Temp table for PAYFR_RESULT-PAS | #transactional | Component: France
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
PERNR Personnel Number
FPPER For-Period for Payroll (YYYYMM)
FPBEG Start date of payroll period (FOR period)
FPEND End of payroll period (for-period)
INPER In-period for payroll
IPEND End of payroll period (IN period)
PASID Payroll: DS ID (Deduction at source)
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (T500C.WAERS):
PARNI DS: Taxable net pay S21.G00.50.002
DELTA DS: Taxable net pay DELTA
PARNR DS: Withheld taxable net pay S21.G00.50.010
PANFP DS: Potential taxable net pay S21.G00.50.005
PAMPS DS: Deduction at source amount S21.G00.50.009
RPNET PAS: Taxable net pay correction S21.G00.56.003
RPANE PAS: Declared taxable net pay S21.G00.56.004
RPADP DS: (Should have been) TNP declared during error month
RPADT DS: TNP really declared in error month (original).
RPMON Deduction at source (PAS): Correction amount S21.G00.56.007
RNFU DS: income with undefined taxable character
RNFT DS: taxable income paid by a 3rd party
RNFC DS: taxable income for exemption threshold
EXREF DS: exemption reference amount
BPAS DS: assessment basis 50.013
RNFB DS: Taxable net pay for rate
RNFE DS: exempted amount special contract
BREGU DS: assessment basis accrual
RNFA DS: short contract exemption amount
BPADE DS: assessment basis that should have
RNFN DS: tax. net pay amount imputed income
RNFG DS : Gross Remuneration Amount
MPADE DS: DS amount (that should have)
PANIR DS: Exonerated part amount of income 50.011
PANRN DS: Exemption amount on tax basis not ded. from TNP 50.012
RPNIR DS: Accrual of exoner. part of income amount 56.008
RPABF DS: Accrual of assessm. basis exemption amnt 56.009
RPDAP DS: DS amount accrual 56.010
RPPNI PAS : non-tax. share amount dec. income error month 56.013
RPAFD PAS : exemption amount on tax basis - error month 56.014
RPPAS DS: Amount subject to DS declared in error month S21.G00.56.
PARNO DS - Exonerated income
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
FPBEG Start date of payroll period (FOR period)
FPEND End of payroll period (for-period)
IPEND End of payroll period (IN period)
PAITD Deduction at source rate date (PAS)
Column Name Description
ETYPE Deduction at source (PAS): Record eligibility type Show values
RTYPE DS: DS rate type (SAP) Show values
RPTER DS: accrual - Error type S21.G00.56.002 Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
SPLT1 Tax split RAW1
GRPY1 Grouping table PAYM 1 NUMC4
SPKEY Payroll: Split key CHAR50
CATEG Deduction at source (DS): Record category P06_PAS_RECORD_CATEGORY
PATPS Tax deduction at source (DS): Rate S21.G00.50.006 DEC3_3V
PATTP DS: Deduction at source rate type S21.G00.50.007 CHAR4
PAITP Deduction at source (PAS): Rate ID S21.G00.50.008 P06_DSN_ID_PAS
RPMOI DS: accrual - Error month S21.G00.56.001 CHAR6
RPTAU Deduction at source (DS): Rate corr. S21.G00.56.005 DEC3_3V
RPATA DS: Rate declared in error month S21.G00.56.006 DEC3_3V
PACRE DS: Income Class 50.014 CHAR3
RPCRD DS: Income Class declared in the error month 56.011 CHAR3
RPCCR DS: Income Class Correction 56.012 CHAR3