Portugal (PY-PT)

ID: AHR0000491
Table Description
P2RP_MF HR-PT: Payroll Results: Membership fees
P2RP_SCRT HR-PT: Cumulated result table (Legal entity dependent)
P2RP_OV Time Wage Types (Table ZL)
P2RP_SS HR-PT: Payroll Results: Social Security
P2RP_TX HR-PT: Payroll Results: Tax
P2RP_VA HR-PT: Payroll Results: Vacation allowance grouping (VA)
P2RP_DA HR-PT: Payroll Results: Disability
T5P1W HR-PT: Relation of wage types in tax calculation
T5PS2 HR-PT: Professional categories
T5PVA HR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowance
T5P1J HR-PT: Grouping and characteristics of legal entity (JUPER
T5P1U HR-PT: Relation of reference amount WTs for tax calculation
T5P2E HR-PT: Social Security Contributor
T5P2M HR-PT: Social Security - Wage Types for 13th/14th Month
T5P2P HR-PT: Social Security Regimes - Payroll Processing
T5P2U HR-PT: Social Security Contributor
T5P6C HR-PT: Councils
T5P6D HR-PT: Districts
T5P6P HR-PT: Parishes
T5PED HR-PT: Education Levels
T5PIT HR-PT: Infotype subtype - Classification
T5PNC HR-PT: Nationality Codes
T5PS1 HR-PT: professional categories assignment (IRC code)
T5PS4 HR-PT: Professional Category designation
T5PSC HR-PT: Pay scale types additional information
T5PV1 HR-PT: Assignment of quota type selection rule group
T5PV2 HR-PT: Classification of absence quota types
T5PWS HR-PT: Work Schedules - Classification
T5PAB HR-PT: Absence/Attendance types - Reporting classification
T5P6ND Districts
T5PBFA Wage type determination to consider for the allowance
T5PSS Wage types for social protection regime calculation
T5P1SBCAT Income subcategories
T5PBU0 Occurrences value table
T5P0E Establishment
T5P6NC Councils
T5P6NP Parishes