South Korea (PA-PA-KR)

ID: JD1000001
Table Description
PA0557 HR Master Record: Infotype 0557
PA0540 Family KOR
T7KR5C Define Infotype's Secondary Subtype
PA0539 HR Master Record: Infotype 0539
PA0555 HR Master Record: Infotype 0555
PA3538 HR Master Record: Infotype 3538
PB0539 HR Master Record: Infotype 0539
PA0543 HR Master Record: Infotype 0543
PA3542 HR Master Record: Infotype 3542 (Previous Employers KR)
PA0544 HR Master Record: Infotype 0544
PA0538 HR Master Record: Infotype 0538
PA0541 HR Master Record: Infotype 0541
PA0545 HR Master Record: Infotype 0545
PA0881 HR Master Record: Infotype 0881
PA0812 HR Master Record: Infotype 0812
PA0542 Y.E.A. KR
PA0698 HR Master Record: Infotype 0698
PA0858 HR Master Record: Infotype 0858
PA0809 HR Master Record: Infotype 0809
T7KR25 HR SI Entitlement Reason (KOR)
T7KRC0 Additional data : National Contributor KR
T7KRC2 Additional data : National contributor(Recruit method) KR
T7KRC4 Addtional data : Type of challenge KR
T7KRM0 Military Rank KR
T7KRM2 Military Service Type KR
T7KRM4 Job Class in Military KR
T7KR33 HR Indicator of Social Insurance Rate KR
T7KR35 HR Non-taxable/Exempted Fields on YEA Receipt
T7KR38 Retirement Reason
T7KRR9 Participant Status
T7KRC6 Additional data : Job type for unemployment insurance
T7KRC8 Additional data: recruit method for unemployment insurance
T7KRE2 Define the school type KR
T7KRD0 Disciplinary Type KR
T7KRM6 Military Primary Skill KR
T7KRDP KR Data Protection Administration
T7KRYE Korea Paperless YEA - Data Defination
T7KRSR Korea Premium Rate for NP, EI and WCI
T7KR39 Dependant's Type
T7KRR2 Retirement Pension Plan
T7KRL1 HR Loan Repayment Off cycle reason KR
T7KR5D Financial Institution Code
T7KRR3 External Institution
T7KRR5 Decision Factor for Contribution Rate
T7KR28 Validity period for Version of SI grade table
T7KRMR HR Medical Insurance Premium Rate (KR)
T7KRSI HR Social Insurance Agency
T7KRIR HR Rate for Social Insurance KR
T7KR5A Korea Infotype Subtype Repeat/Non-Repeat Setting
T7KRNF HR Associate Non-taxable/Exempted Allowance to Form Fields
T7KRR6 Rate Value for Decision Factor
T7KRR7 Contribution Calculation Method
T7KRE0 Definition school career (conversion table)
T7KRST Simple tax table
T7KR0P HR Personnel area/subarea (KOR)
T7KR21 HR Combination of entitlement reason & SI code
T7KRBP Business Place KR
T7KR5B Define Infotype Non-Repeat Structure Fields by Subtype
T7KRIC Korea Social Insurance Contribution
T7KREYE Year End Adjustment Information Updating Log
T7KRSS Simple Tax Table