Czech Republic (PY-CZ)

ID: HRI0000035
Table Description
T5TA1 Source data for external transfers
T5TA2 Medium for health insurance
T5TSREGP HRCZ - registry if insured persons
T5TNEMPRI HRCZ - sick pay application attachment
T5THZUPN HRCZ - ER report about DPN termination
T5TREGSI HRCZ - insured register
T5TREG HR Cluster 2
T5TPSDPRES HR-PS-CZ UVIS - output table
T5T4045 RZD results for calculation receipt - MD /404 and /405
T5TA3 Results of annual tax calculation to be included
T5TPF Configuration table for medium of pension funds
P2RT_ABAUS Structure of ABAUS - Paid illness
T5TZP Configuration table for life insurance medium
P2RT_BH Structure table for challenge
T7CZERG_PRD05 Employee register - XML data
T7CZERR_PRD05 Employee register - XML data
P2RT_SV Structure SV - insurance CZ
P2RT_CZMSG Structure for error messages in CZMSG
P2RT_ST Structure of table ST - Tax CZ
T5TPENSAV Data for pension savings
T7CZERG_PRD06 Employee register - submission list
T7CZERR_PRD06 Employee register - submission list
T5TPSC1SPLIT Cost distribution
T5TPSDPPRO Assignment of state elements to outputs
T5TPSDPSIS Data elements conversion table of the stand.state inf.syst.
T5TA4 Social insurance differences for FI posting
PA0729 HR master record infotype 0729
PB0729 HR master record infotype 0729
T7CZERG_PRD01 Employee register - employee - current picture
T7CZERR_PRD01 Employee register - employee - current turnover
PA0731 HR master record infotype 0731
HRP1670 DB table for infotype 1670
HRP1671 DB table for infotype 1671
T7CZTAX_YREP Transactional data for withholding/advance tax settlement
PA0730 HR master record infotype 0730
PB0730 HR master record infotype 0730
T5T62 HR master record Infotype 0620
T5TA5 E_sick-certificates cancellations for IT3424
T5TPSTXT03 Dynamic texts in form T5TPSTXT01 - for infotype 0729
T5TPS0731 Additional data for infotype 0731
T5TL3 Days for vacation in IT2006
T5TPS0730 Additional data of infotype 0730
T5TPSTXT01 Infotype 0729 forms - measure supplements
T5TPVSPAR Paramets for communication with PVS
T5TCL Table fields for delete (protect of personal datas)
T5T58 Codebook of states for ELDP
P18_06 Table for transfer - PPD coefficient calculation in 2001
T5TPSAA0126 Natural person code for AA0126 identifier
T7CZSERPO_EE Service designation for employee
T7CZSERPO_WP Service denomination of a position (SM)
T7CZSERPO_WPB Service denomination of a superior position (SM)
T5T77S1 Texts for the tab. system
T5TS0 Central storage of XML documents
T5T1X Last foreign Health insurance - name
T5TPSTXT02 Form texts in measurement annexes.
T5TL2 Quotas leaves in IT2006 for algorithmes
T5TL6 Work schedules to generate leave entitlements
T5TPSMKIND Identification of work contract & in the industry
T5TL7 Work schedules to generate leave entitlements
T5T1Y Authority for health insurance
T5T57 Code list of CSSZ counties
T5TCO Compensation for work accidents and work illnesses
T5TPSCD001 Codelist of authorities
T5TPSCD002 Codelist of organizational levels
T5TPSCD003 Codelist of section groups
T5TPSCMTAB HRCZ Public sector multitable
T5TPSCODP Year deduction by education category
T5TPSCVYJ Exception definition and deduction by education category
T5TPSCVYJT Exception definition - texts
T5TPSTXT05 Names of direct additional texts in forms of infotype 0729
T5T51 Post office code list
T5TDRCI Working activity types
T5TDRCI_CONV Working activity types - conversion
T5TPSCKK1 Classification of master fields of education (KKOV) part 1
T5TPSCKK2 Classification of master fields of education (KKOV) part 2
T5TPSCKK3 Completed education categories acc. to KKOV
T5TPSCKK4 Study and apprentice fields of regional education (KKOV)
T5TDRCIT Texts for working activity types
T5T56 Configuration for HRCZ infotypes
T5TPVSTEMPLATE Masters for communication with PVS
T5T03 Personal groups/subgroups - extension
T5T04 Absence types for reports
T5T05 Action types for reports
T5T10 Pay scale groups - link to ext.statistics
T5T1M Health insurance funds - enhancing information
T5T1M_N Health insurers - data for XML
T5T2I Tax calculation configuration - non-residents
T5T47 Contract types CZ
T5T4A Definition of wage sheet lines
T5T4B Texts of sum.groups in the wage sheet
T5T4F Configuration of HR reports - user-exits
T5T530 Reasons for Actions
T5T558_AB HRCZ-Table for absence transfer when upgrading to SAP
T5T558_ABAUS HRCZ-Table for data transfer for ABAUS when upgrading to SAP
T5T77S0 HRCZ system parameter table
T5TL4 Define class of daily work schedule for absences
T5TL5 Contingent reduction for leave in IT2006
T5TPENSAV_YS Pension savings - annual reporting
T5TVS HRCS - ONZ - Mapping table for change of VS
T5T1J Health insurance funds - names
T5TPS1L Source materials for transfer orders for ER - PublicSector
T5TPS77S0 HRCZ Public sector - system parameters table
T5TPSCHODN Rank table
T5TPSCROZ HR-PS-CZ WERKS+KDO for decision numbers
T5TPSCROZ1 HR-PS-CZ WERKS+CC for decision numbers
T5TPSCROZ2 HR-PS-CZ domain tab for decision numbers
T5TPSCZEM Codelist of countries CSU - CZEM
T5TPSCZLORG HRCZ - Public sector assignment to employer and institution
T5TPSCZLZAR HRCZ - Public sector definition of employer and organiz.
T5TPSCZLZARKONST HRCZ - Public sector ZLZAR and constants
T5TREGTRANS HRCZ - table for transfer items of Insured Register to SAP
T5T13 Jobs x KZAM
T5T2G Configuration of tax calculation CZ
T5T2H Configuration of tax calculation CZ
T5T3A Health and social insurance
T5T3B Routines for HI and SI cumulation
T5T3C Calculation of contributions for health and social ins.
T5T47N Labour law relationship types
T5T4D Configuration of parameters for HR reports
T5T50 Job code list - ext.statistics
T5TELDP2004TRANS ELDP items for transfer from external system to SAP
T5TST Tax table and rounding table
T5TGRWRK Guaranteed minimum wage acc. to job groups
T5TV1 Settings for the leave quota calculation
T5TSIID_CTRL Control table for VS - social insurance
T5TPSERG_ACTION Action setting for employee register
T5T0C Breakdown of absences
T5T1K Health insurance funds - names