HR-PT: Payroll Results: Vacation allowance grouping (VA) | #transactional | Component: Portugal
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
DCT_PERNR Personnel Number
DCT_SEQNR FK Sequence Number
DCT_ROWID Unique Row Number
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (T500C.WAERS):
FIXCO Fixed component of VA reference remuneration
VARCO Variable component of VA reference remuneration
PAMNT VA amount paid in period
CPAMT Paid VA amount cumulated until period
EAMNT VA amount earned in period
CEAMT Cumulated amount of earned VA
ESTAM Estimated annual VA amount
CLAMT Amount to be cleared (due to as-earned principle)
EDIFF Difference between estimated VA amount and reference remun.
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
OBEGD Old start date
OENDD Old end date
Column Name Description
ALLTY Type of vacation allowance Show values
REGTY Type of regime (normal/alternative) Show values
TERMX Special processing for termination Show values
ADJFL Flag for adjustment payment in period Show values
TERFL Flag for contract termination adjustment Show values
GENER Indicator for automatic generation of allowance payment Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
VAGRP Vacation allowance grouping PPT_GRVAL
PDAYS No.of leave days covered by VA payment in period PTM_QUONUM
CPDAY No.of cumulated leave days covered by VA payment PTM_QUONUM
VDAYS Number of leave days taken PTM_QUONUM
CVDAY No.of cumulated leave days taken PTM_QUONUM
NQUOT Absence quota type for annual leave entitlement ABWKO
NLDAY Annual leave entitlement days PTM_QUONUM
TQUOT Absence quota type for termination entitlement ABWKO
TLDAY Entitlement days for contract termination PTM_QUONUM
PAYFL Type of payment frequency (A - annual; P - periodic) CHAR1
CPAYF Type of payment frequency at least occuring once in year CHAR1
AWART Absence type of leave period triggering allowance payment AWART
GWTYP Wage type generated for allowance payment LGART
GAPZN PC205 assignment PRSPL
GLDAY No.of leave days for which a payment was generated PTM_QUONUM
GZEIN Time/Measurement Unit RPMSH
CLDAY Taken leave days to be cleared (due to as-earned principle) PTM_QUONUM
CDURP No.of months in same processing variant (in year) DEC2_2