HRCZ - Public sector definition of employer and organiz. | #other | Component: Czech Republic
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
ZL Employer code
ZAR Institution code
ENDDA End Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ENDDA End Date
BEGDA Start Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
PRFOR Legal form of organization (code list CSU 0056) NUMC3
KZBVI Institution code without own ICO CHAR10
POCZR Number of employees budgeted CHAR6
OPPRO Budgeted resource volume for salaries DEC12
NUTS Classification of territ.statistical units CZ-NUTS (county) CHAR6
EVIDF Recorded number of employed natural persons CHAR6
PLAZC Staff expenditure incl.extrabudgetary sources CHAR12
MRZPC Extrabudgetary sources for salaries total CHAR12