Training and Event Management (PE)

ID: HLA0009703
Table Description
T77REFDOC Reference Document Table: Training and Event Management
T77VP Log File: Correspondence in Training and Event Management
HRP1034 Infotype 1034 DB table
HRP1027 Infotype 1027 DB table
HRP1026 Infotype 1026 DB table
HRP1020 Infotype 1020 DB table
HRP1037 Infotype 1037 DB Table
HRP1036 Infotype 1036 DB table
HRP1023 Infotype 1023 DB table
HRPAD25 Additional data PAD25
HRPAD23 Additional data PAD23
HRP1042 Infotype 1042 DB Table
HRP1060 DB Table for Infotype 1060
HRP1062 DB Table for Infotype 1062
HRP1029 Infotype 1029 DB table
HRP1030 Infotype 1030 DB table
HRP1035 Infotype 1035 DB Table
HRP1041 DB Table for Infotype 1041
HRP1063 DB Table for Infotype 1063
HRPAD27 Additional data PAD27
T77KF Transfer of Business Event Costs to Controlling
HRT1062 Table Section Infotype 1062
T77KB Cost Items
HRT1060 Table Division for Infotype 1060
T77VG Check table: Recipient Group
HRPAD34 Additional Data for Relationship 'has attended'
HRPAD53 Additional Data PAD53
T77CAR Reason for Cancellation of Attendance
T77CR Reasons for Cancellation of Business Event
T7FRFA Financing Types (France)
T7FRFF Forms of Further Training (France)
T77FAR Reason for Course Failed
HRPAD21 Additional data PAD21
HRPAD50 Additional Data PAD50
HRPAD51 Additional data PAD51
HRT1042 Table Division Infotype 1042
T770A Day Segments
T770B Assignment of Day Segments to Day Schedules
T778B Appraisal Types
T77AM Time Schedule
T77KV Attendance Procedure
T77VE Notification abbreviations
HRPAD22 Additional data PAD22
T77CRT Reasons for Cancellation of Business Event
T77FB Forms of Further Training (France)
T77VI Assignment: Triggering Activity - Notification Abbreviation
T77VB Output Sequence of Text Elements
T77VC Text Variable Editing