Greece (PY-GR)

ID: HRI0000036
Table Description
P2GR_GR_ST Payroll & Tax date (ST) - Greece
P2GR_GR_SV Social Insurance data (SV) Greece
P2GR_GR_SE Payroll Standard Elements (SE) Greece
T7GR4E11 Special Leave to ERGANH(E11.1)
T7GR4OVR Overtimes to ERGANH(E8)
T7GR3SIB Social Insurance Branches
T7GR4TAX Monthly Tax File
T7GR1HR2 Tax Calculations Method
T7GR1HR1 Tax Authorities(DOY)
T7GR1HR12 IKA Office
T7GR1HR13 Type of Insurance
T7GR1HR5 Secondary Specialty
T7GR1HR6 Payroll Indicators
T7GR1WTMETH Wagetype Calculation Method
T7GR25301 Actual Events
T7GR2AVEC Average Calculation Method
T7GR2AVED Average Days Calculation Method
T7GR2AVEM Period’s Scenarios Participation
T7GR2AVEP Average Period
T7GR2C1 Personnel Area-Subarea Grouping for Gross Payroll
T7GR2C2 EE Group-Subgroup grouping for gross payroll
T7GR4INF Type of Information
T7GR1HR4 Specialty for Labor authority
T7GR2TYP Payroll Types
T7GR1HR16 Regional unity
T7GR4CMP Company Elements
T7GR4SUB Company Subscribers
T7GR1HR8 Specialty I.K.A.
T7GR1HR10 Employer Department
T7GR1HR10T Employer Department (Texts)
T7GR4CMPT Company Elements (Text)
T7GR4SUBT Company Subscribers (Text)
T7GR3SIBT Social Insurance Branch (Text)
T7GR1HR12T IKA office (Texts)
T7GR1HR13T Type of Insurance (Texts)
T7GR1HR1T Tax Authorities (DOY) - Descriptions
T7GR1HR2T Tax Calculation Methods (Texts)
T7GR1HR4T Specialty for Labor authority(Texts)
T7GR1HR5T Secondary Specialty(Texts)
T7GR1HR6T Payroll Indicators(Texts)
T7GR1HR7T K.A.D. (Texts)
T7GR1HR8T Specialty I.K.A. (Texts)
T7GR1HR9T Special Insurance (Texts)
T7GR1WTMETHT Wagetype Calculation Method (Texts)
T7GR25301T Actual Events (Texts)
T7GR2AVEMT Period Scenarios participation (Texts)
T7GR2AVEPT Average Period (Texts)
T7GR2C1T Personnel Area-Subarea Grouping for Gross Payroll(Texts)
T7GR2C2T Employee Group-Subgroup Grouping for Gross Payroll
T7GR2QUOHT Quota Methods (Texts)
T7GR2STDALLT Methods of Characteristics (Texts)
T7GR2TYPT Payroll Types (Texts)
T7GR4INFT Type of Information (Text)
T7GR1HR14T Specialty STEP 92 (Texts)
T7GR1HR16T Geographic area
T7GR01P Grouping for Personnel Area-Subarea
T7GR1APD1 Customizing table for KAD and EMPLOYER DEPARTMENT
T7GR1APD3 Customizing Table for ALL_DAYS and FULL_SCHD
T7GR1INS Social Insurance Fund Agreement
T7GR1WTD Values of Wagetypes
T7GR1WTDD Characteristics of Wagetypes for Children - Drivers
T7GR1WTH Characteristics of Wagetypes
T7GR1WTHPE Characteristics of Wagetypes for Previous Employment
T7GR2530 Actual Reasons
T7GR2AVEH Increment Collecting Time Period
T7GR2AVEW Wagetype Participation to Increments
T7GR2QUO Quota Elements
T7GR2QUSC Quota Values
T7GR2TRG Triggering Wagetypes
T7GR4CMF Company's Codes
T7GR503 Grouping for Employee Group-Subgroup
T7GR1APD2 Customizing Table for SPECIALTY IKA
T7GR2OC Standard Payroll Elements for Off Cycles
T7GR2STD Payroll Groupings & Standard Elements
T7GR3LIM Insurance Limit
T7GR3SCD Scale Detail
T7GR3SFB Combination of Social Ins. Funds & Social Ins. Branc
T7GR2PRM Global Payroll Parameters
T7GR1HR15 Specialty I.K.A.(New)
T7GR1HR17 Regional unity / Postal Code
T7GR1INF Social Insurance Fund Agreement
T7GR4OFC APD Data from Normal to Offcycle