Additional tax data included for calculation | #transactional | Component: Mexico
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
DCT_PERNR Personnel Number
DCT_SEQNR FK Sequence Number
DCT_ROWID Unique Row Number
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (WAERS):
SMDIA Daily minimum wage
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ODECL Indicator for excludng employee from ann. adjust. Show values
IACRE Indicator to exclude employee from employment subsidy Show values
ULTPR Flag for last period in month Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
SUBSD Percentage of tax subsidy for taxes DEC2_2
SUBMS Percentage of tax subsidy decreed by fiscal law 91 DEC2_2
RFC Federal Register of Contributors CHAR13
ESTAD State for the state tax calculation REGIO
PRSUA Applied tax allowance proportion for taxes PMX_DEC3_2V