Portugal (PA-PA-PT)

ID: AHR0000541
Table Description
PA0332 HR Master Record: Infotype 0332 (Social Security - PT)
PA0331 HR Master Record: Infotype 0331 (Tax - PT)
PA0337 HR Master Record: Infotype 0337 (Prof.Classification - PT)
PA0333 HR Master Record: Infotype 0333 (Challenge - P)
PA0334 HR Master Record: Infotype 0334
PA0335 HR Master Data: Infotype 0335 (infotype 21 view - PT)
PA0336 HR Master Data: Infotype 0336 (infotype 2 view - PT)
PA0338 HR Master Record: Infotype 0338 (Absence pay.clearing - PT)
PB0336 HR Master Data: Infotype 0336 (infotype 2 view - PT)
T5P2L HR-PT: Voluntary Social Insurance Levels
T5P2A HR-PT: Social Security Infotype Subtypes
T5P2C HR-PT: Contract Types
T5PA2 HR-PT: Splitting rules
T5PA3 HR-PT: Counting rules
T5PFV HR-PT: (Entities) Valid Properties
T5PP5 HR-PT: Functional Structure designation
T5PRA HR-PT: Legal reasons for actions
T5PA1 HR-PT: Coverage rules
T5P4G HR-PT: Vacation and Christmas allowance groupings
T5PP2 HR-PT: Professional categories
T5P2R HR-PT: Social Security - Master Data Regimes
T5P03 HR-PT: Employee Groups / Subgroups - Classification
T5P0P HR-PT: Personnel Subarea Supplements
T5P1F HR-PT: Tax offices
T5P1P HR-PT: Table of tax rates
T5P1S HR-PT: Tax status table
T5P2I HR-PT: Social Security Institutions
T5P2J HR-PT: Social Security Subregional Services
T5P2Q HR-PT: Social Security Regimes - Contribution Parameters
T5P2S HR-PT: Assignment to Social Security Regimes
T5P2V HR-PT: Social Security Institutions
T5P3E HR-PT: Legal entities for issuing disability documents
T5P3L HR-PT: Disability levels
T5PA5 HR-PT: Map WTs in absence evaluation rule
T5PCE HR-PT: Contract Elements
T5PCP HR-PT: Postal codes
T5PEA HR-PT: Economical Activity Code (CAE)
T5PLA HR-PT: Lunch allowance valuation rules
T5PP3 HR-PT: Professional classification (CNP or CPP)
T5PPS HR-PT: Pay scale types additional information
T5PRC HR-PT: Reasons for changes - Mapping for legal reasons
T5PRM HR-PT: Reasons for actions - Mapping for legal reasons
T5PFD HR-PT: (Entities) Properties
T5P1R HR-PT: Retention rate table (Obsolete)
T5PFN HR-PT: (Entities) Characteristics (Obsolete)
T5PP1 HR-PT: Professional categories assignment (Obsolete)