Data Acquisition Tool / Service Programs for Payroll (PY-LOC-UR)

ID: HRI0000090
Table Description
T5F99SE Subdocument status table
T5F99SR Document status table
T5F99CONT1 SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
PA3412 HR Master Record: Infotype 3412
PA0861 HR Master Record: Infotype 0861
PA3331 HR Master Record: Infotype 3331
PA0713 Work relationship termination, SWE
PA0048 HR Master Record: Infotype 0048 (Residence Status - CH)
PA0860 HR Master Record: Infotype 0860
PA0865 HR Master Record: Infotype 0865
T5F99ITGSUBTY DAQ Generic Infotype subtypes definition
T5F99ST Status
T5F99ST_V2 Status
T5F99OEFG Form Groups
T5F99FF Forms: Field definition
T5F99MC Reimbursement Settings by Groups
T5F99P9 Committee
T5F99A4 Status
T5F99P1 Status
T5F99PADEF Name of DAQ parameters
T5F99FS Forms: Sections
T5F99P7 Disciplinary Measure
T5F99FCD Forms: Code list (by type)
T5F99FE Forms: Error code list
T5F99A0 Awards
T5F99A1 Motifs
T5F99A2 Authority levels
T5F99A3 Titles
T5F99P2 Offense Category
T5F99P3 Offense Type
T5F99P6 Disciplinary Measure Group
T5F99IE Institutions
T5F99IG Institution groups
T5F99M1 Means of Transport
T5F99M11 Mobility Groups for Reporting
T5F99M2 Reimbursement Rules
T5F99M3 Cost Types
T5F99M4 Mobility Modifiers
T5F99P4 Offense
T5F99BN Employee Follow-up : Notification per process/form
T5F99BT Employee Follow-up : Transfer Type per process/form
T5F99OMFG Output forms groupings
T5F99IET Texts for institutions
T5F99IGT Texts for institution groups
T5F99FCDT Forms: Code Value List Text
T5F99FET Forms: Error code list TEXT
T5F99ITGSUBTYT DAQ Generic Infotype subtypes texts
T5F99FSC Forms: Sections - Country Additional Data
T5F99SV Document status table
T5F99OCFG Output forms group type - Customizing
T5F99OCFT Output Form Type - Customizing
T5F99OSFG Output forms group type
T5F99OSFT Output Form Type (reporting)
T5F99P8 Link Between Offense and Disciplinary Measure
T5F99F0 Forms
T5F99FC Forms: Conditions
T5F99FD Forms: Construct
T5F99FG Forms: Source field groups
T5F99FW Forms: Wage type source group definition
T5F99FX Forms: Wage type source group customer extension
T5F99ST_R Final status and their returnables
T5F99CD Calculation of duration in HR
T5F99DT Type of duration in HR ( for calculation of duration )
T5F99FAM Marital status key recodification for DAQ reports
T5F99TE Termination: evaluation rules
T5F99TM Termination: severance model for a termination type
T5F99TP Termination: severance payment rules
T5F99DM Mapping of Infotype 0041 Date Types for DAQ applications
T5F99FFC cForms: Field definition
T5F99FOADM Form of Address status key recodification for DAQ reports
T5F99FOAM Form of Address status key recodification for DAQ reports
T5F99K2 Customer values for configuration options
T5F99M12 Mobility Groups and Means of Transport for Reporting
T5F99M5 Connect Feature with Compensation Rules
T5F99ME Fixed Reimbursement Settings
T5F99PHS Public Holiday Substitutions
T5F99PRM Reason for changing master data recodification DAQ reports
T5F99CLASS Reference classes
T5F99CVRXTREE Cluster Viewer RX - TREE setup
T5F99FMAP Mapping table for declarations
T5F99FMAPS Mapping table for declarations (system table)
T5F99FMAP_FIELDS Fields authorized for mapping
T5F99ITGCONFIG DAQ Generic Infotype configuration table
T5F99ITGFIELD DAQ Generic Infotype, field management/redefinition
T5F99MSGMAP01 Customer Message Mapping Rules for HCM Message mapping Tool
T5F99PAVAL DAQ parameters table
T5F99RPA Data retention per application
T5F99RPA_ATTR Attributes definition for Data Retention Framework
T5F99VW DAQ File Viewer Customizing