Turkey (PY-TR)

ID: HRI0000043
Table Description
T7TRK07 IFRS-TFRS Seniority provision
T7TRK09 IFRS : Posting Record
PA0770 Personnel master data: Info type 0770
PA0771 Personnel master data: Infotype 0771
PB0770 Personnel master data: Info type 0770
PB0771 Personnel master data: Infotype 0771
PA0773 Personnel master data: Infotype 0773
PA0774 Personnel master data: Infotype 0774
PA0776 Personnel master data: Infotype 0776
PA0772 Personnel master data: Infotype 0772
PA0778 Personnel master data: Infotype 0778
PA0775 Personnel master data: Infotype 0775
PA0769 Personnel master data: Information type 0769
PB0769 Personnel master data: Information type 0769
PA0885 Personnel master data: Infotype 0885
PA0777 Personnel master data: Infotype 0777
PA0750 Personnel master data: Infotype 0750
PB0750 Personnel master data: Infotype 0750
T7TRK10 IFRS : Posting Record Personel Le
T7TRS08 Matching Education Types With Legal Groupings
T7TRK01 Allowance factors - notice periods
T7TRK08 IFRS Account Determination (Badi)
T7TRS02 Legal procents table
T7TRS10 Service Duration Additional SSK Base
T7TRT01 Tax Classes
T7TRT02 Tax Deductions
T7TRT03 Disability Parameters
T7TRT05 Annual Tax Compensation.
T7TRT08 Personal Expenses Allowance (VAT Return) Amount and Procents
T7TRK02 Wage types for seniority payment
T7TRS13 Minimum Wage Incentive Table
T7TRK03 Wage and salary increase for seniority
T7TRG03 Seniority group based on personnel area and subarea
T7TRG04 Personnel Area - Personnel Subarea grouping
T7TRI03 Customer fields for BT 0771
T7TRI04 Customer fields for BT 0771
T7TRI05 Document Tracking
T7TRI06 Occupation Dictionary
T7TRI08 Occupation Dictionary
T7TRIC01 Wage Type Definition Table
T7TRIC03 Appearence order and form of wage types in report
T7TRIC04 Report name-Report number connection amount
T7TRS01 Social Security Data
T7TRS07 Document Type Names
T7TRS09 Matching of Employment status to Legal Status
T7TRT04 Agreed day information in foreign service
T7TRT07 BEM wage types priority table
T7TRS14 Insurance Branch Legal Mapping Code
T7TRS15 Education Code Legal Mapping Table
T7TRG01 General information about company.
T7TRT11 Minimum Living Wage Rates
T7TRL01 Customizing - Wage Type
T7TRP01 Tax deduction data
T7TRP02 Stamp tax rates
T7TRS03 Absence types deducted from Social Security Day
T7TRS05 SSK Exemptions Table (for Minimum Wage)
T7TRS11 Rates For SGK Applications
T7TRS12 SGK Applications Employment Subsidy Rates
T7TRT06 Private insurance procents
T7TRK05 Seniority report parameter maintenance
T7TRP03 Day setting table of foreign exchange rate used in payroll
T7TRS16 Mapping of tax declaration and tax type-wage type.
T7TRP05 Payroll Parameters related to Law Number