Payroll Results: Garnishment for US Order | #transactional | Component: USA
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
DCT_PERNR Personnel Number
DCT_SEQNR FK Sequence Number
DCT_ROWID Unique Row Number
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (T001.WAERS):
IBALN Garnishment order initial balance
RBALN Remaining balance
DEINF Deduction infotype
DEVEN Deduction to vendor
LIMKU Cumulated limit
LIMOF Limit offset
LIMST Starting limit
DISPN Disposable net
DISKU Cumulated disposable net
GROKU Cumulated gross
FEDMI Limit for federal minimum
LIM12 Minimum of limit 1 and limit 2
SPRUL Limit for special rule
LEVY Limit for levy
ADDAT Additional non-exempt amount
TTD Total to date
MTD Month to date
PTD Period to date
YTD Year to date
DEVEN2 Deduction to vendor
DINF2 Deduction infotype
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
SPINS Special insert indicator Show values
OCATE Garnishment order category Show values
HISTORIC Historic data flag Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
GRNUM Internal garnishment case number SUBTY
OBJPS Object Identification OBJPS
ORDCD Garnishment order type PB10_ORDCD
OPRIO Garnishment order priority NUM3
ORDLG Wage type for order code LGART
RULID Rule for calculating the non-exempt amount PB10_EXCEP