Slovenia (PY-SI)

ID: HRI0000041
Table Description
T7SIA6 Bank transfer - interface table
T7SIME M-forms events
T7SIMR M-forms run ID
P2SI_CUF Difference table of payroll results
P2SI_CUP Difference table of payroll results
P2SI_DTF Difference table of payroll results
P2SI_DTP Difference table of payroll results
T7SIA9 null
T7SIREK11A State for REK field 011a
T7SIA5 History of repayments
T7SIXDS_MFR Extended XDS information for M-Forms
T7SI18A Vocation Check Table
T7SIL1 Algorithms
T7SIMA_DEF M-forms attachment IDs definition
T7SIME_DEF M-forms events definition
T7SIL2 Quotas and Algorithms
T7SIXDS XDS - XML Data Storage table
T7SIA1 Employment tax - Data in header
T7SIA3 M4 - Temporary data
T7SIAP Code for APP
T7SIBUX Conversion to TRR 2003
T7SI1Q Slovenia - personnel areas
T7SI71A Education type
T7SI71B Education area
T7SIL3 Ranges for Algorithms
T7SI71Z Occupation area
T7SIV3 null
T7SIA4 Employment tax - Data in header
T7SIBT Virman configuration (WT->Accounts)
T7SI0C Absence splitting
T7SI2G Configuration of SI tax calculation
T7SI2H Configuration of SI tax calculation
T7SI2I Contributions: Difference to minimal wage, Unpaid absences
T7SI4D Configuration of report parameters
T7SI4F Reports - user-exits
T7SIBK Reduced service retirement benefit category
T7SIBKI Reduced service retirement benefit category
T7SIBP Standard classification of activities
T7SIBU Bank Units Slovenia
T7SIRI Valorization Index
T7SIRI8 Valorization Index from 2008
T7SIST Tax table and table of rounding SI
T7SIV1 Voluntary healt insurance contributions
T7SIV2 Voluntary healt insurance contributions
T7SI1L Bank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)
T7SIDV Distribution of SI and Tax results according to Wage Types
T7SIDW Distribution of SI and Tax results according to WTGroups
T7SICC Sickness Certificate Customizing
T7SIRE Customizing table for HR Slovenia
T7SI04 Absence valuation rule additional properties
T7SIRF Customizing table for HR Slovenia
T7SIV5 null