Japan (PY-JP)

ID: HLA0008501
Table Description
T5JRIC Retroactive Changes to YEA Infotypes
P2RJ_YTT Payroll Results: Income Tax for Year End Adjustment (Japan)
P2RJ_KGT Kijungai time occured in for-period with Position info
P2RJ_NT Payroll Results: Social/Labour Insurance (Japan)
P2RJ_JP_SHUKKO Shukko settlement information
P2RJ_HEIT Payroll Results: Hei Ran Results Table
P2RJ_MST Payroll result: Monthly socail insurance table
P2RJ_MAT Cumulation Table for Flexible Payroll
P2RJ_JP_CPT Payroll result: Retirement Benefit Result
P2RJ_RETTAX Payroll Results: Detailed Retirement Tax Infomation
P2RJ_RET_INFO Payroll Results: Retirement Information Table
P2RJ_TT Payroll Results: Income Tax (Japan)
PA0889 HR Master Record: Infotype 0889
PA0888 HR Master Record: Infotype 0888
PA0903 HR Master Record: Infotype 0903
PA0890 HR Master Record: Infotype 0890
T7JPBP_CALDEC Decision Factor
T7JPBP_PNTTYP Retirement Benefit Point Type
T7JPCP_CBDEC Decision Factors for Re-assessment Rate
T7JPCP_CLDECFC Decision Factor
T7JPCP_PRDECFC Decision Factors for Premium Rate/Amount
T5J35 HR Indicator of Taxation JPN
T5J37 HR Indicator Year End Adjustment JPN
T5J50 HR Residence Tax Change Reason JPN
T5J52 HR Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPN
T5J54 HR Insurance Product Type JPN
T5J88 HR-J: Payment class
T7JPBP_ASNPERP Assignment Period Parameters
T7JPBP_PNT Retirement Benefit Point
T7JPCP_CPPLNTYP Define Corporate Pension Plan Type
T7JPCP_CPPNSTY Define Corporate Pension Plan Subtype
T7JPCP_FORMCAT Define Form Category
T7JPCP_JOBTYPE Define Job Type
T7JPCP_PARTSTA Participant Status
T7JPCP_PAYCOUR Benefit Payment Period Course
T7JPCP_PREMPAR Premium Rate/Amount Parameter
T7JPCP_PSCHRSN Reason of Participant Status Change
T7JPCP_RNDRULE Rounding Rule
T5JNC HR Normal Collection Reason Indicator JPN
T7JPCP_PENSION Corporate Pension Plan
T5J86 HR-J: Taxation Type Indicator JPN
T7JPCP_BENPNTY Define Retirement Benefit Plan Type
T7JPCP_FORMCATT Define Form Category Text
T5J48 HR Payroll Income Tax - Reconstruction
T5J19 HR Combination for Family Dependant Tax Deduction JPN
T5J1A HR-J: Overseas pay payment rate
T5J39 HR Standard Annual Income Y.E.A. JPN
T5J40 HR Tax Deduction Amount Y.E.A. JPN
T5J41 HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPN
T5J42 HR Payroll Income Tax - Monthly Chart JPN
T5J43 HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily KOU JPN
T5J44 HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily OTSU JPN
T5J57 HR Special Tax Table for Retirement Income (Pension) JPN
T5J64 HR Commuting Allowance - Non-taxable Amounts JPN
T5J69 HR Attributes to SYOYO payroll run JP
T5JFT Multiple payment model in a month
T5JMA Multiple payment model in a month
T7JPBP_ALLOCSA Assign Allocation Course to Retirement Benefit Plan
T7JPBP_ASNPARA Assign Assignment Period Parameters
T7JPBP_CLFCTBL Calc. Factor Parameter Value Table
T7JPBP_FORMULA Calculation Formula
T7JPBP_PNTDEC Assign Decision Point Types to Retirement Benefit Point
T7JPBP_PNTTBL Retirement Benefit Point Value Table
T7JPBP_REDRULE Reduction Rule for Point Value of Current Period
T7JPBP_UPDEC Point Unit Price Decision Factor
T7JPBP_UPTBL Point Unit Price Value Table
T7JPCP_AGERQ Age Requisites
T7JPCP_BENATTR Define Benefit Attributes
T7JPCP_BENMODA Assign Benefit Modifier to Pension Plan
T7JPCP_CHGRSN Reason of Change
T7JPCP_CLBSPAR Calculation Basis Parameter
T7JPCP_CLFCTBL Calculation Factor Parameter Value Table
T7JPCP_CTRC Maintain Contract Data
T7JPCP_DBBERQ Pension Benefit Eligibility Requisites
T7JPCP_DCDTRMD Distribution Method of Amount Exceeding Maximum Contribution
T7JPCP_DTFLSTR Define Data File Structure
T7JPCP_DTRUL Define Contribution Determination and Reference Date Rule
T7JPCP_ELGRQ Participation Eligibility Requisites
T7JPCP_FORMULA Calculation Formulas
T7JPCP_INELGRQ Participation Ineligibility Requisites
T7JPCP_PAYPER Define Pre-paid Retirement Allowance Calculatuion period
T7JPCP_PREMFML Premium Calculation Formula
T7JPCP_PRFCTBL Premium Amount/Rate Parameters Value Table
T7JPCP_SENRQ Seniority Requisites
T5J20 HR Amount for Famliy Dependent Tax Deduction JPN
T7JPCP_CBFCTBL Reassessment Rate Factor Parameter Value Table
T5JLQ Flextime Labor-Management Agreements
T5JCR 36 Agreement: Check Rule of Overtime Work
T5JOM 36 Agreement: Overtime Work Limit Modifier