Payroll Result Korea : Tax | #transactional | Component: South Korea
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
DCT_PERNR Personnel Number
DCT_SEQNR FK Sequence Number
DCT_ROWID Unique Row Number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
BEGDA Start Date
ENDDA End Date
Column Name Description
FLDEG Field engineer Show values
REFID Exemption by Income tax law/Tax exemption regulation law Show values
OPTIO Tax calculation method for foreigner Show values
FRNMN Enable Flat Rate Tax Method in Regular Payroll for Foreigner Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
CNTR2 Tax split RAW1
BUPLA Business Place J_1BBRANCH
SECCO Section Code SECCO
OBJPS Object identification OBJPS
NTXFC Indicator for non-taxable overseas worker CHAR1
RSNOT Indicator for non-Korean-resident PKR_RSNOT
OLDEE Eligible for Additional Deduction for Aged Employee CHAR1
HNDEE Handicapped employee PKR_HNDEE
WOMEE Matriarch or dual income PKR_WOMEE
DPTID Indicator for dependent family member CHAR1
LIVID Indicator for living with family member CHAR1
OLDID Additional deduction for old dependent CHAR1
HNDID Indicator for handicapped person CHAR1
CHDID Indicator for exemption for child-care expense CHAR1
DPOLD The aged dependents CHAR1
DPYNG Dependats below 20 years old CHAR1
DPTOT Numeric, 2-digit value NUM2
PRODU Production worker PKR_PRODU
OLDII The aged dependents over 70 CHAR1
INSID Indicator for insurance CHAR1
MEDID Indicator for medical expense CHAR1
EDUID Indicator for eduction expense CHAR1
CREID Indicator for credit card etc CHAR1
BACHD Additional Deduction for Birth and Adoption of Child CHAR1
OAPID Eligible for Additional Deduction for Aged Dependant CHAR1
FSTID Indicator for Fostered Child CHAR1
YNGEE Exemption on Employees in SMEs CHAR1
SIGPR Single Parent Deduction CHAR1
DPTYP Dependant's type PKR_DPTYP
DSPCH Employee Dispatched from a Foreign Corporation CHAR1