Poland (PY-PL)

ID: HRI0000039
Table Description
P2PL_RETROADJ Payroll Result PL: Retro, originals and changes
P2PL_RETRODIF Payroll Result PL: Retro, originals and changes
P2PL_RETROMEM Payroll Result PL: Retro, originals and changes
P2PL_ZLABASE Results of PLZLA operation
P2PL_ZLAGROSS Gross of wagetypes for PLZLA operation
P2PL_EAB Payroll Result PL: Split Y, absences
P2PL_SV2 Payroll Result PL: Social insurance bases and contributions
T7PLUTK1 Appl. to compensate benefits after TK sentence of 24.06.2008
P2PL_ST Payroll Result PL: Split 2, income tax
P2PL_SIBBASE Payroll Result PL: Allowance bases calculation
P2PL_SV Payroll Result PL: Split 1, social insurance
T7PL09ALL Benefits
T7PL09BAS Allowance dimension base definition
T7PL11 Configuration of data sources for ZUS reporting