PC2CO_ABS | #transactional | Component: Colombia
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
DCT_PERNR Personnel Number
DCT_SEQNR FK Sequence Number
DCT_ROWID Unique Row Number
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (T500C.WAERS):
INIVAL Value of the initial days acknowledged by the company
BASINI Calculation base of the first days
DISVAL Percentage value of the absence acknowledged by EPS/ARP
BASDIS Calculation basis percentage acknowledged by EPS/ARP
AIDVAL Company aid value for absence
BASAID Calculation base for company allowance
BASE_EPS Absence basis for EPS
BASE_AFP Absence basis for AFP
BASE_ARP Absence basis for ARP
BASE_PAR Absence basis for non-fiscal contributions
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
BEGDA Start Date
ENDDA End Date
OBEGD Old start date
OENDD Old end date
IBEGD Initial date of original event
IPEND End of payroll period (IN period)
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
ABZNR Pointer to absences RAW1
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS
AWART Attendance or Absence Type AWART
INIDAY Initial days acknowledged by employer NUMC04
DBSINI Days Calculation base of initial days NUMC04
DISDAY Absence days acknowledged by the EPS/ARP NUMC04
DBSDIS Days calculation base absence NUMC04
AIDDAY Company aid days for absence NUMC04
DBSAID Days calculation base for company aid NUMC04
ABSDAY Days of full absence NUMC04