
HR master record infortype 0660 | #masterdata | Component: Hungary
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
PERNR FK Personnel Number
SUBTY Subtype
OBJPS Object Identification
SPRPS Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record
ENDDA End Date
BEGDA Start Date
SEQNR Number of Infotype Record With Same Key
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (WAERS):
MSA01 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA02 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA03 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA04 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA05 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA06 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA07 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA08 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA09 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA10 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA11 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA12 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA13 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA14 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA15 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA16 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA17 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA18 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA19 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA20 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA21 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA22 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA23 Monthly income (contribution paid)
MSA24 Monthly income (contribution paid)
NRI01 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI02 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI03 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI04 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI05 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI06 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI07 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI08 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI09 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI10 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI11 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI12 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI13 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI14 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI15 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI16 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI17 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI18 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI19 Irregular income - payment amount
NRI20 Irregular income - payment amount
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ENDDA End Date
BEGDA Start Date
AEDTM Last Changed On
SIBEG Insurance relationship from
SIEND Insurance relationship to
HIRED Entry date
ABE01 Absence from
AEN01 Absence end
ABE02 Absence from
AEN02 Absence end
ABE03 Absence from
AEN03 Absence end
ABE04 Absence from
AEN04 Absence end
ABE05 Absence from
AEN05 Absence end
ABE06 Absence from
AEN06 Absence end
ABE07 Absence from
AEN07 Absence end
ABE08 Absence from
AEN08 Absence end
ABE09 Absence from
AEN09 Absence end
ABE10 Absence from
AEN10 Absence end
ABE11 Absence from
AEN11 Absence end
ABE12 Absence from
AEN12 Absence end
ABE13 Absence from
AEN13 Absence end
ABE14 Absence from
AEN14 Absence end
ABE15 Absence from
AEN15 Absence end
ABE16 Absence from
AEN16 Absence end
ABE17 Absence from
AEN17 Absence end
ABE18 Absence from
AEN18 Absence end
ABE19 Absence from
AEN19 Absence end
ABE20 Absence from
AEN20 Absence end
KIF01 Irregular income - payment time
KIF02 Irregular income - payment time
KIF03 Irregular income - payment time
KIF04 Irregular income - payment time
KIF05 Irregular income - payment time
KIF06 Irregular income - payment time
KIF07 Irregular income - payment time
KIF08 Irregular income - payment time
KIF09 Irregular income - payment time
KIF10 Irregular income - payment time
KIF11 Irregular income - payment time
KIF12 Irregular income - payment time
KIF13 Irregular income - payment time
KIF14 Irregular income - payment time
KIF15 Irregular income - payment time
KIF16 Irregular income - payment time
KIF17 Irregular income - payment time
KIF18 Irregular income - payment time
KIF19 Irregular income - payment time
KIF20 Irregular income - payment time
Column Name Description
ITXEX Text Exists for Infotype Show values
REFEX Reference Fields Exist (Primary/Secondary Costs) Show values
ORDEX Confirmation Fields Exist Show values
JOGVT Legal relationship category Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
UNAME Name of Person Who Changed Object USNAM
HISTO Historical Record Flag CHAR1
ITBLD Infotype Screen Control CHAR2
FLAG1 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED
FLAG2 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED
FLAG3 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED
FLAG4 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED
RESE1 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2
RESE2 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2
GRPVL Grouping Value for Personnel Assignments PCCE_GPVAL
EMRTX Name of employer CHAR50
PRYEA Year before entry GJAHR
ACYEA Entry year GJAHR
ACO01 Absence type CHAR01
ACO02 Absence type CHAR01
ACO03 Absence type CHAR01
ACO04 Absence type CHAR01
ACO05 Absence type CHAR01
ACO06 Absence type CHAR01
ACO07 Absence type CHAR01
ACO08 Absence type CHAR01
ACO09 Absence type CHAR01
ACO10 Absence type CHAR01
ACO11 Absence type CHAR01
ACO12 Absence type CHAR01
ACO13 Absence type CHAR01
ACO14 Absence type CHAR01
ACO15 Absence type CHAR01
ACO16 Absence type CHAR01
ACO17 Absence type CHAR01
ACO18 Absence type CHAR01
ACO19 Absence type CHAR01
ACO20 Absence type CHAR01
NRJ01 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM01 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD01 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ02 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM02 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD02 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ03 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM03 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD03 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ04 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM04 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD04 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ05 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM05 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD05 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ06 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM06 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD06 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ07 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM07 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD07 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ08 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM08 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD08 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ09 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM09 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD09 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ10 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM10 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD10 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ11 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM11 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD11 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ12 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM12 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD12 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ13 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM13 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD13 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ14 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM14 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD14 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ15 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM15 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD15 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ16 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM16 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD16 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ17 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM17 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD17 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ18 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM18 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD18 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ19 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM19 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD19 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
NRJ20 Irregular income - payment title P21_NRJGC
NRM20 Irregular income - payment relevance month P21_NRMON
NRD20 Irregular income - payment relevance duration NUM05
AWA01 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA02 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA03 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA04 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA05 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA06 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA07 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA08 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA09 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA10 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA11 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA12 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA13 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA14 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA15 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA16 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA17 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA18 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA19 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
AWA20 Attendance or Absence Type AWART
Master Data Relations | to Other Relations ↓ Join Conditions
Personnel Number
  • Personnel Number
  • Client
Reason for Changing Master Data
  • ?
  • Reason for Changing Master Data
  • PA0660.MANDT == T530E.MANDT
  • PA0660.[column in domain "INFTY"] == T530E.INFTY
  • PA0660.PREAS == T530E.PREAS
Other Relations | to Master Data Relations ↑ Join Conditions
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA01 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA02 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA03 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA04 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA05 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA06 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA07 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA08 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA09 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA10 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA11 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA12 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA13 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA14 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA15 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA16 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA17 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA18 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA19 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA
Wage Type
  • Wage Type
  • ?
  • PA0660.MANDT == T5H4N.MANDT
  • PA0660.LGA20 == T5H4N.LGART
  • PA0660.[column in domain "ENDDA"] == T5H4N.ENDDA