- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
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- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
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- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
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- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
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- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
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- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
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- Concurrent Employment (PA-CE)
- Employee Interaction Center (PA-EIC)
- Employee Self-Service (PA-ESS)
- Enterprise Compensation Management (PA-EC)
- Fiori UI for Personnel Administration (PA-FIO)
- HR Administrative Services (PA-AS)
- HR Information Systems (PA-IS)
- HR Manager's Desktop (PA-MA)
- Integration with SuccessFactors BizX (PA-SFI)
- Management of Global Employees (PA-GE)
- Organizational Structure (PA-OS)
- Pension Schemes (PA-PF)
- Personnel & Organization (PA-PAO)
- Personnel Administration (PA-PA)
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- France (PA-PA-FR)
- General (PA-PA-XX)
- Germany (PA-PA-DE)
- Great Britain (PA-PA-GB)
- Greece (PA-PA-GR)
- HCM Master Data: Russia (PA-PA-RU)
- Hong Kong (PA-PA-HK)
- Hungary (PA-PA-HU)
- India (PA-PA-IN)
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- Taiwan (PA-PA-TW)
- Thailand (PA-PA-TH)
- Ukraine (PA-PA-UA)
- United Arab Emirates (PA-PA-AE)
- Venezuela (PA-PA-VE)
- Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation (PA-CP)
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- Talent Management (PA-TM)
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- Plant Maintenance (PM)
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- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
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- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
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- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
HCM Master Data: Russia (PA-PA-RU)
ID: AC00000021
Table | Description |
HRPADRU_LNPHIO | SDOK: Physical information object instances |
HRPADRU_D_GARPT | GAR: Address object parameters types |
HRPADRU_LNIDXSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
PA0294 | HR Naster Record Infotype 0294 - reserved ! |
T7RUPA0006 | PA0006 copy |
HRPADRU_D_GARAO | GAR: Address object |
PA3273 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3273 |
T77PADRU_RSLD | Legal Document Information about Action Reasons |
HRPADRU_D_GARAT | GAR: Address object types |
HRPADRU_D_GARAL | GAR: Address object levels |
HRPADRU_D_GARHAT | GAR: House additional types |
HRPADRU_D_GARHT | GAR: House types |
PA0297 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0297 Work conditions |
T7RUN5 | Wage types |
HRPADRU_D_FIASES | FIAS: Establishment Status |
HRPADRU_D_FIASSS | FIAS: Structure Status |
HRPADRU_D_FIASAO | FIAS: Main address registry |
T77PADRU_LBACT | Directory of types of information of labor activity |
T7RUPFRULE3 | HR Valuation rules for Superannuation Fund of Russia (PFR) |
T7RUPFRULE1 | HR Valuation rules for Superannuation Fund of Russia (PFR) |
T7RUPFRULE2 | HR Valuation rules for Superannuation Fund of Russia (PFR) |
HRP1655 | DB Table for Infotype 1655 |
T7RUPA0022 | PA0022 Copy |
PA3433 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3433 |
PB3433 | HR Applicant Master Record: Infotype 3433 |
PB0290 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0290 - Identity card CIS |
PA3330 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3330 |
PA0876 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0876 |
PA3434 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3434 |
T7RUCL1 | Russian's cluster |
T7RUPACKGR | PFR Packages group |
T7RU9A | Addresses of organizations |
T77PADRU_OGRN | Main State Registration Numbers |
T7RUSC_OGRN | Main State Registration Codes |
T7RU50 | Personnel areas/subareas region assignment |
T7RUSTATUS | Package Status |
T7RU_521B | Payee Keys (Russia extension for T521B) |
HRPADRU_LNPHNMPR | SDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships |
T7RUDSV3D | DSV-3: Data |
T7RUFB | Flexible Employee Data (Contants) |
T7RU51AV_P | Relation between Year and WType for income for this year |
T7RU554C | Relation between absence type and wage type for days of abse |
T7RUGB | Money order fee for payment method for regions |
T7RUDSV3R | DSV-3: Run |
T7RU554S | Additional property of SocInsurance Absence Types |
T77PADRU_CLCATCC | Table of customer category content of category-priority task |
T77PADRU_CLCATCS | Table of standart category content of category-priority task |
HRPADRU_D_FIASHS | FIAS: Houses registry |
HRPADRU_LNPHNM | SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects |
T7RU_558D_TAX | Split Indicator Tax for Transfered Wage Types |
T7RUSEN | Description of length of service (CIS) |
HRPADRU_D_GARAOP | GAR: Address object parameters |
HRPADRU_D_GARHOP | GAR: House parameters |
T7RUFA | Flexible Employee Payroll Data (Totals) |
T7RU1655 | Infotype 1655 Fields: Legal properties (Russia) |
T7RUB5 | Scale - values |
T7799RU_FRMPARAM | Parameters for output forms |
T7RUN4 | Cumulation wage codes |
T7RU9C | Organization types (RU) |
T7RUCOUNTY | KLADR: Counties (Regional districts) |
T7RUPU | KLADR: Cities political units |
T7RUREGION | KLADR: Regions (Provinces) |
T7RU530 | Reasons for Actions |
T7RUSC_ADDCODE | Additional disability codes |
T7RUSC_BRCODE | Breach codes |
T7RUSC_DOCPS | Doctors positions |
T7RU_558B | Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods |
T7RUDOMA | KLADR: Houses |
T7RUPACK | PFR Packages |
T7RUSTREET | KLADR: Streets (buffer) |
T7RUADVTYPE | Payment types |
T7RUCC | KLADR: Short name for address element |
T7RUPFTYPEPK | PFR package types |
T7RUSTAFF | Staff PD objects |
T7RUCONTACT_CE | Contact person |
T7RUPACKAGETYPE | PFR: Package's Types |
T7RUT1_EXT | Taxes and netto payments Russian extension |
T7RUTS | Time Schedule Report Customizing Table |
T77PADRU_CLCAT | Table of existing categories |
T77PADRU_CLCATIT | Table of permitted infotypes in category-priority task |
T77PADRU_LBACDF | Default Labor Activity ID for Personnel Action |
T77PADRU_OKZ | OKZ Codes |
HRPADRU_LNLOPR | SDOK: Logical information object attribute values |
HRPADRU_LNLORE | SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
HRPADRU_LNLOREPR | SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs |
HRPADRU_LNLORI | SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
HRPADRU_LNLORIPR | SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs |
HRPADRU_LNPHHR | SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects |
HRPADRU_LNPHHRPR | SDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships |
HRPADRU_LNPHPR | SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
HRPADRU_LNPHRE | SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects |
HRPADRU_LNPHREPR | SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs |
HRPADRU_LNPHRI | SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships |
HRPADRU_LNPHRIPR | SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs |
T77PADRU_ABWTY | Attendance or Absence Group |
T77PADRU_FIAS01 | FIAS checking mode for subtypes of Inotype '0006' |
T77PADRU_LNSTEP | Sickness Certificate Processing Steps |
T77PADRU_TAXPRI1 | Tax privileges for the given tax class |
T7RU_T559M | Russian Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation |
T7RUR2 | Meaning of statuses of IT 0048 (Residence status) |
T7RUFORMCONST | Initial Values for Form Fields (Russia) |
T7RUB3 | Scale selection by Bonus model and Personal modifier |
T7RUOKSO_QC | OKSO - qualifications |
T7RUT577 | Russian Family Characteristics |
T7RUN2EXT | Assigment wage type to wage code(extension) |
HRPADRU_D_GARADM | GAR: Administrative hierarchy |
HRPADRU_D_GARMUN | GAR: Municipal hierarchy |
T7RU51S | Seniority Process for Wage Type Calculation |
T7RUB4 | Scale of bonus model |
T7RU_STAT_VFLD | View Variant Fields |
T7RU_558DRUSTA | Payroll Account Transfer: Russian Statuses |
HRPADRU_D_GARHS | GAR: Houses object |
HRPADRU_LNPHF | SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects |
T7RU_T559L | Automatic Absence Quota Generation (Russian extension) |
T7RU_005Y | KLADR: Regions - territorial entity |
T7RU53 | Employee Group/Subgroup Russia attributes |
T7RU80S | Basic normal grafiks Russia |
T7RU53P | Status for time accounting for PSG |
T7RUAPSS_MAP | FSS Application -> Sickness Certificates Mapping |
T7RUB2_EXT | Personal modifiers for determination of bonus model |
T7RUFSSDOCTYPE | Assign Application Types to IT3273 Subtypes |
T7RUSSAB_MAP | Sickness Certificate -> Absenceses Mapping |
T7RULONGSERV1 | Long Service Codes |
T7RUN7 | Tax Privileges |
T7RU_DISCEND | Determine End Dates of Disciplinary Measures |
T7RU_PERSCAT | Personnel Categories |
T7RU50B | Constants for WT in Personell Area/Subarea grouping - CIS |
T7RU51P | Base Wage Type Valuation through seniority |
T7RU51R | Percent bonus according to seniorities |
T7RURK | Regional Coefficient for Region and County |
T7RUB1 | Bonus model code |
T7RUB2 | Personal modifiers for determination of bonus model |
T7RU_STAT_VAR | Variant Name of Statistical Report |
T77PADRU_SUBDOC | Substantiation document type |
T77PADRUSS_APL | Map incapacity reasons to IT3273 Subtypes |
T7RUSVWCCODE | Classes of Special Working Conditions |
T77PADRU_ABWGR | Assign Attendance and Absence Types to Groups |
T77PADRU_DOCID | Document Id |
T77PADRU_FSSAB | Sickness Certificate: suggested Absences Mapping |
T77PADRU_NWRID | Nature of Work ID |
T77PADRU_VACRS | Reasons of reserves for vacations |
T77PAYRU_TAXWT | Alternative tax wage types to tax classes |
T77PADRU_BONRS | Parameters for Bonus Reserves |
T7RU_T559D | Russian Validity Period: Absence Quotas for Default Values |
T7RU52W | Percent bonus for Work Conditions |
T7RUAA | KLADR: Cities |
T7RUWCS | Working Conditions Environment |
HRPADRU_LNLOIO | SDOK: Logical information object instances |
T7RU_T559_WCS | Absence Quotas for Working Conditions Environment |
T7RUPACKAGETYPET | PFR: Package's Types - Texts |
T7RUACTCAT1T | Text table for T7RUACTCAT1 |
T7RUCOUNSEN1T | Text table for T7RUCOUNSEN1 |
T7RUN1 | Reference table of wage codes |
T7RUPARDESC1T | Parameters description of seniority |
T7RUTERCOND1T | Text table for T7RUTERCOND1 |
T7RUCOUNTYT | KLADR: Counties (Regional districts): Texts |
T7RUPAYERCATT | PFR: Payer's Categories |
T7RUSTATUST | Package Status |
T7RU_STAT_VFLD_T | Names of View Variant Fields |
T77PADRU_CLCATT | Text explanation of categories |
T7RURECALCRSNT | Text table for recalculation reasons |
T7RU_LIFECONDFLT | Life conditions flag texts |
T7RU_LIFECONDT | Life conditions texts |
HRPADRU_LNLOIOT | SDOK: Logical information object descriptions |
T77PADRU_MODTX | Text for Reserves modifier for feature 33RSR |
T7RUF0 | Obsolete |
T7RUN2 | Assigment wage type to wage code (obsolete) |