South Africa (PA-PA-ZA)

ID: HLA0100320
Table Description
T5WITA88 ITA88 Transaction Table
T5W2MC Municipality Codes
PA0151 HR Master Record Infotype 0151 (Ext.Insurance South Africa)
PA0848 HR Master Record Infotype 0848 (Bursary Payments SA)
PA0149 HR Master Record Infotype 0149 (Tax Data South Africa)
HRP1631 DB Table for Infotype 1631
HRP1630 DB Table for Infotype 1630
HRP1632 DB Table for Infotype 1632
PA3202 HR Master Record: Infotype 3202
PA0150 HR Master Record Infotype 0150 (Social Insurance SA)
PA3366 HR Master Record: Infotype 3366
PA0725 Foreign income SARS codes (South Africa)
PB3366 Applicant data infotype 3366 (model)
T5W7A Salary components
T5W1N Social insurance schemes
T5W9S Status/Level of a Labour Relation intervention process
T5WA Electronic fund transfer codes
T5W9T Possible Object Types of Lab.Rel. Participants
T5W8A NQF Field Defintion
T5W8B NQF Sub-fields
T5W8C Qualifiaction types
T5W8O Register of object links to their NQF appraisal models
T5W2B (Old) Tax Status Indicators (South Africa)
T5W2C (Old) Tax Age Group Indiciators (South Africa)
T5W2D (Old) Employment Indicators (South Africa)
T5W9R Reasons for Labour Relations interventions
T5W5A Bank check digit verification table for South Africa
T5W2U South African Employment Indicators
T5W17 SOC Codes (South Africa)
T5W7H Salary packaging: Categories of salary components
T5WOF OFO Codes (South Africa)
T5W7AT Salary component text
T5W9CT Text - Categories for Labour Relations types
T5W9OT Text - Outcome Types Labour Relations Interventions
T5W9PT Text - Participating Roles for Lab. Relations Interventions
T5W9RT Text - Reasons for Labour Relations interventions
T5W9ST Text - Status/Level of a Lab. Relation intervention process
T5W9TT Text - Possible Object Types of Lab.Rel. Participants
T5W1H Medical Aid Payment model Assignment
T5W1M Social insurance companies
T5W1X Social Insurance Contributions ZA
T5W2P South African Revenue Service Offices
T5W4A Leave parameter table - Southern Africa
T5W4B Leave entitlement (IT0005) parameter table - Southern Africa
T5W7B Predefined attributes of salary components
T5W7C Eligibility of salary components
T5W81 Regional Services Councils
T5W2V South Africa - Form Names
T5WET Employee Tax incentive
T5WOC Link Occupation Codes with Alt. Titles/Spec.
T5WOCT Alternative Title / Specialization (South Africa)
T5WOM Link Major and Skill Levels (OFO South Africa)
T5WOT OFO Codes Descriptions (South Africa)
T5WRTW Retro wagetypes configuration
T5W0P (Old) UIF reference number assignment to personnel area/sba.
T5W1Y Medical Aid contribution (as of 01.01.2000)
T5W8FUNC NQF Appraisl modelFunction modules
T5W8H Appraisal templates
T5W8I Appraisal template - Object attributes
HRP1633 DB Table for Infotype 1633
T5W14 Obsolete (see Note 641916)
T5W15 Job to SOC Code Allocation (South Africa)
T5W16 Position to SOC Code Allocation (South Africa)
T5W1Z Late Joiner Penalties
T5W4S Absence Types for UIF Download Report
T5W8P Strategic Skills Priorities
T5WRFN ZA Tax and UIF reference number table
T5WER South Africa - IRP5 Company Contact Person Details
T5WMW Wage Regulating Measure
T5W2F (Old) RSA Tax Procedures
T5W1K Pension Funds and Medical Aid Schemes (RSA)
T5W1O Contributions for Social Insurances
T5W2A (Old) Tax Revenue Offices (South Africa)
T5W2E (Old) Tax Regions (South Africa)
T5W2H (Old) Tax Rebates (South Africa)
T5W2I (Old) RSA Tax Year Specifications