A1 Procedure: Employment Abroad - Cities of Assignment | #transactional | Component: Social Insurance
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
GUID Unique Key for Identification of Notification
LFDNR Counter for the Repeat Structure in the Data Modules
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
NAME A1 Procedure: Name of Place of Employment P01_A1_NAME
STRASSE A1 Procedure: Street P01_A1_STRASSE
HAUSNR A1 Procedure: House Number P01_A1_HAUSNR
ZUSATZ A1 Procedure: Address Affix P01_A1_ADRZU
PLZ A1 Procedure: Postal Code D3PLZ
ORT A1 Procedure: City P01_A1_ORT
STAAT A1 Procedure: Assignment Country D3SASC