Reported "closed incapacities to work" | #transactional | Component: Hungary
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
FOLYO HR-H account number of SI paying office
SVNUM SI number
PERNR Personnel Number
KKEND End of incapacity to work
KKKAT Category of incapacity to work Show values
SORSZ Seq. no. of reported incapacity to work in SI paying office
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (WAERS):
BSZOS Sick leave payment
TPOSZ Sick pay amount
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
KKEND End of incapacity to work
GBDAT Date of Birth
KKBEG Start of incapacity to work
FGBDT Child's date of birth
Column Name Description
KKKAT Category of incapacity to work Show values
GESCH Gender Key Show values
BJTIP Insurance relationship type Show values
AKPAS Sick pay type: active/passive/active->passive Show values
ELTIP SI service type according to relevant period Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
YEARJ Report year JAHR
QUART Quarter serial number P21_QUART
DBFNR Sequence number in dBase file NUM05
FEOR1 FEOR number standard P21_FEOR1
FE1TX FEOR number standard text P21_TXT50
NDBSZ Number of days on sick leave P21_NUMDA
ND60N Number of days on 60% sick pay P21_NUMDA
ND70N Number of days on 70% sick pay P21_NUMDA
ND60K Number of days on 60% hospital sick pay P21_NUMDA
ND100 Nr. of days on 100% accident sick pay P21_NUMDA
NDPAS Number of passive days P21_NUMDA
KEKEK Code of incapacity to work NUMC02
KDSVN Child's TAJ number P21_SVNUM
JVCTR Relationship sequence number P21_JVCTR
TBATL SI accounting - daily average P21_ATLAG
DELSS Sequence number of the deleted line NUMC09
JOBID Program run identification CHAR14