PLZLA operation configuration (POLAND) | #other | Component: Poland
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
ENDDA End Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ENDDA End Date
BEGDA Start Date
Column Name Description
PLZLA_MODE PLZLA operation modes Show values
BONUS_BEG Job time dimension for bonus Show values
ZLA_SORT Sorting options in ZLABASE table Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
MAX_DIFF Maximum difference between PLSIB and PLZLA DEC6_2
REHIRE New base for rehire with no day of break CHAR1
BONUS_WALL Exclude bonuses before changing working hours CHAR1
USE_PLSIB Use PLSIB basis until it expires CHAR1
DIS_COMPWT Deactivate supplementation table display CHAR1