HR-HK: Payroll structure for Tax Quarters - Tax year | #transactional | Component: Hong Kong
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
DCT_PERNR Personnel Number
DCT_SEQNR FK Sequence Number
DCT_ROWID Unique Row Number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
BEGDA Start Date
ENDDA End Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
ADRKY Address key RAW1
STRAS Street and House Number TEXT30
LOCAT 2nd Address Line TEXT30
ORT01 City TEXT25
STATE Region (State, Province, County) REGIO
LAND1 Country/Region Key LAND1
WKWNG Company Housing CHAR1
QTRNT Natures of Quarter PHK_QTRNT
FTRAS Street and House Number PAD_STRAS
FOCAT 2nd address line PAD_LOCAT
FRT01 City PAD_ORT01