ZfA: Notifications Not Assigned - Child Data | #transactional | Component: Public Sector
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
ZUSID ZfA Identification Number of Notification
KGBEZUGNR Sequence Number (2-Digit)
LFDNR ZfA: Sequential Number for Notifications with Same Zusy-ID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
FGBDT Child's Date of Birth
GEBDT Date of Birth of Person Entitled to Child Allowance
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
VONKG From Period of Child Allowance Payment PRIOD
BISKG To-Period of Child Allowance Payment PRIOD
KIZAH File Number of Child Allowance CHAR20
FNAME Child's Last Name PAD_NACHN
FAVOR Child's First Name PAD_VORNM
NNAME Last Name of Child Allowance Beneficiary PAD_NACHN
VNAME First Name of Child Allowance Beneficiary PAD_VORNM
NAME2 Birth Name of Child Allowance Beneficiary PAD_NACHN
KIDNO Feature for Child Allowance Entitlement CHAR1
WEITK Feature for Additional Child Allowance Beneficiary P01P_ZFA_WEITK
VON From Period (5.0) PRIOD
BIS To-Period (5.0) PRIOD
IDNR_KIZA Tax Identification Number of Child Allowance Beneficiary
IDNR_KIND Tax Identification Number of Child