Finland (PY-FI)

ID: AHR0000834
Table Description
T7FIIR_LOG KATRE: Processing Log
T7FIIR_S_LOG KATRE: Processing Log
T7FIOIX Idx Vacation Accr + ER SCR contrib.->Posting item, A-sets
T7FIIR_MSG_DM KATRE: Validation messages from Data Collector
T7FIIR_S_MSG_DM KATRE: Validation messages from Data Collector, Simulation
T7FIIR_REPORTS KATRE: Reports sent to IR (Final)
T7FIIR_S_REPORTS KATRE: Reports sent to IR (Final), Simulation
T7FIIR_RECORDS KATRE: Records reported to IR (Final)
T7FIIR_S_RECORDS KATRE: Records reported to IR (Final), Simulation
T7FIIR_LOCK_A KATRE: Locking Archive
T7FIIR_S_LOCK_A KATRE: Locking Archive - Simulation
T7FIIR_EE_DM KATRE: Reports from Data Collector
T7FIIR_EE_DM_A KATRE: Reports from Data Collector - Archive for Analysis
T7FIIR_S_EE_DM KATRE: Reports from Data Collector, Simulation
T7FIIR_S_EE_DM_A KATRE: Reports from Data Collector - Archive, Simulation
P2FI_ST Tax result structure for Finland
P2FI_SCRT Tax result table for Finland, cumulated wage type level
P2FI_SIRT SI result table for Finland, cumulated wage type level
T7FILIS Table for Low Income Support Statement
P2FI_CST Tax result table for Finland, cumulative
P2FI_SI Social ins & result structure for Finland
P2FI_CSI Social ins & result structure for Finland
P2FI_GAR Garnishment results Finland
T7FIIR_FDBK KATRE: Feedback from authority
T7FIIR_ER_DM KATRE: Records from Data Collector
T7FIIR_S_ER_DM KATRE: Records from Data Collector, Simulation
T7FIOPX Reversal Posting items (P-sets)
T7FIIR_RUNS KATRE: Evaluated Payroll Runs
T7FIIR_S_RUNS KATRE: Evaluated Payroll Runs, Simulation
T7FIIR_IT KATRE: Income types
T7FIT0 Trade Unions Finland
T7FITU Trade Unions / Locals Finland
T7FIA1 Tax Codes (ATS)
T7FIAWTM Maingroups for annual working time reporting
T7FIV3 Holiday Bonus Handling Types
T7FIPR Reserves type for posting to Financials (Finland)
T7FIIR_MSG KATRE: Validation error codes
T7FIA0 Record Identifiers (ATS)
T7FIA5 ATS Categories
T7FIB2 Payment Types (ATS)
T7FID1 Travel Expense Tax Keys (ATS)
T7FI43B null
T7FIIR_VEL KATRE: Voluntary XML elements
T7FIAWT1 Subgroups for annual working time reporting
T7FIAWT_T Subgroups for annual working time report
T7FIHPA1 Customizing Table for Holiday Pay Accrual Report
T7FIPF Attributes of reserves posted to Financials (Finland)
T7FIS Seniority Allowance Attributes (Finland)
T7FIWTEM WTE Model (Finland)
T7FIAG Finnish absence classification
T7FI43F Assignment of IT0033 to Statistical Exceptions (Finland)
P44_ERR_REPTAB Assignement of employee representatives to unions
T7FI503 HR-FI: Grouping for vacation factor
T7FI549Q Finnish pay periods to average calculation relevance
T7FIA2 Tax Code Assignments to ATS Data Records
T7FIA3 Assign Structure Fields to Tax Codes (ATS)
T7FIA4 Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS)
T7FIA6 Payer ID Assignment to Contact Person (ATS)
T7FIAWT2 Mapping of time wage types in annual working time report
T7FIB0 Wage type assignment to Payment Types (ATS)
T7FIB1 Default Tax Card Type Assignment to Payment Type (ATS)
T7FIB3 Payment Type Cumulation (ATS)
T7FID0 TE Wage Type Assignment to Tax Keys (ATS)
T7FIE2 Fonts to be used for eLetters of a country
T7FIEA Channel for eLetter Template
T7FISL Lenth of sickpay periods (XNAB)
T7FITUP Assignment of Payee to Trade Union / Local Finland
T7FIV0 Holiday Bonus Handling Types
T7FIV1 Assignment of Vacation Quota Types to Wage Types
T7FIV2 Assignment of Annual Vacation Averages to Wage Types
T7FIVF Finnish vacation payment factors
T7FIWT Worktime equalisation /free shift matrix)
T7FIAG_MULTI Finnish absence classification (multiple)
T7FIIR_DM_PAR KATRE: Data mining parameters
T7FIIR_PYPER KATRE: Payroll period/payment date corrections
T7FIIR_SVEL KATRE: Skipped voluntary XML elements
T7FIIR_WT2IT KATRE: Wage types to income type mapping