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Reporting (PY-NL-RP)
ID: HLA0009656
Table | Description |
P2RN_SP | Payroll Results: Special Payments |
P05T_WCR_STAT | WCR Status Table |
P05T_IV_ADM_STAT | Wage Return: Income Relationship - Status Table |
P05T_AE_ADM_STAT | Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Status Table |
P05T_RESP_LINE | Wage Return: Table for Response Message Errors |
P05T_WCR_ER_INFO | WCR Info on Employer Level |
P05T_WCR_EE_DATA | WCR Data on Employee Level |
P05T_JLO_STAT | Annual Wage Return status |
P05T_WCR_SIMU | WCR Simulation |
P05T_RESPONSE | Wage Return: Table for Response Messages |
P2RN_NADR | Address Data |
P2RN_PK | Payroll Result: Pension Module |
P2RN_GW | Payroll Results: Garnishment Wages |
P2RN_NNAM | Personal Data |
P05T_LA_PREDME | Wage Return: Pre-DME for payment of Wage Tax |
P05T_NOM_ERROR | Errors in Nominative Wage Returns |
P2RN_LAIRW | Payroll Results: Wage Return |
P2RN_NB | Payroll results: Adjustments and Arrears Payments (NL) |
P2RN_HBMW | HBMH Recalculation Method Wages |
P2RN_NARG | Payroll Results: Add. Terms of Employment |
P2RN_SV | Payroll Results: Social Insurance (NL) |
P2RN_LA | Payroll Results: Wage Return |
P05TPRNL_C_SEQNO | Pension Return: Current sequence number per period |
P2RN_NSR0 | Payroll Results: Special Provisions (NL) |
P2RN_PRAP | Pension Return |
P2RN_NWV | Payroll Results: Commuter Traffic (NL) |
P2RN_ST | Payroll Results: Wage Tax (NL) |
P2RN_FB | Payroll Results: Flexible benefits |
P2RN_SR | Payroll Results: Life-Course Savings Scheme |
P05T_EDM_PERSOON | Personal data for Day-one-announcement (EDM) |
P05T_IV_INKPERSA | Wage Return: Income Relationship - Income Period SI |
P05T_NUMIV_ATTR | Wage Return: Current IR Number |
P2RN_PS | Payroll Results: Pensions (NL) |
P2RN_NKO | Payroll Results: Childcare (NL) |
P2RN_NTDG | HR Master Record: Infotype Planned Working Time (0007) |
P05T_JLO_DATA | Data for Annual Wage Return |
P05T_MFTP | Nominative Contribution May Be Incorrect |
P2RN_WPA | Payroll Results: Workplace Administration |
P2RN_AK | Payroll Results: Premium Reduction (NL) |
P2RN_CB | Payroll results: Wage Adjustments for payroll calc. (NL) |
P2RN_INFD | Data Evaluation (NL) |
P2RN_WP | Payroll Results: Workplace |
P05T_CVZ_UITW | CVZ: Tabel voor uitwisselingsbestand |
P05T_IV_PERSOON | Wage Return: Income Relationship - Personal Data |
P05T_WCR_PROT | WCR Protocol Table |
P05T_AE_ADM | Wage Return: Administrative Unit - Admin. Table |
P2RN_HBMH | Payroll Results: HBMH Recalculation Method History |
P05TPRNL_LP_ADMS | Pension Return: Administration of Status - Legal Pers Level |
P05TPRNL_EE_ADMS | Pension Return: Admin of Status Income Relationship - Pers L |
P05T_WSCC_ATTR | SBR Default Connection Attributes |
P05TPRNL_LP_ER | Pension Return: Employer Return on Legal Person Level |
P05T_A_EXT | Wage Return: Collective Employer Data - Wage Return |
P05T_WAB_EXCL | WAB: Exclude Employees From Revision |
P05TPRNL_PR_RSP | Pension Return: PR - Output Data - Response Data |
P05TPRNL_EE_PD | Pension Return: Personal Data - Pers Level |
P05TPRNL_PR_OUT | Pension Return: Output Data |
T77PRNL_PUO_APPL | Pension Return: Assignment of PUO to Subapplication |
P05T_KENTEKEN | Wage Return: Indicator |
P05TPRNL_PR_RSPM | Pension Return: PR - Output Data - Response Data - Messages |
P05_TTFM | Mapping: Tax Table - Function Module |
P05TPRNL_EE_IRP | Pension Return: Income Relationship – Income Period - Pers L |
T5N6D | Calculation Codes for Regulations |
P05T_LOB_STORAGE | Table to store large objects for testing and check purposes |
P05_TTCM | Mapping: Tax Table Column - Function Module Parameter |
T5N5Q | Calculation Table for Pensions (NL) |
P05_TTFM_TTYPE | CSV Tax Table Check Report: Table Types |
T5N5M | Calculation Methods for Pensions (NL) |
T5N5N | Check Table for Pension Schemes (NL) |
P05T_CURR_VOLGNR | Wage Return: Current Sequence Number |
T5N6B | Calculation Components of Regulation |
P05TPRNL_EE_ADM | Pension Return: Admin Income Relationship - Pers Level |
P05TPRNL_LP_ADM | Pension Return: Administration - Legal Pers Level |
T5N9T | Reason for Ending Employment Contract Wage Return |
T5N9U | Reason for Ending Employment Contract Pens Return |
P05T_T_WCR_CODE | Codes for the Work Cost Regulation |
T5N9L | Reason for Ending Employment Contract |
T5N16 | Social Security Types |
P05T_WCR_SYSID | Work Cost Regulation: System ID |
T77PRNL_IN | Pension Return: Indicator |
T5N17 | Social Insurance Calculation Methods |
T5N6A | Regulations |
P05T_IRS_TYPE | Income Relationship Split Types |
T5NTW | Include Work Relationship Types |
P05TPRNL_EE_IRI | Pension Return: Income Relationship Indicators |
P05TPRNL_EE_PRPI | Pension Return: Income Rel - Pens/Ins Rel Period Indic PL |
P05TPRNL_LP_COLL | Pension Return: Collective Return - Legal Pers Level |
P05_TTFM_TTYPET | CSV Tax Table Check Report: Tax Table Type Text Table |
P05T_CORR_REL | Wage Return: Indicators Relevant for Corrections |
P05T_CR_CUST | Wage Return: Indicators Relevant for Corrections (Customer) |
P05T_CR_TABS | Wage Return: Tables with Correction Relevant Fields |
P05T_LL_SPLIT | Aangifte LH: Splitting of life-course saving scheme payments |
P05T_WCR_CWT | WCR Code for wage type |
T5N1U | Check Table for Employer |
T77PRNL_ADDLPD | Pension Return: Additional Legal Person Data |
T77PRNL_BEGREL | Pension Return: Determination of Pension Rel. Start Date |
T77PRNL_FILL | Pension Return: Fill Table APG |
T77PRNL_IN_CUM | Pension Return: Assignment of Cumulative Wage Types |
T77PRNL_IN_SUM | Pension Return: Sum up indicators |
T77PRNL_MST | Pension Return AGP: Conversion of Marital Status Key |
T77PRNL_SELWT | Pension Return: Selection Table APG for Wage Types |
T77PRNL_XML_IN | Pension Return: XML Tags Mapping Indicator |
T77PRNL_XML_V | Pension Return: XML Versions |
T5N20 | Payroll Parameters for Employment Rebate and Tax (NL) |
T5N0E | Link Between Difference Wage Types and Wage Types |
T5N0F | Link back-payment wage types to difference wage types |
T5N0G | Control Table for Guaranteed Net Amounts |
T5N1G | Valuation of Absences |
T5N21 | Final levy |
T5N23 | Assign Wage Tax Return Indicator to Annual Employee Statem. |
T5N2O | Premium Reductions (NL) |
T5N2Z | Taxable Allowance for Childcare |
T5N5P | Pension Schemes (NL) |
T5N5V | Marital Status for Evaluations |
P05T_CUM_KENT | Wage Return: Indicator Cumulation Wage Types |
P05T_IV_SA | Wage Return: Income Relationship - Special Indicators |
P05T_KENT_CUST | Wage Return: Customizing Indicators for Customers |
P05T_XML_VERSION | Wage Return: Versions |
T5N76 | Municipal Personal Records Database [GBA] Code Countries |
T5N6C | Link between Regulations and Calculation Components |
T5N6E | Calculation Data for Entitlements |
T5N6F | Calculation Data for Reservations |
T5N6G | Calculation Data for Pay-out and Forwarding |
P05T_CVZ_HEADER | HCIB transfer file headerlines |
P05T_JLO_FIELDS | Use of table fields for Annual Wage Return |
P05T_JLO_HEADER | Data and heading for Annual Wage Return CSV transfer file |
P05T_JWN_INDIC | Annual Employee's Statement: Indicators to be displayed |
T77PRNL_IN_CPR | Pension Return: Assignment of Ind. to CumWTs Prod. Related |
T77PRNL_SEL | Pension Return: Product Selection Table |
T5N1L | Social Insurance Contribution Data |
T5N24 | Additional Amount Percentage Private Use of Car |
P05T_JWN_LOGO | Annual Tax Statement Logo for PDF Form |
P05T_JWN_STC_TXT | Annual Employee's Statement: Statoc Texts |
T5N77 | Fiscal Area (NL) |
T5N9M | Assign Actions and Reasons to code reason ending Employment |
T77PRNL_JUPREP | Pension Return: Assignment of Legal Pers to Repr Legal Pers |
T77PRNL_MUM | Pension Return UPA: Conversion of Marital Status Key |
T77PRNL_UCHECK | Pension Return: Check Table for Fill Table UPA |
T77PRNL_UFILL | Pension Return: Fill Table UPA |
P05T_IRS_CWT | Income Relationship Split Types CWT Split |
P05T_IRS_DEF | Income Relationship Split Types Defaults |
P05T_IRS_WTYPE | Wage Type Trigger IR Split |
P05T_LA_SYCHNG | Wage Return: System Transfer |
T77PRNL_PUOJUP | Pension Return: Assignment of Legal Person to PUO |
T5N1W | Control Information for WAS |
T5N25 | Payroll Parameters for Tax Rebates (NL) |
T5NTA | Transition Allowance Payment |
T5NTB | Determine Calculation Base for Transition Allowance |
T5NTC | Exclude Times Working as an External |
T5NTD | Calculation Base for Remaining Days |
T5NTE | Determine Employment Start for Transition Allowance |
T5NTV | Vacation Allowance Percentage for Transition Allowance |
P05T_SOM_KENT | Wage Return: Indicators |
P05T_UITS_KENT | Indicator Exclusion |
P05T_XML_KENT | Wage Return: XML Tags Mapping Indicator |