HRDSYS: Storage for SAP standard documentation | #masterdata | Component: Payroll: General Parts
Column Name Description
OTYPE FK HR documentation: Documentation class
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CLTDEP Client-dependency of object Show values
OBJCAT Flay - object was entered in TADIR Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
CLASS Class of logical document SDOK_CLASS
PREFIX HRDSYS: Prefix for object name when searching in obj. table CHAR20
OBJTAB HRDSYS: Name of object table AS4TAB
TXTTAB HRDSYS: Name of text table AS4TAB
PGMID Program ID in Requests and Tasks PGMID
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
HR documentation: Documentation class DSYS_STD.OTYPE == DSYS_OTYPE.OTYPE