Status Table for the ELENA Notification Procedure | #transactional | Component: Social Insurance
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
GUID Unique Key for Identification of Notification
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
MZBEG Start of the Notification Period of the ELENA Notification
MZEND End of the Notification Period in the ELENA Procedure
DATUM Creation/Change Date of Notification
UZEIT Creation/Change Time of a Notification
ADATUM Date of Evaluation
Column Name Description
TYP Notification Type for ELENA Procedure Show values
STATUS Status Indicator of the Notification in the Elena Procedure Show values
KKART Type of Organizational Unit of Health Insurance Fund Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PERNR Personnel Number PERNR
GUID_STORN GUID of Reversed Notification SYSUUID_C
GUID_CNECT GUID of Linked Notification SYSUUID_C
EUSER User Name CHAR12
WERKS Sender or Recipient of Notification (Personnel Area) PERSA
BTRTL Sender or Recipient of Notification (Personnel Subarea) BTRTL
BTRNR Company Number BTRNR
PABRP Payroll period for determining time period PABRP
PABRJ Payroll year for determining time period GJAHR