Payroll result: Supplementary Insurance (CN) | #transactional | Component: China
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
DCT_PERNR Personnel Number
DCT_SEQNR FK Sequence Number
DCT_ROWID Unique Row Number
Column Name Description
💲 Contribution base currency (ECCUR):
EECON Employee contribution constant
💲 Contribution base currency (EELCU):
EELOW Employee contribution base low limit
💲 Contribution base currency (EEHCU):
EEHIG Employee contribution base high limit
💲 Contribution base currency (RCCUR):
ERCON Employer contribution additional amount
💲 Contribution base currency (ERLCU):
ERLOW Employer contribution base low limit
💲 Contribution base currency (ERHCU):
ERHIG Employer contribution base high limit
💲 Contribution base currency (EEBCU):
EEBSE Employee Contribution Base Amount
CHIEX Tax Exemption Amount for Commercial Health Insurance
💲 Contribution base currency (ERBCU):
ERBSE Employer Contribution Base Amount
💲 Contribution base currency (CMCUR):
CHILM Monthly Maximum CHI Tax Exemption Amount
💲 Contribution base currency (CYCUR):
CHILY Yearly Maximum CHI Tax Exemption Amount
💲 Contribution base currency (EEECU):
EEEMP Tax Exempted Amount (Employee)
💲 Contribution base currency (ERECU):
EREMP Tax Exempted Amount (Employer)
💲 Contribution base currency (CIACU):
CIAMT Premium Amount (Yearly)
💲 Currency Key (CPICU):
CPIEX Tax Exemption Amount for Commercial Pension Insurance
CPILM Maximum CPI Tax Exemption Amount Per Month
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
BEGDA Start Date
ENDDA End Date
CIDAT Policy Effective Date for CHI/CPI
Column Name Description
PBYER Who pays Show values
PITAX Pre/post tax indicator Show values
EEBSR Employee contribution base rounding indicator Show values
EECOR Employee contribution amount rounding indicator Show values
ERBSR Employer contribution base rounding indicator Show values
ERCOR Employer contribution amount rounding indicator Show values
CFRQC Contribution Frequency Show values
FCMTH First Contribution Month Show values
PRORU Proration Rule Show values
CIFLG Sepplementary Insurance Attribute Show values
CONMO Flag for Contribution Month Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
INTYP Insurance type SUBTY_591A
INNUM Insurance number CHAR20
CONAR Contribution area PCN_CONAR
CONGR Contribution group PCN_ICNGR
CONLV Contribution level PCN_ICNLV
EEWGE Wage Type of Employee Base LGART
EERAT Employee contribution rate DEC5_3
ERWGE Wage Type of Employer Base LGART
ERRAT Employer contribution rate DEC5_3
MOSEL Month Selection TEXT12
CPILR Percentage of Monthly Income for CPI Tax Exemption DEC5_2
EERT4 Employee contribution rate DEC5_4
ERRT4 Employer contribution rate DEC5_4