- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
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- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
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- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
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- Enterprise Compensation Management (PA-EC)
- Fiori UI for Personnel Administration (PA-FIO)
- HR Administrative Services (PA-AS)
- HR Information Systems (PA-IS)
- HR Manager's Desktop (PA-MA)
- Integration with SuccessFactors BizX (PA-SFI)
- Management of Global Employees (PA-GE)
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- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Japan (PA-PA-JP)
ID: HLA0100296
Table | Description |
T5JXL | Contact Information for Office |
TPTJPFWS_ITEMDAT | Request Item Data for Flexible Work Schedule JP |
T5JLG | Premium amount for employment insurance |
T5JXE | Employee List for B2A Manager |
T7JP_UPTLOG | Update Log |
T7JP_ACCLOG | Access Log |
PA0853 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0853 |
PA0852 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0852 |
PA0851 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0851 |
PA3239 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3239 |
PA3203 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3203 |
PA0147 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0147 |
PA3204 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3204 |
PA0148 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0148 (Family JP) |
PA0559 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0559 (Commuting allowance Info.) |
PA0145 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0145 (Personnel Tax Status JP) |
PA3386 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3386 |
PA3208 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3208 |
PB3208 | Applicant data infotype 3208 (model) |
PA0388 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0388 (Union JP) |
PA0143 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0143 (Life Insurance JP) |
PA0140 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0140 (SI Basic Data JP) |
PA0141 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0141 (SI Premium Data JP) |
PA0144 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0144 (Property Accum. JP) |
PA0162 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0162 (Ins. Y.E.T.A Data JP) |
PA0268 | HR Master Record Infortype view 0045 and 0268 (Loan JPN) |
PA0560 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0560 |
PA3140 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3140 |
PA0373 | HR loan repayment plan JP (for P0268) |
PA3387 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3387 |
PB3387 | Applicant data infotype 3387 (Additional Personal Data JP) |
PA0142 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0142 (Residence Tax JP) |
PA0146 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0146 (Y.E.A. Data JP) |
T5J65 | HR School Japan |
T5J68 | HR Faculty JP |
T5J73 | HR Retirement Allowance Modifier JP |
T7JPBT_BUSOFFICE | Define Business Establishments |
T5JR0 | Definition of Retirement Liquidation/Allowance Items(JP) |
T7JPSK_CCRL | Shukko Cost Charging Rules |
T5JGR | Employee Group for Leaving (JAPAN) |
T5JLT | Leaving Type (JAPAN) |
T5JOT | Overtime Liquidation Indicator (JAPAN) |
T5JRN | Reason (JAPAN) |
T5JSP | Social Insurance Premiums Liquidation Indicator (JAPAN) |
T7JPEI_PERACTC | Condition of Permission on Activities Beyond Scope |
T7JPEI_PERSTAY | Period of Stay |
T7JPEI_WKRES | Work Restriction |
T7JPLA_OTGRP | Define employee group for overtime |
T7JPLA_WTGRP | Define Wage Type Group |
T5J00 | HR Union JP |
T5J02 | HR Union Member Category JP |
T5J1C | HR-J: Car type |
T5J21 | HR Insurance Company Key Master JPN |
T5J27 | HR Indicator of Social Insurance Premium Rate JPN |
T5J29 | HR SI Entitlement Acquired/Lost JPN |
T5J31 | HR SI Entitlement JPN |
T5J33 | HR Insurance company type JPN |
T5J66 | HR Institution/school type JPN |
T5J70 | HR Retirement Reason Category JP |
T7JP_CHARSET | Character set |
T7JPSK_CCPRL | Shukko Cost Charging Prorating Rules |
T7JPSK_CONTTY | Shukko Contract Types |
TJPESS_INTERVAL | JP ESS IT0559 Interval Definition |
T7JPSI_INSURER | Define Health Insurance Insurer |
T7JPEI_RESSTA | Define Residence Status |
T5JIS | Status for Individual Number Processing |
T5JIU | Usages for Individual Numbers |
T5JUD | Usage Details Definition |
T7JPSK_PARTNER | Shukko Partners |
T7JPSI_INR_ASN | Assign Health Insurance Insurer to Social Insurance Modifier |
T7JPBT_BSOFFICET | Business Establishment Text Table |
T5J01 | HR Union texts JP |
T5J04 | HR Union Member Category Text JP |
T7JPSK_PARTNER_T | Shukko Partner Texts |
T5JRNT | Reason Text (JAPAN) |
T5JR1 | Configuration of Retirement Liquidation/Allowance Items (JP) |
T5JRH | Action types for Leaving-Reentry |
T7JPBT_EXCLUDEWT | Determine Wage Types to be excluded from Business Office Tax |
T7JPLA_OTLIM | Define overtime extension limits |
T7JPLA_VADPD | Define Leave Quota Validity for Time Off from Overtime |
T7JPLA_WTASN | Assign Overtime Accumulation Wage Types |
T7JPLV_FILESTRU | Define File Structure |
T7JPLV_GIAJI_J21 | Define Relationship between GIAJ specific Insurance Company |
T7JPLV_GIAJI_TYP | Define Insurance Type Relationship |
T7JPLV_GIAJ_TYPE | Define Insurance Type Relationship for GIAJ company |
T7JPLV_INSCCCT | Define Insurance Company Insurance Product Type |
T7JPLV_INSCC_J21 | Define Relationship between LINC Insurance Company and T5J21 |
T7JPLV_RECDSTRU | Define Record Structure |
T7JP_ACCINF | Infotype Monitor for Access Log |
T7JP_ACCOPN | Infotype Operation Monitor for Access Log |
T7JP_ACCSUB | Subtype Monitor for Access Log |
T7JP_LVE_DRE | Determine Relationship from subtypes |
T7JP_UPDFLD | Fields Monitor for Update Log |
T7JP_UPDINF | Infotype Monitor for Update Log |
T7JP_UPDOPN | Infotype Operation Monitor for Update Log |
T7JP_UPDSUB | Subtype Monitor for Update Log |
TJP_ESSPDC | Register Versions of YEA Forms |
TJP_ESSPFC | JP ESS YEA Form Maint(Form Customization ). |
T5J05 | HR Union due calculation master JP |
T5J14 | HR Pay Scale Level for Appraisal Point Criteria JPN |
T5J15 | HR Pay Scale Level for Appraisal Rank Criteria JPN |
T5J17 | HR Combination for Income Tax Deduction JPN |
T5J18 | HR Amount for Income Tax Deduction JPN |
T5J56 | HR Weighting for Appraisal Main Feature JPN |
T5J59 | HR Job promotion - pay scale level ordering JPN |
T5J60 | HR Parameters for pay scale recreation JPN |
T5J61 | HR Address Information of Pers. Subarea for Residence Tax |
T5J63 | HR Municipal City Codes JP |
T5J72 | HR Supplements to Reason for Events JP |
T5J74 | HR Retirement Allowance Unit Amount JP |
T5J77 | HR Katakana writing for Country Names JP |
T5J78 | HR Taxable amount reduction for retirement allowance JP |
T5J79 | HR Syoyo payemnt rate per pay scale JP |
T5J81 | HR Associate retirement reason category to service years JP |
T5J82 | HR Associate pay scale to service years JP |
T5J98 | HR Conversion IT0144 to IT0169 JP |
T5JA2 | HR Weighting for Appraisal Detail Feature JPN |
T5J1D | HR Nursing Insurance cost JP |
T5J1E | HR Grade No. of standard compensation for health ins. JP |
T5J1F | HR Grade No. of standard compensation for EE's pension JP |
T7JPSK_CCRL_C | Shukko Cost Charging Rule Characteristics |
T7JPSK_CONTT | Shukko Contract Template |
TJPESS_COM_GROUP | JP ESS IT0559 Subtype Grouping |
TJPESS_PERKM_AMT | JP ESS IT0559 Per KM Amount Setting |
T5J62 | HR Address Information of Personnel Subarea for Income Tax |
T5J2F | Format for HR Name (JP) |
T5JL3 | HR Address Infomation 3 of Labour Bureau for LI JP |
T5JTA | Transaction Code and Date of Retention Assignment |
T5JTU | Transaction and Usage Details Assignment |
T5JXA | Procedure Attachment Information |
T5JXP | Japan eGov Procedure Information |
T5JXR | e-GOV Style Generation from Reports |
T5JXV | Japan eGov XML Style Summary |
T7JP_LVE_DRS | Relation between HI Dependent Reason and Change Reason |
T5JCN | HR Corporate Number Information for Japan |
T5JMP | Procedures in Mynaportal |
T5JMT | Mynaportal: Submission Destinations |
T5JSU | HR Health Insurance Unions JP |
PTJPFWS_ITEMDATA | (Obsolete) Request Item Data for Flexible Work Schedule JP |
TPTJPFWS_RULEATT | ESS Flexible Work Schedule: Attributes for rule group |
TPTJPFWS_SUBSTI | ESS Flexible Work Schedule: Substitution linkage |
TJPESS_COM_HELP | JP ESS Help Text or Reference Information about ESS Forms |
TJPESS_PKMAMT_CC | ESS JP: IT0559 - Amount Per KM By Company Code |
TJPESS_PKMAMT_NA | ESS JP: IT0559 - Amount Per KM By National Average |
TJPESS_PKMAMT_PS | ESS JP: IT0559 - Amount Per KM By Per. Area and Subarea |
T5JBK | HR Bank key for Property accumulation savings JP |
T5JLR | HR Rate of Premium for Labour Insurance JPN |
T5JSC | HR SI Grade of standard compensation JP |
T5JSR | HR Rate of Premium for Social Insurance JPN |
T5J03 | Person Group/Subgroup JP |
T5J0P | Personnel Area / Personnel Subarea JP |
T5JAD | HR company office address JP |
T5JL1 | HR Address Infomation 1 of Personnel Subarea for LI JP |
T5JL2 | HR Address Infomation 2 of Personnel Subarea for LI JP |
T5JRA | HR Collector Number for Residence Tax JP |
T5JSI | HR Branch Office Information for Social Insurance JP |