Temp table for PAYFR_RESULT-REM | #transactional | Component: France
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
PERNR Personnel Number
FPPER For-Period for Payroll (YYYYMM)
FPBEG Start date of payroll period (FOR period)
FPEND End of payroll period (for-period)
INPER In-period for payroll
IPEND End of payroll period (IN period)
REMID Payroll: Remuneration ID
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (T500C.WAERS):
REAMT Payroll: Remuneration amount
DELTA Payroll: Amount of DELTA remuneration
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
FPBEG Start date of payroll period (FOR period)
FPEND End of payroll period (for-period)
IPEND End of payroll period (IN period)
REBEG Payroll: Start of remuneration period
REEND Payroll: End of remuneration period
PRBEG Payroll: Date of start of incorporation period
PREND Payroll: Date of end of incorporation period
DORIG Payroll: Remuneration date of origin
Column Name Description
CDTYP Payroll: Wage type group type code Show values
WTIMU Payroll: Unit code for remuneration time Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
GRCT1 Grouping table CT 1 (Link to table REM) NUMC4
UIDCT Payroll: Unique contract ID P06_PY_UNIQUE_ID_CONTRACT
GRRE1 Grouping table REMU 1 NUMC4
GRPY1 Grouping table PAYM 1 NUMC4
MODRE Payroll: Remuneration modifier CHAR4
REMWG Payroll: Wage type groups P_99S_SOUWT
REMWT Payroll: Wage type code LGART
LETYP Payroll: Legal code for remuneration type CHAR5
WTIMV Payroll: Duration value for remuneration PRANZHL
WTIMD Payroll: Duration value for DELTA remuneration PRANZHL
RETAR Payroll: remuneration rate DEC4_2
RECRV Payroll: Income Class 51.018 CHAR3
RETAD Payroll: DELTA remuneration rate DEC4_2