Hungary (PY-HU)

ID: HRI0000038
Table Description
T5H7O Monthly statistical reports - monthly personnel reports
T5H84 Payroll log
T5H42 Reported GYED sequence number
T5H43 Reported TGYS numbers
T5H81T Registered employment relationships (multiple employer)
T5H82T Registered employment relationships (multiple employer)
T5H8Z Bank transfer download log
T5H81K Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contracts
T5H82K Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contracts
T5H81M Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contracts
T5H81 Registered employment relationships
T5H82I Reported employments - run IDs
T5H82M Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contracts
T5HPBSJSZE File sequence number belonging to organization unit
T5H82 Registered employment relationships - sent statuses
T5HVJ Sequence numbers of relationships (Monthly return 2)
P2RH_HU_NRBE Irregular incomes from infotype 3234
T5HPBS_NAPI_CL Comm. - daily breakdown cluster table
T5HPBSJF Monthly reports - header data
P2RH_HU_ADIF Differences spanning over year-limit
P2RH_HU_CDIF Differences spanning over year-limit
P2RH_HU_DDIF Differences spanning over year-limit
P2RH_HU_EDIF Differences spanning over year-limit
P2RH_HU_JKOR Differences spanning over year-limit
P2RH_HU_KDIF Differences spanning over year-limit
P2RH_HU_ODIF Differences spanning over year-limit
P2RH_ADO Structure of table ADO
T5HPBS_HAVIBONT Comm. - payments monthly breakdown by persons
T5H86 Remuneration statement - log of e-mail sending
T5H4O Reported "closed incapacities to work"
T5H83 Data of other legal relationships
T5H11 Minimum contribution base - reported employees
T5HSE Sheet no. 12 Self-check
T5HV4 Months run productively (BAR code) (monthly tax return)
T5HPBS_TRANS_RUN Comm. - running transfer
T5H7W KSH statistics - update files
T5H8X Changes reported to MEP
T5H7U Certificate for tax allowance
T5H4Z Data of SI paying offices
PA3265 HR master record, infotype 3265
PA3234 HR master record, infotype 3234
PA3261 Commission contracts H
PA0643 Personnel master record: 0643 infotype
PA3267 HR master record, infotype 3267
PA3266 HR master record, infotype 3266
PA0163 Taxation (H)
PA3262 Payments for persons with commission H
T5H98 Solidarity tax
PA0635 Personnel master record infotype 0635
PB0635 Applicant master record: IT0635
PA0641 HR master record infotype 0641
PA0638 Personnel master data - 0638 infotype
PB0638 Applicant master record: IT0638
PA0642 Personnel master record - 0642 infotype
PA0636 Personnel master data - 0636 infotype
PA3263 HR master record, infotype 3263
PA3260 HR master data, infotype 3260 (leave quota H)
PA3264 HR master record, infotype 3264
PA0637 Personnel master data - 0637 infotype
PA0640 Personnel master record infotype 0640
PA0644 Personnel master record: 0644 infotype
PA0639 Personnel master data - 0639 infotype
T5HPBSOKM0 Document groups (RPCLAPH0)
T5HNR HU_NREN payroll table data of the "current month"
T5HPBS11 Salary types
T5H6E Garnishment subtype
T5H1W Correction data for form K32
T5H7V K100 data
T5H1M Private pension fund title codes
T5H1P Job codes entitling to early retirement
T5H1S Form K32: reason for non-deduction
T5H1X Block sequence number on form K32
T5H1Z Form K32: possible values of private pension fund membership
T5HSH HR-H: monthly return - selection for correction
T5HPBS02 Classification grades
T5HPBS12 School leaving certificate level code
T5HPBS14 Vocational training level code
T5HPBS15 Code of professional qualification type
T5HPBS16 Academic title level code
T5HPBS17 Foreign language code
T5HPBS18 State language exam grade code
T5HPBS19 Code of language proficiency state exam type
T5HPBS20 Code of administrative exam type
T5HPBS21 Code of administrative exam period
T5HPBS22 Code of organ entitled to perform administrative exam
T5HPBS26 Type and code of further training
T5HPBS27 Code of institution organizing further education
T5HPBS28 Training type and name
T5HPBS30 Code of vocational education content (2)
T5HPBS31 Source of cost reimbursement
T5HPBS32 Code of manager appointment
T5HPBS33 Termination of manager appointment code
T5HPBS34 Manager appointments
T5HPBS40 Name of prescribed absence code
T5HPBS42 Name of salary type target code
T5HPBS52 Form 02 collective table per wage types
T5HPBS70 HR-H: leave quotas on IT from 2006
T5HAD Payroll - message table
T5H6A Garnishment type
T5H1J SI cumulation report control table from 1997
T5H2E Family allowance rate
T5H9D Payroll accounting data table
T5H1V Payroll constants for each company
T5HPBS80R Ranks
T5HPBS83 Preferential multipliers for calculating years in service
T5HPBS_SZERZ_TIP Comm. - contract type
T5H4V SI name to NYENYI
T5HPBS92 Field service workplaces table (for IT3265)
T5HPBS9A Dues supplement and cost reimbursement after spouse
T5HPBS9B Cost reimbursement after children
T5HPBS9C Rank and multiplier of the job class
T5HPBS80T Rank names
T5HPBS_T588M ScreenControl Mapping
T5H1O Control table to private pension fund monthly report
T5H2D Wage types to be transf.: secondary pers. number-> main p.n.
T5H2F Wage types of schooling benefits and vacation checks
T5H2I Institutions data for infotype 307
T5H2Z Display wage types and their validity in infotypes
T5H41 Irregular incomes - in terms of accident sick pay
T5H4H Process code/variant of SI services text table
T5H4N Irregular incomes
T5H4Q Auxiliary table to health insurance statistical report
T5H4Y Company data to contribution computation
T5H5F Help table to infotype p0441
T5H8N Codes of nationality
T5H8U Table of transfer fees
T5H8Y Bank formats for bank transfer download
T5H9C Control table of payroll cost center diversion
T5HB1 EMMA Employer's address (and suppl.) data
T5HB2 EMMA Qualification codes
T5HS0 "Unique IDs" of form fields
T5HS2 HR-H: monthly return - variable parameters (sheet M)
T5HS4 HR-H: monthly return - months run productively (bar code)
T5HS5 HR-H: monthly return - summary variable parameters
T5HS6 HR-H: Monthly return - parameters of variables (sheet A)
T5HS9 Assign wage types to fields of 0608-02
T5HV9 Wage types for checking company summary (monthly tax return)
T5HVA Assigning form and SAP form (monthly return)
T5HVB Assigning monthly tax EAZON and field codes
T5HVC Valid form codes (monthly return)
T5HVF Company summary - table for selection screen
T5HVG Form fields for checking company summary
T5HVI Creating totals fields - company summary (monthly return v2)
T5HVV Merging company codes for return (monthly tax)
T5HVXB Monthly return 2 - XML block IDs
T5HVXS Monthly return 2 - XML block order
T5H2W Contribution types to solidarity tax
T5H2Y Solidarity tax wage types
T5H44 Regular absence fee wage types
T5H7R Settlement codes
T5H9K Salary compensation at budgetary institutions
T5HVM Private pension fund tax type codes
T5HVN Creating private pension fund membership fees
T5HPBS100 Amount of international per diem for business trip
T5HPBS63 Generating leave quotas
T5HPBS64 Controlling leave quotas
T5HPBS65 Rules for leave quota reduction
T5HPBS66 Rules for leave quota conflicts
T5HPBS79 Grouping of employee subgroups
T5HPBS80 Rank settings
T5HPBS81 Years in service settings for public sector
T5HPBS86 Reading PD data
T5HPBS86F Reading PD data - field assignments
T5HPBS86O Reading PD data - object sequence
T5HPBS94 Security conditions (for IT3265)
T5HPBS95 Climate conditions (for IT3265)
T5HPBS98 FX multipliers for long-term studies abroad
T5HPBS99 FX multipliers for job key numbers
T5HPBSOKM3 Smartform for document
T5HPBSPE Performance assessment brackets
T5HPBSPET Performance assessment texts
T5HPBS_KIFDAT Comm. - payment default date
T5HPBS_T538C_DAY Comm. - number of days for IT3261 time units
T5HPBS01X Multiplication numbers
T5HPBS02X Classification grades
T5HPBS05 Technical ID (1) - for personnel area
T5HPBS06 Technical ID (1) - administrative institution
T5HPBS07 Address of organizational units
T5HPBS37 Long-term absences
T5HPBS58 Headers for forms 02, 34 and 35
T5HPBS59 Anniversary bonus settings
T5HPBS61 Control table for generation government official add. leave
T5HPBS62 Control table of generating public servant additional leave
T5HPBS71 HR-H: rows of form 35
T5HPBS72 HR-H: form 35 - general ledger account numbers
T5HPBS73 HR-H: fact sheet 35 - totals line
T5HPBS74 HR-H: lines of fact sheet 34
T5HPBS75 HR-H: form 34 - general ledger account numbers
T5HPBS76 HR-H: fact sheet 34 - totals line
T5HPBS77 Key number conversion for fact sheet 34
T5HPBS78 Conversion table between organization unit and subarea
T5HAA Cumulation interrelations
T5HB3 EMMA title codes
T5HB4 EMMA school certificate cpdes
T5HV0I_BCK Index table of monthly tax return data (T5HV0) backup
T5HV5 Creating company summary (monthly tax return)
T5HPBS01 Multiplication numbers
T5HPBS91 Expatriations for infotype Field service (3265)
T5HPBS93 Field service basic dues (for IT3265)
T5HPBS96 Foreign exchange multipliers (for IT3265)
T5HPBS97 Basic foreign exchange dues monthly rate (for IT3265)
T5HPBS_LGART_PAR Comm. - parameter table for specifying techn. wage type
T5H2K Processing class by company codes
T5H47 Service types for infotype IT3267
T5H49 Report insured person - Control of qualification data
T5H7Z Nature of public domain
T5HPBS8A National defence service pay multiplicator numbers
T5H4P Generate new wage types on the basis of ones with SI split
T5H1H SI paying offices
T5H5A Percentages of compensation for absence - overtime brackets
T5H5B Percentages of compensation for absence - overtime brackets
T5H6C Garnishment priority
T5H2A Tax table (tax brackets and percentages)
T5H2B Year-end (tax) certificates elements