
Corrections for reports (Hungary) | #masterdata | Component: Hungary
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
PERNR FK Personnel Number
SUBTY Subtype
OBJPS Object Identification
SPRPS Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record
ENDDA End Date
BEGDA Start Date
SEQNR Number of Infotype Record With Same Key
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (WAERS):
AMT01 Amount
AMT02 Amount
AMT03 Amount
AMT04 Amount
AMT05 Amount
AMT06 Amount
AMT07 Amount
AMT08 Amount
AMT09 Amount
AMT10 Amount
AMT11 Amount
AMT12 Amount
AMT13 Amount
AMT14 Amount
AMT15 Amount
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ENDDA End Date
BEGDA Start Date
AEDTM Last Changed On
ERVNY Reference date
BEG01 Date
END01 Date
BEG02 Date
END02 Date
BEG03 Date
END03 Date
BEG04 Date
END04 Date
BEG05 Date
END05 Date
BEG06 Date
END06 Date
BEG07 Date
END07 Date
BEG08 Date
END08 Date
BEG09 Date
END09 Date
BEG10 Date
END10 Date
BEG11 Date
END11 Date
BEG12 Date
END12 Date
BEG13 Date
END13 Date
BEG14 Date
END14 Date
BEG15 Date
END15 Date
Column Name Description
ITXEX Text Exists for Infotype Show values
REFEX Reference Fields Exist (Primary/Secondary Costs) Show values
ORDEX Confirmation Fields Exist Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
UNAME Name of Person Who Changed Object USNAM
HISTO Historical Record Flag CHAR1
ITBLD Infotype Screen Control CHAR2
FLAG1 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED
FLAG2 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED
FLAG3 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED
FLAG4 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED
RESE1 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2
RESE2 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2
GRPVL Grouping Value for Personnel Assignments PCCE_GPVAL
LGT01 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM01 Number ANZHL
FL101 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL201 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL301 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL401 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL501 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT02 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM02 Number ANZHL
FL102 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL202 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL302 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL402 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL502 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT03 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM03 Number ANZHL
FL103 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL203 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL303 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL403 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL503 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT04 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM04 Number ANZHL
FL104 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL204 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL304 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL404 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL504 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT05 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM05 Number ANZHL
FL105 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL205 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL305 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL405 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL505 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT06 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM06 Number ANZHL
FL106 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL206 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL306 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL406 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL506 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT07 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM07 Number ANZHL
FL107 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL207 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL307 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL407 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL507 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT08 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM08 Number ANZHL
FL108 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL208 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL308 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL408 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL508 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT09 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM09 Number ANZHL
FL109 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL209 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL309 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL409 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL509 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT10 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM10 Number ANZHL
FL110 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL210 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL310 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL410 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL510 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT11 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM11 Number ANZHL
FL111 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL211 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL311 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL411 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL511 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT12 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM12 Number ANZHL
FL112 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL212 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL312 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL412 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL512 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT13 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM13 Number ANZHL
FL113 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL213 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL313 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL413 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL513 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT14 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM14 Number ANZHL
FL114 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL214 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL314 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL414 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL514 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
LGT15 HR-H: sequence number field for infotype P0041 P21_SORS2
NUM15 Number ANZHL
FL115 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL215 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL315 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL415 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
FL515 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR01 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR02 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR03 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR04 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR05 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR06 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR07 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR08 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR09 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR10 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR11 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR12 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR13 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR14 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
STR15 HR-H: one character flag to infotype 0441 P21_FLAG1
TVK01 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK02 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK03 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK04 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK05 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK06 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK07 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK08 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK09 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK10 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK11 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK12 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK13 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK14 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
TVK15 SI accounting - 5 char absence code P21_HABTY
HATAR Decision TEXT132
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Personnel Number
  • Personnel Number
  • Client
Reason for Changing Master Data
  • ?
  • Reason for Changing Master Data
  • PA0441.MANDT == T530E.MANDT
  • PA0441.[column in domain "INFTY"] == T530E.INFTY
  • PA0441.PREAS == T530E.PREAS
Currency Key
Time/Measurement Unit
  • Time/Measurement Unit
  • Client
  • PA0441.ZEINH == T538A.ZEINH
  • PA0441.MANDT == T538A.MANDT