Theoretical amount | #masterdata | Component: Hungary
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
PFTYP FK Garnishment type
PFSTY FK Garnishment subtype
ENDDA End Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ENDDA End Date
BEGDA Start Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
LGA01 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
LGA02 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
LGA03 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
LGA04 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
LGA05 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
LGA06 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
LGA07 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
LGA08 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
LGA09 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
LGA10 Chargeable wage type of garnishments LGART
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Garnishment subtype
  • Garnishment type
  • Garnishment subtype
Garnishment type T5H6L.PFTYP == T5H6A.PFTYP