Croatia (PA-PA-HR)

ID: HRI0000023
Table Description
T7HRA1 Bank transfer - interface table
T7HRTX Tax difference calculation
PA0575 HR Master Record: Infotype 0575
PA0564 HR Master Record: Infotype 0564
PA0563 HR Master Record: Infotype 0563
PA0562 HR Master Record: Infotype 0562
T7HRDO Statutory deductions Croatia
T7HRMU Municipality codes (Croatia)
T7HRA2 IP Form - Master data
T7HRA2N IP Form - Master data - New (w. OIB)
T7HRBPX Conversion IT 9 to T521B proposal
T7HRHE Health insurance types (Croatia)
T7HRVO Vocation Check Table - Croatia
T7HRA0 Payment date - remarks - GOD form
T7HRL2A Quotas and algorithms
T7HRL2 Quotas and algorithms
T7HRDE Dependent types (Croatia)
T7HRL3A Ranges for algorithms
T7HRL3 Ranges for algorithms
T7HRA3 IP Form - Earnings
T7HRA3N IP Form - Earnings - New (w. OIB)
T7HRA2O IP Form - Master data - with IDENT in key
T7HRA3O IP Form - Earnings - with IDENT in key
T7HRBP Control codes for banks Croatia
T7HRZA Types of employees Croatia
T7HRDS Control codes for stat. deductions and company codes Croatia
T7HRKP Control codes for payees Croatia
T7HRMW Control numbers - municipalities and company codes (Croatia)
T7HRMX Surtax percentage for municipality codes (Croatia)
T7HRPG Control codes for payees Croatia
T7HRRE Customizing table for HR reports Croatia
T7HRZC Parameters for types of employees (Croatia)
T7HR01P Personnel Area/Subarea Groupings for Croatia
T7HR03 Employee Group/Subgroup HR
T7HR04 Classification of absences for legal purposes
T7HR10 Insurance institutions
T7HR1A Insurance calculation
T7HR1B SI insurance - rates
T7HR1C SI insurance - rates for companies
T7HR1I Company fulfil conditions for employment of invalids
T7HR20 Tax Institution
T7HRBK (Obsolete)
T7HRLP Loan percentages
T7HRRT Bus routes Croatia
T7HRRU Bus routes Croatia
T7HR0W PD Qualification -> Education level
T7HR1B_ET SI insurance - rates
T7HR1C_ET SI insurance - rates for companies
T7HRVOP Code of Personal income type for Bank transfer
T7HR1P Comp. code/Pers. area/Pers. subarea/Time range
T7HRBT Bank transfer configuration (WT->Accounts)