KENNG | Identification | TEXT04 | |
KNZST | Reversal Indicator | TEXT1 | |
ABBEG | Unable to Work/Rehabilitation Since | NUMC08 | |
WAERS | Currency | TEXT3 | |
STELL | Employed as | TEXT20 | |
ENTRY | Employed Since | NUMC08 | |
FLEDT | Participation in Working Time Model Since/From | NUMC08 | |
KISTA | Church Tax | TEXT1 | |
STRKL | Employment Tax Class | NUMC01 | |
FRB1M | Monthly Tax-Free Amount | NUMC08 | |
FRBDT | Tax-Free Amount From | NUMC08 | |
LADAY | Last Working Day | NUMC08 | |
FIDAY | Return to Work | NUMC08 | |
KUWAD | RHC/WC Since | NUMC08 | |
WVLDT | Winter Compensation Advance Benefit Since | NUMC08 | |
WALAZ | WC Advance Payment in (Last) Remuneration Period | CHAR01 | |
STWAG | No. of Hours for Which Winter Compensation Advance Was Paid | NUMC05 | |
LFZED | Contd Pay During WI/Rehab. Benefit or Release from Work To | NUMC08 | |
VBEG1 | Previous Illness: Period Start | NUMC08 | |
VEND1 | Previous Illness: Period End | NUMC08 | |
VBEG2 | Previous Illness: Period Start | NUMC08 | |
VEND2 | Previous Illness: Period End | NUMC08 | |
EFZGD | Continued Pay <= 6 Weeks: Reasons | TEXT30 | |
AEBIS | Additional Remuneration Until | NUMC08 | |
ZABRT | Gross Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
ZANTO | Net Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
ZLRHT | Payment Type | NUMC01 | |
VWBET | Capital Formation Savings Payment | NUMC08 | |
VWBIS | Capital Formation Savings Payments To | NUMC08 | |
VWRHT | Payment Type for Capital Formation Savings Payments | NUMC01 | |
ZSBTG | Amount of Payments in Kind | NUMC08 | |
LBEG1 | Wage Compensation in Building Sector: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
LEND1 | Wage Compensation in Building Sector: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
LBEG2 | Wage Compensation in Building Sector: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
LEND2 | Wage Compensation in Building Sector: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
RVBEF | Waiver of Pension Insurance Exemption | CHAR01 | |
KDZUM | Dissolution of Work Relationship on | NUMC08 | |
KDGAM | Dissolution of Work Relationship on | NUMC08 | |
KDGRD | Termination Reason | TEXT30 | |
LRBEG | Last Remuneration Period in Payroll Run: Start | NUMC08 | |
LREND | Last Remuneration Period in Payroll Run: End | NUMC08 | |
LRBRT | Gross Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
LRNET | Net Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
ABART | Fixed Monthly Salary/Monthly Remuneration | CHAR01 | |
VRBRT | Agreed Gross Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
VRNET | Agreed Net Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
UBEG1 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Period Start | NUMC08 | |
UEND1 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Period End | NUMC08 | |
UBRT1 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Gross Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
UNET1 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Net Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
UBEG2 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Period Start | NUMC08 | |
UEND2 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Period End | NUMC08 | |
UBRT2 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Gross Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
UNET2 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Net Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
UBEG3 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Period Start | NUMC08 | |
UEND3 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Period End | NUMC08 | |
UBRT3 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Gross Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
UNET3 | Gross Remuneration Differs from Regular: Net Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
XBEG1 | Irregular Remuneration: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
XEND1 | Irregular Remuneration: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
XBRT1 | Irregular Remuneration: Gross Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
XNET1 | Irregular Remuneration: Net Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
XBEG2 | Irregular Remuneration: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
XEND2 | Irregular Remuneration: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
XBRT2 | Irregular Remuneration: Gross Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
XNET2 | Irregular Remuneration: Net Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
XBEG3 | Irregular Remuneration: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
XEND3 | Irregular Remuneration: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
XBRT3 | Irregular Remuneration: Gross Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
XNET3 | Irregular Remuneration: Net Remuneration | NUMC08 | |
EINKV | Non-Recurring Payments Liable to Contributions in HI | NUMC08 | |
EINRV | Non-Recurring Payments Liable to Contributions in PI | NUMC08 | |
ANSTD | Number of Hours in Which Gross Remuneration Was Earned | NUMC05 | |
WOSTD | Regular Weekly Working Time | NUMC04 | |
MBEG1 | Overtime Hours: Period Start | NUMC08 | |
MEND1 | Overtime Hours: Period End | NUMC08 | |
MSTD1 | Hours of Overtime | NUMC05 | |
MBEG2 | Overtime Hours: Period Start | NUMC08 | |
MEND2 | Overtime Hours: Period End | NUMC08 | |
MSTD2 | Hours of Overtime | NUMC05 | |
MBEG3 | Overtime Hours: Period Start | NUMC08 | |
MEND3 | Overtime Hours: Period End | NUMC08 | |
MSTD3 | Hours of Overtime | NUMC05 | |
FBEG1 | Absence Times Without Remuneration: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
FEND1 | Absence Times Without Remuneration: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
FTAG1 | Absence Times Without Remuneration: No. of Days | NUMC02 | |
FBEG2 | Absence Times Without Remuneration: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
FEND2 | Absence Times Without Remuneration: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
FTAG2 | Absence Times Without Remuneration: No. of Days | NUMC02 | |
FBEG3 | Absence Times Without Remuneration: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
FEND3 | Absence Times Without Remuneration: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
FTAG3 | Absence Times Without Remuneration: No. of Days | NUMC02 | |
UFTAG | Accident Date | NUMC08 | |
UVTRG | Name of Accident Insurance Institution | TEXT30 | |
LSTFZ | Employment Tax-Free Bonuses in Last Remuneration Payt Period | NUMC08 | |
LSTB1 | Bonuses Exempt from Employment Tax: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
LSTE1 | Bonuses Exempt from Employment Tax: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
LSTZ1 | Pymt Exempt fr. Empl. Tax | NUMC08 | |
LSTB2 | Bonuses Exempt from Employment Tax: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
LSTE2 | Bonuses Exempt from Employment Tax: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
LSTZ2 | Pymt Exempt fr. Empl. Tax | NUMC08 | |
LSTB3 | Bonuses Exempt from Employment Tax: Start of Period | NUMC08 | |
LSTE3 | Bonuses Exempt from Employment Tax: End of Period | NUMC08 | |
LSTZ3 | Pymt Exempt fr. Empl. Tax | NUMC08 | |
SBKNA | Special Feature / Federal Miners' Insurance | NUMC8 | |
AVMGG | Remuneration Converted to Be Exempt from Contributions | NUMC08 | |