINHE Header record - unemployment insurance
T7BREFD_BENRACT Benefit reactivation information
T7BREFD_CESSION Information regarding assignment/exercise in another body
T7BREFD_PAYEXT regarding payment made to beneficiary abroad
T7BR_UNINTR Trailer record - unemployment insurance
T7BREFD_BATCH Batch table of the eSocial
PA0736 Alimony order for Brazil
PA0738 Alimony adjustment for Brazil
T7BREFD_DDLINE Event deadline calculation rules
PA0661 Termination: general data
PA0737 Alimony debit for Brazil
PA0397 Infotype 0021 Family
PA0398 Infotype 0016 - Corporation and contract agreements
PA0410 Infotype 0410 - Transportation ticket
PB0398 Infotype 0016 - Corporation and contract agreements
PA0437 Multiple employment (BR)
PA0465 HR master record infotype 0465
PA0625 Infotype 0002 - Race/complexion
PA0695 HR Master record infotype 0695
PA0734 HR master record infotype 0734
PB0465 HR master record infotype 0465
PB0625 Infotype 0002 - Race/complexion
PB0695 HR Master record infotype 0695
PB0734 HR master record infotype 0734
T7BREFD_STBAT Table for change log in the batch
T7BREFD_RULED Rule condition for event
T7BRTR Transportation ticket
T7BR_DOCUMENTS Table to store XML sent to the government
T7BRGR SIB table - Self-employed
T7BR1B Union
T7BRCO5 Compensation balance of GSW
T7BRCO6 Field values of GSW (FCSWI)
T7BREFD_EVTYPE Event types
T7BR95 null
T7BR20 Brazilian Job Occupation Code
T7BR596 Application groups
T7BR7B School grade
T7BR7C Education
T7BR98 Employee grouping for calculation of severance pay
T7BRAG Harmful agent exposure codes (FCSWI)
T7BRB6 Branch - Employee tab page no.
T7BRCX Worker categories (FCSWI)
T7BRG4 Calculation unit for alimony
T7BRMP Employment relationship
T7BRT2 Transportation type
T7BREFD_EVTDATA eSocial event data
T7BREFD_TYPINF Information type
T7BREFD_CONFIG System configurations for eSocial
T7BREFD_RULE Rules for events
T7BRB4 Branch - Withholding Income Tax Declaration
T7BR0F Third-party payment assignment
T7BRDR Withholding Income Tax Declaration withholding code
T7BRFM Employee movement code for FGTS
T7BRNJ Legal nature of establishment
T7BRRA Employee's movement code to SIAL
T7BRSA Movement code for FGTS withdrawal
T7BRTH Third-party code
T7BRAE Economic activity
T7BREFD_EVTOGEN Control table of events to be generated
T7BREFDMEVENTS Code mapping for EFD
T7BREFD_DOCLNK Document links for the eSocial
T7BRCITY_TEXT Text table for Brazilian municipality code
T7BR97 null
T7BR01 Losing leave entitlement: rules
T7BR02 Additional information for absence and quota generation
T7BR03 Relate wage types to old results
T7BR0A Split of absence valuation periods
T7BR0P Personnel areas assignment to branches/c.sites groups
T7BR4C Wage types for leave valuation
T7BR596W Wage Types associated to application groups
T7BR86 Wage types for saving entitlement to leave reserve
T7BR90 Rules for calculation of severance pay
T7BR9A Discount percentage on third-party payment
T7BRAI Inflation adjustment
T7BRAS IAI percentage for special retirement
T7BRB3 Branch, SIAL report
T7BRC0 Construction site code
T7BRCO1 Table for GSW assembly
T7BRCO2 Collect codes of SWG
T7BRCO3 Collect codes of GSW due to retroactive accounting reason
T7BRCO4 Groups for GSW fill in
T7BRCS Contract salaries
T7BRD0 Transfer of payroll external results: PRS
T7BRDE Dependents eligibility for income tax
T7BRE1 Full description of marital status
T7BRES Schools
T7BRIS SIB table
T7BRPP Wage types for planned period
T7BRPZ Wage types for planned period
T7BRQT Absence quota type
T7BRRK Hazard and health risk grouping
T7BRSB Exclusion of movement code for FGTS withdrawal
T7BRSF Child allowance
T7BRSI SIB table
T7BRSS SS Relation between value type (BRSOC) and wage type
T7BRT1 null
T7BRTA Union dues
T7BRTX WIT table
T7BRX1 Labor Debits
T7BR06 Parameters Responsible branch - SIAL
T7BR07 Parameters Responsible branch - SEFIP
T7BRB7 SEFIP: revenue Sports Event/ Sponsored Subscription
T7BRB8 SEFIP: other informations per site
T7BRCP Wage type assignment for absence double compensation
T7BRS1 Child allowance eligibility of subtypes of IT21
T7BRAB Additional information for absences
T7BRAP Branches and/or construction sites grouping
T7BRB1 Branch - general information
T7BRB2 Branch - Social insurance body
T7BRC1 Construction site information
T7BRCB Brazilian Job Occupation Code (by position)
T7BREC Marital status description
T7BRNA Nationality codes
T7BRT0 Legal rights associated with employee situation
T7BRC2 Company - General information
T7BRWT Assignment of wage types for absence in double
T7BREFD_EEREM Remuneration information
T7BRTAXWRKPLC Tax workplaces
T7BRANCH_ATTR Branch/construction site and HR attributes
T7BREFD_CODATIV Work environment information (obsolete)
T7BREFD_EVTY_C Event types
T7BREFD_WTLAWS Processes - Obsolete table - See T7BREFD_WTSUIT
T7BRTAXWRKAREA Personnel area/subarea and tax workplaces
T7BREFD_MSGS Possible messages in batches/events
T7BRCONVRULE Value conversion
T7BREFD_ITEVTRIG Fields of infotypes relevant for event generation
T7BRERCONTACT Company contact table
T7BRTM Punch clock codes