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Japan (PY-JP)
ID: HLA0008501
Table | Description |
T5JRIC | Retroactive Changes to YEA Infotypes |
P2RJ_YTT | Payroll Results: Income Tax for Year End Adjustment (Japan) |
P2RJ_KGT | Kijungai time occured in for-period with Position info |
P2RJ_NT | Payroll Results: Social/Labour Insurance (Japan) |
P2RJ_JP_SHUKKO | Shukko settlement information |
P2RJ_HEIT | Payroll Results: Hei Ran Results Table |
P2RJ_MST | Payroll result: Monthly socail insurance table |
P2RJ_MAT | Cumulation Table for Flexible Payroll |
P2RJ_JP_CPT | Payroll result: Retirement Benefit Result |
P2RJ_RETTAX | Payroll Results: Detailed Retirement Tax Infomation |
P2RJ_RET_INFO | Payroll Results: Retirement Information Table |
P2RJ_TT | Payroll Results: Income Tax (Japan) |
PA0889 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0889 |
PA0888 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0888 |
PA0903 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0903 |
PA0890 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0890 |
T7JPBP_CALDEC | Decision Factor |
T7JPBP_PNTTYP | Retirement Benefit Point Type |
T7JPCP_CBDEC | Decision Factors for Re-assessment Rate |
T7JPCP_CLDECFC | Decision Factor |
T7JPCP_PRDECFC | Decision Factors for Premium Rate/Amount |
T5J35 | HR Indicator of Taxation JPN |
T5J37 | HR Indicator Year End Adjustment JPN |
T5J50 | HR Residence Tax Change Reason JPN |
T5J52 | HR Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPN |
T5J54 | HR Insurance Product Type JPN |
T5J88 | HR-J: Payment class |
T7JPBP_ASNPERP | Assignment Period Parameters |
T7JPBP_PNT | Retirement Benefit Point |
T7JPCP_CPPLNTYP | Define Corporate Pension Plan Type |
T7JPCP_CPPNSTY | Define Corporate Pension Plan Subtype |
T7JPCP_FORMCAT | Define Form Category |
T7JPCP_JOBTYPE | Define Job Type |
T7JPCP_PARTSTA | Participant Status |
T7JPCP_PAYCOUR | Benefit Payment Period Course |
T7JPCP_PREMPAR | Premium Rate/Amount Parameter |
T7JPCP_PSCHRSN | Reason of Participant Status Change |
T7JPCP_RNDRULE | Rounding Rule |
T5JNC | HR Normal Collection Reason Indicator JPN |
T7JPCP_PENSION | Corporate Pension Plan |
T7JPCP_SUBPLN | DB Plan Sub Plan |
T5J86 | HR-J: Taxation Type Indicator JPN |
T7JPCP_BENPNTY | Define Retirement Benefit Plan Type |
T7JPCP_FORMCATT | Define Form Category Text |
T5J48 | HR Payroll Income Tax - Reconstruction |
T5J19 | HR Combination for Family Dependant Tax Deduction JPN |
T5J1A | HR-J: Overseas pay payment rate |
T5J39 | HR Standard Annual Income Y.E.A. JPN |
T5J40 | HR Tax Deduction Amount Y.E.A. JPN |
T5J41 | HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPN |
T5J42 | HR Payroll Income Tax - Monthly Chart JPN |
T5J43 | HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily KOU JPN |
T5J44 | HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily OTSU JPN |
T5J57 | HR Special Tax Table for Retirement Income (Pension) JPN |
T5J64 | HR Commuting Allowance - Non-taxable Amounts JPN |
T5J69 | HR Attributes to SYOYO payroll run JP |
T5JFT | Multiple payment model in a month |
T5JMA | Multiple payment model in a month |
T7JPBP_ALLOCSA | Assign Allocation Course to Retirement Benefit Plan |
T7JPBP_ASNPARA | Assign Assignment Period Parameters |
T7JPBP_CLFCTBL | Calc. Factor Parameter Value Table |
T7JPBP_FORMULA | Calculation Formula |
T7JPBP_PNTDEC | Assign Decision Point Types to Retirement Benefit Point |
T7JPBP_PNTTBL | Retirement Benefit Point Value Table |
T7JPBP_REDRULE | Reduction Rule for Point Value of Current Period |
T7JPBP_UPDEC | Point Unit Price Decision Factor |
T7JPBP_UPTBL | Point Unit Price Value Table |
T7JPCP_AGERQ | Age Requisites |
T7JPCP_BENATTR | Define Benefit Attributes |
T7JPCP_BENMODA | Assign Benefit Modifier to Pension Plan |
T7JPCP_CHGRSN | Reason of Change |
T7JPCP_CLBSPAR | Calculation Basis Parameter |
T7JPCP_CLFCTBL | Calculation Factor Parameter Value Table |
T7JPCP_CTRC | Maintain Contract Data |
T7JPCP_DBBERQ | Pension Benefit Eligibility Requisites |
T7JPCP_DCDTRMD | Distribution Method of Amount Exceeding Maximum Contribution |
T7JPCP_DTFLSTR | Define Data File Structure |
T7JPCP_DTRUL | Define Contribution Determination and Reference Date Rule |
T7JPCP_ELGRQ | Participation Eligibility Requisites |
T7JPCP_FORMULA | Calculation Formulas |
T7JPCP_INELGRQ | Participation Ineligibility Requisites |
T7JPCP_PAYPER | Define Pre-paid Retirement Allowance Calculatuion period |
T7JPCP_PREMFML | Premium Calculation Formula |
T7JPCP_PRFCTBL | Premium Amount/Rate Parameters Value Table |
T7JPCP_SENRQ | Seniority Requisites |
T5J20 | HR Amount for Famliy Dependent Tax Deduction JPN |
T7JPCP_CBFCTBL | Reassessment Rate Factor Parameter Value Table |
T5JLQ | Flextime Labor-Management Agreements |
T5JCR | 36 Agreement: Check Rule of Overtime Work |
T5JOM | 36 Agreement: Overtime Work Limit Modifier |