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- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Austria (PY-AT)
ID: HLA0003741
Table | Description |
P2RA_ABAU | Payments Upon Leaving (IT0527) for Cluster |
P2RA_SP | Payroll Results: Special Payments |
T5AB1 | Sick Leave Certificate: ELDA Record KB |
T5A1P | ELDA: Data Medium Administration |
T5A1O_REF | ELDA: Reference Number |
T5A1O | ELDA: Data Records Created |
T5A1Q | ELDA: Confirmed Data Records |
T5A1O_ELDA | ELDA: Created Data Records (as String of Variable Length) |
T5A1Q_ELDA | ELDA: Confirmed Data Records (as String of Variable Length) |
PC03_SE16N_CD_KE | Table Display: Change Documents - Header |
P03_KSJ_ADM | Administration of Municipal Tax Returns to FinanzOnline |
P2RA_DFRT | Payroll Result for Other Payroll Periods |
P2RA_STAUS | Payroll Result: Garnishment (A) - Compensation Payment |
P2RA_GRDLG | Payroll Result: Garnishment (A) - Bases |
T5A2_J6 | Data Backup on Termination Due to EStG Sec.77 4a |
PC03_SE16N_CD_DA | Table Display: Change Documents - Data |
P2RA_SV_BI | Payroll Result: Social Insurance (A) |
P2RA_FABOP | Payroll Result (AT): Family Bonus |
P2RA_CMASS | Payroll Result: Garnishment (A) - Net Parts |
P2RA_MASSE | Payroll Result: Garnishment (A) - Net Parts with Differences |
P2RA_STPSO | Payroll Result: Garnishment (A) - Special Condition |
P2RA_ST | Payroll Result: Tax (Austria) |
P2RA_KUA | Payroll Result: Short-Time Working Support |
T5AB0 | Sick Leave Certificate: ELDA Opening and Closing Record |
P2RA_BZU | Payroll Result: Organizational Assignments (A) |
P2RA_STPFB | Payroll Result: Garnishment (A) - Garnishable Amt (Mst.Data) |
P2RA_SV | Payroll Result: Technical Social Insurance (A) |
HRPAYAT_PAYRSRES | Saves Wage Types from Simulated Payroll Results |
T5A75_SOLL | GKK: mBGM TARGET Records |
T5A76_SOLL | BVA: mBGM TARGET Records |
T5A75_IST | GKK: mBGM ACTUAL Records |
T5A76_IST | BVA: mBGM ACTUAL Records |
T5A77 | AD Consolidation File |
T5ASVC_CASE | SI Clearing Cases |
T5ASVC_ISSUE | SI Clearing Case Issues |
T5A71 | L16 Consolidation File |
T5ACONV | Log for Conversions |
T5A74 | E18 Consolidation File |
T5A72 | BGN(GKK) Consolidation File |
T5A73 | BGN(BVA) Consolidation File |
PA0978 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0978 |
T5ASVC_UPLOAD | SI Clearing TemSe Objects |
PA0979 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0979 |
PA0797 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0797 |
PA0976 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0976 |
T5APD | Assignment of Global Data to AWPBP Split Functions |
T5A75_TB | GKK mBGM Data: Pay Scale Block |
T5A76_TB | BVA mBGM Data: Pay Scale Group |
T5A1I_VB | Clearing Basis Category |
T5A1I_VP | Clearing Item Category |
T5A8H | PRAT Customizing Constant |
T5AKB | RHC Reference Number |
T5AS2 | Remuneration Element Type (Income Statistics) |
T5AU0 | Usage Types of Simulation Results |
T5A1M_PROP | ELDA: Field Properties |
T5A75_VB | GKK mBGM Data: Clearing Basis |
T5A75_VP | GKK mBGM Data: Clearing Item |
T5A76_VB | BVA mBGM Data: Clearing Basis |
T5A76_VP | BVA mBGM Data: Clearing Item |
T5A1K | ELDA: Record Versions |
T5A1M | ELDA: Field Conversion |
T5A2A | Proportionate Calculations of General Deduction Amount |
T5A1U | Company Employee Pension Fund |
T5A2H | Transfer Wage Types to Small or Large Relation Wage Type |
T5A2I | Relation-Forming Wage Types |
T5A2J | Income Tax According to Effective Pay Scale |
T5A7A | Field Properties of Payslip Fields |
T5A7D | Payslip Checking Rules |
T5A7E | Payslip Validation Rules |
T5A7F | Define Comparison Condition |
T5A7G | Payslip AT Assignment Evaluation View Period Time |
T5A7L | Payslip: Actions/Reasons for Payslip Creation |
T5A9D | Definition of Validity of Age Group Rules |
T5A9E | Definition of Event Intervals for Age Group Rules |
T5A9M | Multiple Assignment for Municipal Tax |
T5A9N | Multiple Assignment for Municipal Tax (Name) |
T5A2G_AD | Assignment of Addresses to Municipalities |
T5A7I | Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16) |
T5A7J | Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16) (Customer Table) |
T5A8D | Revaluation Factor/Number |
T5A8G | Deduction for Early Retirement |
T5A8I | Key Date for Total Pensionable Employment Periods |
T5APBS20 | Properties for Absence Types for FRSC |
T5APBS22 | Properties for Absence Types for FRSC (New) |
T5APF | Implementation for Dynamic Instance Generation |
T5ARL | Assignment of Organizations to Base Wage Types |
T5A7V | Payslip: Variants |
T5A7W | Payslip: Employer Assignment to Company |
T5A9C | Export Wage Types for Subapplications |
T5AGR | Projection Rules (Income Report) |
T5AK0 | Wage Groups |
T5AK2 | Flat Rates for Hours Lost |
T5A9F | Definition of Full/Half Severance Pay Using Leaving Reasons |
T5A1I_ZA_EA | Bonus/Deduction: Property Attributes |
T5A7S | Switch Table for PCALZ Checks |
T5A9F_M | Definition of Full/Half Severance Pay Using Action + Reason |
T5AMBGM_VPL | Clearing Item - Cumulation Wage Type |
T5APBS09_NTS | Variable SI Percentages for Public Sector NTS |
T5APBS12_NTS | SI Public Sector: Assign Absence - Contribution Type Group |
T5ASI_LGART | Obsolete: T5ASI_LGART Replaced by T5A1I_LGART |
T5ATASY_TG | TASY: Pay Scale Group |
T5ATASY_ZA | TASY: Bonus/Deduction |
T5ATASY_ZA_ST | TASY: Bonus/Deduction Control |
T5A1I_LGART | Wage Types Relevant for Social Insurace per Contrib. Type |
T5A1M_ATTR | ELDA: Field Attributes |
T5A1O_DTRID | ELDA: Variants for Data Medium Transfer |
T5A7F_MBGM | Define Identification and Comparison Condition for mBGM |
T5AMBGM_VBL | Clearing Basis - Cumulation Wage Type |
T5ANTS_PREP | Preparation of Tables Before the Delta (ANTS0) |
T5ATASY_BBB | TASY: Income Treshold Amount |
T5ATASY_BBB_TGSZ | TASY: Assignmt of Contrib. Assessmt Amt to PayScGrpSetAssgnm |
T5ATASY_BBB_W | TASY: Contribution Assessment Amount Value |
T5ATASY_BG | TASY: Employee Group |
T5ATASY_DGG | TASY: Employer Group |
T5ATASY_EG | TASY: Supplement |
T5ATASY_PGR | TASY: Person Group with Properties |
T5ATASY_TG_TSE_Z | TASY: Assignment of Pay Scale Group to Pay Scale Set |
T5ATASY_TS | TASY: Pay Scale |
T5ATASY_TSE | TASY: Pay Scale Set |
T5ATASY_VB | TASY: Clearing Base Categories |
T5ATASY_VB_VP_K | TASY: Combination Between VB and VP |
T5ATASY_VB_VP_KR | TASY: Sequence of VB VP Combination |
T5ATASY_VP | TASY: Clearing Item Categories |
T5ATASY_ZA_TSE_Z | TASY: Assig. of Pay Scale Set to CB-CI Combin. and Bon/Deduc |
T5A1I_SP | Specify Separate Processing |
T5A1I_TG_ZA | Possible Bonuses/Deductions of an Official Pay Scale Group |
T5A1I_TSE | Employee and Employer Share of Pay Scale Set |
T5A1I_TSZ | Assignment: Pay Scale Set - Pay Scale Groups - CB/CI Comb. |
T5A1I_TSZ_ZA | Assignment: Pay Scale Set - CB/CI Comb. for Bonus/Deduction |
T5A1I_VB_VP | Clearing Basis Item Category Combination |
T5A1I_ZA_KR | Bonus/Deduction: Priority of Bonuses/Dedctns for Competition |
T5A1I_ZA_ST | Bonus/Deduction: Relevance Conditions |
T5AGNDR_MAP | Gender Mapping |