Comp. in ExprtStruc. Stored Under a Different Name | #other | Component: Payroll: General Parts
Column Name Description
PCLX_ID FK Identifier for PCLx Cluster Table
RELID FK Cluster ID Within a PCLx Cluster Table
AREA FK Area of PCLx Cluster (Without Version)
SEQNR_VERS FK Sequential Number of a Version of a PCLx Cluster Area
EXP_COMPONENT FK Component in Export Structure
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
STORED_AS New Name of Component in Export Structure for EXPORT FDNAME
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Area of PCLx Cluster (Without Version) T77PCLX_STRUCE.AREA == T77PCLX_AREA.PCLX_ID
Identifier for PCLx Cluster Table T77PCLX_STRUCE.PCLX_ID == T77PCLX_PCLXID.PCLX_ID
Cluster ID Within a PCLx Cluster Table T77PCLX_STRUCE.RELID == T77PCLX_RELID.PCLX_ID
Other Relations | to Master Data Relations ↑ Join Conditions
Sequential Number of a Version of a PCLx Cluster Area T77PCLX_STRUCE.SEQNR_VERS == T77PCLX_AREAV.PCLX_ID