- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Accounts Payable (FI-AP)
- Accounts Receivable (FI-AR)
- Additional Functions (FI-AF)
- Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
- Bank Accounting (FI-BL)
- Business Accounting (FIN-BAC)
- Business Analytics (FIN-BA)
- Central Finance (FI-CF)
- Consolidation (FI-LC)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)
- Convergent Contract Accounting (FI-CAC)
- Corporate Governance (FIN-CGV)
- Financial Shared Service Center (FIN-SSC)
- Financial Supply Chain Management (FIN-FSCM)
- Financials Basis (FIN-FB)
- Fiori UI for Financial Accounting (FI-FIO)
- Fiori UI for Financials (FIN-FIO)
- Funds Management (FI-FM)
- General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)
- Generic Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CAX)
- Lease Accounting (FI-LA)
- Localization (FI-LOC)
- ACR Activities (FI-LOC-VAT)
- Audit Reporting (FI-LOC-AUR)
- Cash Budgeting (FI-LOC-CB)
- Cash Management (FI-LOC-CM)
- Certification (FI-LOC-CER)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-LOC-CA)
- Corporate Income Tax Framework (FI-LOC-CIT)
- Financials - UIs Localization (FI-LOC-UX)
- Globalization Service: Business Place (FI-LOC-BUP)
- Golden Audit Interface (FI-LOC-GAI)
- Golden Tax Interface (China) (FI-LOC-GTI)
- Localization Asset Accounting (FI-LOC-AA)
- Localization E-Payment Integration (FI-LOC-EPI)
- Localization Financials (FI-LOC-FI)
- Financials Arabic Emirates (FI-LOC-FI-AE)
- Financials Argentina (FI-LOC-FI-AR)
- Financials Austria (FI-LOC-FI-AT)
- Financials Belgium (FI-LOC-FI-BE)
- Financials Brazil (FI-LOC-FI-BR)
- Financials Bulgaria (FI-LOC-FI-BG)
- Financials Chile (FI-LOC-FI-CL)
- Financials China (FI-LOC-FI-CN)
- Financials Colombia (FI-LOC-FI-CO)
- Financials Croatia (FI-LOC-FI-HR)
- Financials Czech Republic (FI-LOC-FI-CZ)
- Financials Egypt (FI-LOC-FI-EG)
- Financials Estonia (FI-LOC-FI-EE)
- Financials France (FI-LOC-FI-FR)
- Financials Great Britain (FI-LOC-FI-GB)
- Financials Greece (FI-LOC-FI-GR)
- Financials Hungary (FI-LOC-FI-HU)
- Financials India (FI-LOC-FI-IN)
- Financials Indonesia (FI-LOC-FI-ID)
- Financials Israel (FI-LOC-FI-IL)
- Financials Italy (FI-LOC-FI-IT)
- Financials Japan (FI-LOC-FI-JP)
- Financials Kazakhastan (FI-LOC-FI-KZ)
- Financials Kuwait (FI-LOC-FI-KW)
- Financials Latin America (FI-LOC-FI-LA)
- Financials Latvia (FI-LOC-FI-LV)
- Financials Mexico (FI-LOC-FI-MX)
- Financials Norway (FI-LOC-FI-NO)
- Financials Philippines (FI-LOC-FI-PH)
- Financials Poland (FI-LOC-FI-PL)
- Financials Portugal (FI-LOC-FI-PT)
- Financials Qatar (FI-LOC-FI-QA)
- Financials Romania (FI-LOC-FI-RO)
- Financials Russia (FI-LOC-FI-RU)
- Financials Serbia (FI-LOC-FI-RS)
- Financials Slovak republic (FI-LOC-FI-SK)
- Financials Slovenia (FI-LOC-FI-SI)
- Financials South Korea (FI-LOC-FI-KR)
- Financials Spain (FI-LOC-FI-ES)
- Financials Taiwan (FI-LOC-FI-TW)
- Financials Thailand (FI-LOC-FI-TH)
- Financials Turkey (FI-LOC-FI-TR)
- Financials USA (FI-LOC-FI-US)
- Financials Ukraine (FI-LOC-FI-UA)
- Financials Venezuela (FI-LOC-FI-VE)
- Localization Financials (generic parts) (FI-LOC-GEN)
- Localization Financials Reporting Framework (FI-LOC-FRW)
- Localization Funds Management (FI-LOC-FM)
- Localization Logistics (FI-LOC-LO)
- Localization Public Sector (FI-LOC-PS)
- Localization Tax Service (FI-LOC-TXS)
- Localization Travel Management (FI-LOC-TV)
- Localization for Sales and Distribution (FI-LOC-SD)
- Localization for Treasury (FI-LOC-TRM)
- Localization for Utilities Industry (FI-LOC-UT)
- Online Validation Framework (FI-LOC-OVF)
- Payment Receipt (FI-LOC-PR)
- SAF-T Reporting (Generic Part) (FI-LOC-SAF)
- Statutory Reporting (FI-LOC-IS)
- Statutory Reporting Framework (FI-LOC-SRF)
- Tax Invoice Management (FI-LOC-TIM)
- VAT Pro Rata (FI-LOC-RAT)
- Predictive Accounting (FI-PRA)
- Real-Time Consolidation (FIN-RTC)
- Revenue Accounting (FI-RA)
- S4H Best Practices - Content and Content Activation (FI-CNT)
- S4HANA Financial Consolidation[Cloud] (FIN-CS)
- SAP Simple Finance data migration (FIN-MIG)
- Special Purpose Ledger (FI-SL)
- Strategic Enterprise Management (FIN-SEM)
- Tax Management Framework (FIN-TMF)
- Tax Subledger (FI-TXL)
- Travel Management (FI-TV)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Financials Russia (FI-LOC-FI-RU)
ID: EBJ0000098
Table | Description |
J_3RFGTD_HEADER | Import Customs Declaration Header |
J_3RFTAXRVO | Tax Accounting: Object table |
J_3RFTAXRO | Tax Accounting: Object table |
J_3RFSPD_HEADER | SPD. Header data. Supporting document statement |
/CCIS/PBU18O | PBU18: Object table |
J_3RF_CTS_H | Currency Transaction Statement Document Header |
J_3RMWOIN | Material issues without invoices. |
J3RF_VATCRQ12 | Section 12 (173.5) |
J3RF_VATCRQ8 | Section 8 (Purchase book) |
J3RF_VATCRQ11 | Section 11 (Incoming invoices) |
J3RF_VATCRQ9 | Section 9 (Sales book) |
J3RF_VATCRQ10 | Section 10 (Outgoing invoices) |
J_3RF_REGINV_OUT | Outgoing Invoice Registration Journal |
J_3RF_REGINV_IN | Incoming Invoice Registration Journal |
FIBKRUD_CMO_HD | Consolidated MO header |
FIBKRUD_MEMORDER | Memo Order for Banking RU |
J_3RF_TP_BSEGCOR | Items of Corrective documents |
J_3RF_TP_BSEGORI | Items of Original documents |
FIRU_RECON_REP | Reconciliation Report Header |
J_3RF_RGTORG_IFS | Index Electronic Documents File Storage |
/CCIS/PROFTAXA | Actual Line Items Table for General Ledger |
J_3RF_TP_MAIN | Main Information of Notification |
J_3RFTAXRA | Tax Accounting: Actual line item table |
J_3RFTAXRP | Tax Accounting: Plan line item table |
J_3RFTAXRVA | Tax Accounting: Actual line item table |
J_3RFTAXRVP | Tax Accounting: Plan line item table |
/CCIS/PBU18A | PBU18: Actual line item table |
/CCIS/PBU18P | PBU18: Plan line item table |
J_3RF_TGXML_LOG | TORG Journal (Russia): History of Statuses |
/CCIS/PROFTAXT | Totals Table for General Ledger |
J_3R_FATAX | Transport Tax Data |
/CCIS/PROFTAXP | Plan Line Items Table for General Ledger |
J_3RFSEC_ITEM | Data for Secondary events for deferred tax |
J_3RNDSINV | Target use of ingoing invoice positions for AuC |
J_3RFGTD_ITEM | Import Customs Declaration Items |
J3RF_VATCRQPROC | VATCRQ Processing data |
J3RF_VATCRQEXPL | VATCRQ Explanation data |
FIBKRUD_MO_APPRS | Approvals of Memo Order |
/CCIS/PBU18T | PBU18: Summary table x |
J_3R_CLFORMCMP | Legal forms in company |
J_3RF_TP_CP_SHDR | Controllable Partners. Head Data saved in backgroud |
J_3RF_REGINV_INI | Incoming Invoice Item |
J_3RF_RGTORG_INI | Incoming Invoice Item |
/CCIS/PBU18C | PBU18: Object table 2 |
J_3RFGTDMAT | GTD usage in material documents |
J_3RFGTD | Source Customs Declaration Contents |
J_3RFIMCD_MOVE | Cross company transfer. Import Customs Declaration |
J_3RFGTDINV | GTD usage in billing documents |
J_3R_PTAX_ABROAD | Tax Paid Abroad Property tax |
J_3RF_RGTORG_OUT | Outgoing Journal of Acceptance Documents |
J_3RSL_BK_TABLE | Transparent table for SaleBook (ALV) |
J_3RTSE_REVERS | GTD (Custom declaration) for original and reversed tax docum |
J_3RFCNT | Maintain Internal Contract Numbers |
J_3RSINCINV | Incoming Invoices For Separate VAT |
J_3RSINVLNK | Links Between Incoming And Outgoing Invoices For Export Oper |
J_3RF_TP_LIST2 | Information of Notification. List 2 |
J_3RBUE_BK_TABLE | Transparent table for PurBook (ALV) |
J_3RF_RGTORG_IN | Incoming Journal of Acceptance Documents |
FIRUD_VATDECLORD | VAT Return (declarative order) |
J_3RF_TP_CP_SBCD | Controllable Partners. Data saved in backgroud. BC Documents |
J_3RF_TP_CP_SNBD | Controllable Partners. Data saved in backgroud. NonBC Docum |
J_3RF_CTS_I | Currency Transaction Statement Document Items |
FIRUD_FSTM_S_BSV | ACR Stock Valuation Russia Log Table - Balance Sheet Val. |
FIRUD_FSTM_S_FI | ACR Stock Valuation Russia Log Table - FI revaluation |
FIRUD_FSTM_S_MM | ACR Stock Valuation Russia Log Table - Material Documents |
J_3RFSPD_ITEM | Supporting document statement Items data |
J_3RVATDRFUM0 | 0% Confirmation RUN IDs |
FIRUD_ATXCNCDOC | Documents for asset tax concession application |
J_3R_INVDIFF | Offsetting inventory differences of goods |
J_3RVATD_RUN | Stored VAT-return Runs: Main Section |
J_3RVATD_RUN_TA | Stored VAT-return Runs: Tax Agent Section |
J_3RF_BK_TOTALSQ | Incoming Totals for Add. Sheets of S/ P Ledgers by Qarters |
J_3RF_BK_TOTALS | Incoming Totals for Add. Sheets of Sales/ Purchase Ledgers |
J_3RF_REGOUTIN | Inv. Journal: Links between outgoing and incoming invoices |
FIBKRUD_BALANCE | FI Banking Russia: Totals Records |
J_3RTTAXADVPMNTS | Advanced payments for russian transport tax |
J3RF_VATCRQ_BRK | VAT Clarification request - Broker data |
FIRUD_VAT1_RPITM | VAT Reporting Items Log Table |
J_3RTTAXPLATON | "Platon" payments per vehicle |
J_3RF_TP_LIST1A | Information of Notification. List 1A |
FIBKRUD_ACCOUNTS | Account profiles |
J_3RFCAPREP | Net book value increase of assets as a result of repairs |
J_3RTSETMESS | Message type setting |
J_3RTVEHICL | Time independent master record tax parameters of vehicles |
J_3RTAX21_DT | Table of parameters Document Type |
J_3RFF4CORR | Manual correspondense for cash flow statement |
FIUAC_RECON_KIND | Reconciliation Report - Documetn kind |
J_3RVATD_NUMBERS | VAT-Return Numbers |
J_3RF_TP_FL_FLKS | Object keys for folders hierarchy model |
J_3RFRNDRATE_CLC | Rounded documents for cancellations |
FIRU_REC_REP_HIS | Change history - #GENERATED# |
J_3RFCSVTPMCNFRM | PUR/SAL Customizing: Payment Confirmation Text |
J_3RF_CUST_XTDTD | VAT PUR/SAL Customizing: Text ID for Ext. number and date |
J_3RF_VATC_XTRUL | PUR/SAL Customizing: External number filling rules |
J_3RF_VCST_IMCD | PUR/SAL Customizing: Customs Declaration Abbreviation |
FIRUD_VAT_LTXT | Long Texts and Additional Info for Documents |
FIRUC_RECON_REP1 | Reconciliation Report - Report Entity customising |
J3RF_VATCRQ | VAT Clarification request header |
FIRUD_TROP_RPITM | ACR Log Table for Traceability Operations |
J_3RFGTD_VEHICLE | Trucks for Import Customs Declaration |
J_3RF_REGINV_LOG | Invoice Journal (Russia): History of Statuses |
FIRUD_REP_VM_DEF | Default variant for user |
FIRUD_FSTM_HIER | ACR Financial Statement Russia Expanded Hier Node Log Table |
J_3R_LFHDR | Legal form header |
J_3RVATDXML_RUN | Stored Run XML-Headers: VAT-return(declaraion) |
J3RF_VATCRP | VAT Clarification Response |
FIRU_REC_REP_ATT | Reconciliation Report Attachments - #GENERATED# |
FIRUD_FSTM_ACCTB | ACR Financial Statement Russia Accounting Balance Log Table |
FIRUD_FSTM_RPICF | ACR Cash Flow Statement Russia Reported Item Log Table |
FIRUD_FSTM_RPITM | ACR Financial Statement Russia Reported Item Log Table |
FIRUD_FSTM_SMVAL | ACR Stock Valuation Russia Log Table - Material Valuation |
J_3RFTAXRT | Tax Accounting: Summary table |
J_3RFTAXRVT | Tax Accounting: Summary table |
FIRUD_REP_VM | Variant management to run reports |
J_3RF_REGINV_LNK | Linking table for REGINV |
J_3RF_RGTORG_LNK | Linking table for RGTORG |
FIRUD_TRT_RPITM | ACT Reported Items Table for RU Tranport Tax |
J_3RF_TP_CP_SBCL | Controllable Partners. Data saved in backgroud. BC Limits |
J_3RF_TP_CP_SNBL | Controllable Partners. Data saved in backgroud. NonBC Limits |
FIRUD_DTXCNCDOC | Documents for asset tax concession application |
J_3RF_RGTORG_FS1 | File Storage ( Torg Electronic Documents ) |
J_3R_SO_PAYMENTS | Assignment of Payments to Sales Orders |
J_3RF_TP_LIST1B | Information of Notification. List 1B |
FIRUD_REP_VM_PAR | Report variant parameter values |
FIRU_REC_REP_COM | Comments on Reconciliation Report |
J3RF_VATCRQ_ECD | VATCRQ error column |
FIRUD_PRT_PSTPAR | Property Tax Posting Parameters |
J_3RFDI_ARC | Table for archiving and logging digital invoices |
J3RF_VATCRQ_UNC2 | VATCRQ - Unconfirmed records (Invoice data) |
J3RF_VATCRQ_UNCF | VATCRQ - Unconfirmed records (General data) |
FIBKRUD_ACCLIST | List of generated banking accounts |
FIRUD_VATSUBSC | VAT Subscenarios |
J_3RK_CORR_ITEMS | Account correspondence line items |
J_3RKKRS | Account correspondence line items |
J_3RF_TP_CNTRPAR | Determination of controllable partners |
J_3RFREP_SPLIT | Splitting rules for multiple XML files generation |
J_3RF_TP_CNTRPA4 | Determination of controllable partners |
J_3RFPM_RATE_CLC | Downpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - payments |
J_3RFREP_OBJECTS | Reporting Objects List |
J_3RF_WW_TRAN | Workwear movement types |
J_3RF_IMCDTYPE | Define Import Customs Declaration Types |
J_3RKPAI | Account priorities for account pairs |
J_3RFOKATOREG | Relation OKATO -> Region, District |
J_3RFOKTMOREG | Relation OKTMO -> Region, District |
J_3RF_REGINV_DE | Outgoing invoice journal transp tab for IBOOK ver 2 |
J_3RF_REGINV_K | Incoming invoice journal transp tab for IBOOK |
FIBKRUC_PSOURCE | Source data for account number part |
J_3RFREP_ADP | XML Report Data Provider |
J_3RF_VATX_TOTAL | VAT Ledgers books totals |
J_3RF_WW_ALLOW | Working wear quatas |
J_3RF_WW_CONM | Working wear quatas for configurable materials |
J_3RF_WRK_GROUP | Assignment fixed-asset classes to material groups in Working |
J_3RFREP_INCOND | Reporting Hierarchy Object Inclusion Criteria |
FIRUD_FSTM_ACSET | Accounts per item settings for Cash Flow. ACR Log Table |
FIRUC_CF_ITEM | Cash Flow Statement Item |
J_3R_FATAX_DECLH | Declaration Header (Transport, Property Tax) |
J_3R_CLFORM | Legal forms |
J_3RNDSNKS | Tax categories for AuC |
J_3RFTOKOF | Deprecation Groups for OKOF Codes |
J_3RFTAX_HIER | Tax Hierarchies |
J_3R_PBU_TCODES | Transformation codes for data transfer to FI-SL for PBU18 |
J_3RKSORTH | Sorting rule header |
J_3RKSPLITH | Splitting rule headers |
J_3RFBS5_SELCR | Define Selection Criteria for Asset Classes |
J_3RTUSERS | User names for legal form printing |
J_3RFBS5_ROWS | Section rows of balance sheet supplement N5 |
J_3RFOKATO | Classifier of the administrative and territorial division |
J_3RFPOFPRIV | Property Tax, Tax Concession Legal Code |
J_3RFPROPTYPES | Property types |
J_3RFPTREGION | Regions and districts for property tax |
J_3RNKS_TBSL | Credit memo posting keys for AuC |
J_3RFDEPRGROUP | Depreciation group of fixed asset Russia |
J_3RFPRTEXEMP | Exemption codes from property tax payment |
J_3RFPRTXPRIV | Property tax priviliges |
J_3RFSTOPREASON | Reasons for asset shutdown |
J_3RTAXOPC | Operation Codes for VAT Declaration (RU) |
J_3ROS6_TB5BWASL | Movement types for table 5 of form OS-6 |
J_3RFF4VERS | Financial Statement Versions |
J_3RKAID | Activate Automatic Offsetting Account Determination |
J_3RFTAX_ACTVHDR | Activity group header |
J_3RFTAX_CHAIN | Tax chains |
J_3RTNTVEH | Tax-free code of vehicle (358 asset of tax codex) |
J_3RTPRTAX | Preferential tax code of vehicle |
J_3R_STRDIV_TD | Table of Structural Division Intervals |
J_3R_T520S_EX | Service fee (payment) text key description |
J_3R_INVDIFFGR | Inventory differences groups |
J_3RFDI_DEADTRG | Delivery and Acceptance Documents Deadlines |
J_3RFOKTMO | Classifier of the municipalities |
J_3RFPRTXAMTR | Property tax amount reduction |
J_3RF_REGINV_DT | Deal Types for Commission Trade |
J_3RVATDSECT | Sections of VAT-return(declaraion) |
J_3RF_DI_CCOP | Assign Electronic ID to Company Code (new) |
J_3RF_TP_LIMITS | Limits for define controllable transactions |
J_3RFDI_DEADJRNL | Invoice Journal Deadlines (Electronic Invoices) |
J_3RF_DI_PCUST | Assign Electronic ID to Customer |
J_3RF_TP_COCATT | Transfer pricing company category codes |
J_3RF_TP_FORG | Foreign organization data for transfer pricing |
J_3RF_TP_LIQCT | Transfer pricing company liquidation codes |
J_3RF_TP_PM | Transfer pricing table for pricing method codes |
J_3RF_TP_PS | Transfer pricing table for price source codes |
J_3RF_TP_STATUSL | Transfer pricing: list of statuses of transaction parties |
J_3RF_TP_TRANPC | Transfer pricing table for transaction party codes |
J_3RF_TP_TRANST | Transfer pricing type of transactions |
J_3RF_SURP_PRICE | Market prices for inventory surplus (Russia) |
J_3RF_SURP_SW | Customizing for surplus price switching |
J_3RF_WW_SIZES | Rersonnel sizes of working wear |
J_3RF_PARTNER | Partner Data (Vendor and Customer) |
J_3RF_ATTRTYP_DT | Attribute types |
J_3RF_PAYNUM | Payment Document Number |
FIRUD_CNT_TYPE | Contract Type |
FIRUD_TAX_OFFICE | Tax Offices Codes |
FIRUD_VATOPTYP | Operation Type Codes |
FIRUD_VATSEC | Sections of VAT Return |
FIRUD_VATSUBSV | Subcsenario Version |
FIRUD_VATVERS | Versions of VAT Return |
J_3R_TTAX_ECAT | Vehicle price categories for russian transport tax |
J_3RFREP_DP_PAR | Type of XML Data Provider Parameter for Reporting Object |
J_3RFREP_HIER | Report Hierarchies |
J_3RFPROPTYPESN | Define Property Types |
J_3RFPRTXSPCT | Special Property Tax Category |
J_3RF_TP_LIMITS4 | Limits for define controllable transactions |
J_3RVATDSEXT | External Sources in VAT-Return(Declaration) |
J_3RVATDSFIG | External Source Figures in VAT-Return(Declaration) |
FIRUC_LNDT_CNCLC | Legal Codes of Land Tax Concession |
FIRUC_TRT_CNCLC | Legal Codes of Land Tax Concession |
FIRUD_VATOPCODE | Operation Codes |
J_3RFREP_ATTR | Reporting Hierarchy Object Attributes |
FIRUD_PRT_RPITM | Russia ACR Report Property Tax Log Table |
J_3RF_PRECMFA | Precious materials content of asset master record |
J_3RFIN_RATE_CLC | Downpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - invoices |
J_3RF_DI_CCCUST | Assign Operator to Company Code and Customer |
FIRUD_PRT_CNCDEF | Definition of Property Tax Concession |
J3RF_VATCRQFILE | VAT Clarification Request Files |
FIRUC_LNDT_CNCDF | Definition of Land Tax Concession |
FIRUC_TRT_CNCDEF | Definition of Transport Tax Concession |
J_3RFTAX_FRMTS | Electronic Tax Format Versions |
J_3RTASSET | Time dependent master record tax parameters of vehicles |
FIRUD_LNDT_RPITM | Russia ACR Report Land Tax Log Table |
J_3RTTYPVEHN | Vehicle tax type |
J_3RBUE_BK_HTABL | Table head for EXTRACT |
J_3RSL_BK_HTABL | Table head for EXTRACT |
J_3RVATDVERS | Versions of VAT-return(declaraion) |
J_3RF_DI_OCCODE | Assign Operator to Company Code |
FIRUD_ACC_CNTRCT | Contracts in Accounting |
FIRUD_BP_TAXPAYM | BP Extension: TAX Payment Attributes (Russia) |
J_3RVATD_ITEM | Items of VAT-Return(Declaration) |
J_3RF_STR_DIV | Structural divisions |
FIRUC_CF_VERSION | Cash Flow Statement Version |
J_3RFTAX_HIERT | Tax object hierarchies texts |
J_3RF_IMCDTYPET | Import Cargo Custom Declaration Type texts |
J_3RFREP_HIERT | Reporting Hierarchy Descriptions |
J_3RFREP_OBJECTT | Reporting Object Texts |
J_3RFREP_PRESETT | Preset Descriptions for Reporting Hierarchy Elements |
J_3RFPOFPRIVT | Official property tax privileges (Federal level) texts |
J_3R_PBU_TCODEST | Text table for table J_3R_PBU_TCODES |
J_3R_T520S_EXT | Service fee (payment) text key description; text table |
J_3RFF4VERST | Financial statement version names |
J_3RKSORTT | Sorting rule texts |
J_3RKSPLITT | Splitting rule texts |
J_3RVATDVERST | Versions of VAT-return(declaraion): Text table |
FIRUD_CNT_TYPET | Contract Type Descriprion |
FIRUD_VATVERST | VAT Return Versions: Text table |
J_3RFREP_ATTRT | Description of Reporting Hierarchy Object Attribues |
FIRUC_CF_ITEMT | Cash Flow Statement Item Name |
FIRUC_CF_VERSNT | Cash Flow Statement Version Description |
J_3RFBS_XMLDELT | Balance sheet forms: XML-tags to be removed:Text table |
J_3RFSPD_DOCCODT | SPD. Supporting document type codes. Text table |
J_3RF_OPERCODT | Operation Type Codes Description |
J_3RFPRTXAMTRT | Propert tax amount reduction privileges |
J_3RF_REGINV_DTT | Description of Deal Type for Commission Trade |
J_3RF_TP_COCATTT | Transfer pricing text table for company category codes |
J_3RF_TP_LIQCTT | Transfer pricing text table for company liquidation codes |
J_3RF_TP_PMT | Transfer pricing: pricing method codes text table |
J_3RF_TP_PST | Transfer pricing: price source codes text table |
J_3RF_TP_STATUST | Transfer pricing: status of transaction parties text table |
J_3RF_TP_TRANPCT | Transfer pricing: transaction party codes text table |
J_3RF_TP_TRANSTT | Transfer pricing: type of transaction text table |
FIRUD_OKTMO_T | OKTMO List: Descriptions |
J_3R_TTAX_ECATT | Text table for vehicle price categories (ru transport tax) |
J_3RFPRTXSPCTT | Special Propert Tax Category |
J_3RBUE_BOOK_IND | Table for PurBook (ALV) NAMES for Num lines IND-<NUM |
J_3RDOPDEB | Secondary index table for VAT |
J_3RF_SALE_BOOK | Purchase book line number for sale book position |
J_3RT007 | Tax codes for capital construction and assets purchasing |
J_3RF_ACCIT_BDC | Mapping of accit to BDC |
J_3RF_BDC_NEWLN | BDC end of line |
J_3RF_WW_AREA | Depreciation area for Working wear |
J_3RFTAX_OBJECTS | Tax objects list |
J_3RFTAX_OBJSEL | Tax object selections |
J_3RKPAC | Account priorities for automatic interpretation |
J_3RKNEWGLLEDGER | Activate non-leading ledger for Offsetting Account Syst. |
J_3RKACT | Assign Rules to Groups of Accounting Documents |
J_3RKSORTP | Sorting rule positions |
J_3RKSPLITP | Splitting rule positions |
J_3R_PBU_HIER | Hierarchies which have settings for PBU18 |
J_3RFBS5_SELOP | Selection criteria values for asset classes |
J_3RFANKA | FI-AA class settings for CIS |
J_3RTSE | Secondary index table for VAT |
J_3RCLASSBWASL | Asset transaction types classification |
J_3RCLASSSAKNR | General ledger accounts classification |
J_3RFPROPTAXR | Property tax rates |
J_3RFPROPTAXV | Property tax values in asset master record |
J_3RNKS_LAND | VAT in a capital construction (Country specific settings) |
J_3RFCLRXNEGP | Negative posting partial payment (Russia) |
J_3RFCNTSET | Define Rules for Automatic Contract Number Filling |
J_3RFGTDINVT | Define Billing Types for Customs Declaration Tracking |
J_3RFGTDMATT | Define Material Movement Types for Customs Decl. Tracking |
J_3RFMM_RATE_CLC | Enable Down Payments in FC Function for MM Documents |
J_3RSSEPVATCOEF | Separate VAT Coefficients |
J_3RT095B | Additional accounts for revaluation |
J_3RTAX_OPER | Assign Operation Codes to Tax Codes |
J_3RFF4DATA | Cash flow statement customizing |
J_3RFTAX_ASSIGN | Tax hierarchy assignment to company code |
J_3RFTAX_ASSIGNE | Tax hierarchy assignment to company code/ledger |
J_3RFTAX_CHAIND | Tax chain details |
J_3RFTAX_UNCLASS | Unclassified objects |
J_3RTAX_SELTRFLD | Selective field transfer |
J_3R_PBU_SETCLS | Set Classes Assignment to Source Tables Fields |
J_3R_CLFT10TXT | Customizing Table for TORG-10 Text Types |
J_3RFF4DATAT | Cash flow statement row texts |
J_3RFTAX_LINKD | Tax Accounting: Table link details |
J_3RFTAX_LINKH | Tax Accounting: Table links |
J_3R_CAUTH | Output control for Goods Withholding Authorization |
J_3R_PTYPE_SECT | Connection Between the Property Types and The Decl. Sections |
J_3RFF4PARA | Cash flow statement additional parameters |
J_3RCESSION_CUST | Document Types Selections For Cession Report |
J_3RFTTAXR | Transport tax rates |
J_3R_INVDIFFMAT | Material group assignment to group of inventory difference |
J_3RFCTSCUSEDI | CTS Documents: Entry protection |
J_3RFDEPB_BWASL | Depreciation bonus: Transaction types |
J_3RFDEPB_CHART | Depreciation bonus: Chart of depreciation level |
J_3RFIMCDCUSTOMS | Define Customs data |
J_3RFMATCHINDAYS | Matching Rules for Invoice Registration Journal |
J_3RFREG_HNDL | Automatic CLR handling |
J_3RFRETDB_BWASL | Retirement Transaction Types for Depreciation Bonus Restore |
J_3RFSPD_STATUS | SPD. Status table |
J_3RFTGCUSEDI | Delivery and Acceptance Documents: Entry Protection |
J_3RF_CPS_PARSKW | Customer Payment Solution (Parser's Key word table) |
J_3RF_MATCHBLART | Customizing for Elect. Delivery and Acceptance Doc. Journal |
J_3RF_OPERTYP | Assignment of Operation Type Codes to Tax Codes |
J_3RF_PARTN_ROLE | Partner Types for Partner Functions |
J_3RF_REGCUS_TXT | Text Objects for Invoices (Russia) |
J_3RF_REGINV_DTA | Commission Trade Assignment |
J_3RF_TP_LIMITTY | Limit types and descriptions (Obsolete) |
J_3RTSE_AUXILIAR | Auxiliary index table for BSEG/TSE |
J_3RVATDECL | Item's selection criteria of VAT-Return(Declaration) |
J_3RVATDSEC_HIER | Hierarchies for VAT Return Sections |
J_3RVATDT007K | Item's selection criteria of VAT-Return(UMSV) |
J_3R_CADASTR_VAL | Cadastral Values Data |
J_3RF_TP_PRICES | Intervals of Market Prices of Controlled Transactions |
J_3RFBS_EXCODES | Exteranl codes for FSV-items |
J_3RF_DI_PCCODE | Assign Electronic ID to Company Code |
J_3RF_DI_PVEND | Assign Electronic ID to Vendor |
J_3RF_REGCUSMAT | Matching Rules for Invoice Registration Journal |
J_3RF_REGCUS_IN | Customizing for Incoming Invoice Registration Journal |
J_3RF_REGCUS_REV | Customizing for Reversals for Invoice Registration Journal |
J_3RF_TP | Transfer pricing: main customizing table |
J_3RF_TP_CC_PROP | Company category and liquidation code for bukrs |
J_3RF_TP_DOCTYPE | Document types relevant for company code |
J_3RF_TP_GROUPT | Transfer pricing groups definition table |
J_3RF_DI_TRANF | Transformations for digital invoice processing |
J_3RF_TP_SCR | Transfer pricing selection criteria definition |
J_3RF_XNEGP_ACT | Activate Negative Posting for Countries/Regions |
J_3RFSD_RATE_CLC | Enable Down Payments in FC Function for SD Billing Documents |
J_3RSSEPVATCOEFA | Separate VAT Coefficients EhP5 SP5 |
J_3RF_VATDATE | Customizing setting for VAT Posting and Reporting Date |
J3RF_DT_TAX_AGNT | Document types for Tax Agent operations |
J_3RASCL | Asset Classes: Additional parameters |
J_3RF_CUST_UNION | Preference Zone for Customs Union |
FIGLOD_PMNT_LAND | Country-specific settings for tax attributes |
FIRUD_CRQ_PHASE | Clarification phase validity in ACR VAT Return |
FIRUD_EXT_NUM | Long Document Texts and Addition Info |
FIRUD_MM_CORRINV | Define MM Correction Invoices (Russia) |
FIRUD_PRT_CNCVAL | Values of Property Tax Concession |
FIRUD_PRT_MIGMAP | Property Tax Migration: Mapping for new settings |
FIRUD_PRT_SBMDCL | Data for Submission of a Property Tax Declaration |
FIRUD_SD_CORRINV | Define SD Correction Invoices (Russia) |
FIRUD_VATOUTPUT | VAT Return vers. for Invoice Output: Company Code Assignment |
FIRUD_VATSET | Global VAT Parameters for Company Codes |
FIRUD_VATSUBOP | VAT Subscenarios: VAT Return Operation codes |
FIBKRUC_ACCGROUP | Groups of connected accounts |
FIBKRUC_MO_BASE | Memorial order basement. STD texts. |
FIBKRUC_MO_FILT2 | Setting debet/credit indicator for consolidation |
FIBKRUV_VAT_FLT | Special VAT processing |
FIBKRUC_PAIRACC | List of paired accounts |
FIBKRUC_TACC | General template account number data |
FIBKRUD_AVAILFLD | Fields available for using as source in account generating |
J_3RF_TTAX_NPR | Russian transport new tax priv. values and justifications |
J_3R_INV26_SET | Table Grouping of General Ledger Accounts |
J_3RFREP_ADP_MAP | XML Data Provider Parameters Definition |
J_3RFREP_ADP_RET | Parameters Definition of XML Data Provider |
J_3RFREP_ADP_X | XML Data Provider Parameters of Reporting Object |
J_3RFREP_ATTRSEL | Reporting Object Attribut Selections |
J_3RFREP_CONDREF | Reporting Hierarchy Object: ref. to other node conditions |
J_3RFREP_OBJSEL | Tax reporting object selections |
J_3RFREP_TECHDAT | Reporting Hierarchy Technical Settings |
J_3RF_TTAX_PRIV | Russian transport tax privilege values and justifications |
J_3RF_TP4 | Transfer pricing: main customizing table |
J_3RF_TP_GROUPT4 | Transfer pricing groups definition table |
J_3RVATDOPEXT | Operands with External Data Sources of VAT-Return |
J3RF_DPR_SPLIT | Down Payment Request splitting for Tax Agent operations |
J_3RDEPGRFIELD | Depreciation Group Fields in Asset Master |
J_3ROKOFFIELD | OKOF Fields in Asset Master |
FIRUC_LNDT_CNCVL | Values of Land Tax Concession |
FIRUC_RGN_OKTMO | OKTMO Codes for Russia Regions |
FIRUC_TRT_CNCVAL | Values of Transport Tax Concession |
FIRUC_TRT_MIGMAP | Transport Tax Migration: Mapping for New Concessions |
FIRUC_TRT_YEAR | Transport Tax Years |
FIRUC_TXOFFC_PRT | Business Partners for Tax Offices |
FIRUC_TXPST_DET | Tax Posting Details |
FIRUD_EACU_CNTRY | Countries for Eurasian Customs Union |
FIRUC_PRT_DEPRAR | Depreciation Areas for Property Tax Calculation |
FIRUD_VATSUBAS | VAT-Return Items: Assignment to Subscenario |
FIRUD_VATSUBIT | VAT Subscenarios: Items |
FIRUC_RECON_BP_E | Reconcilaition report Business partner e-mails |
FIRUC_CF_PARAM | Cash Flow Statement Item Parameters |
FIRUC_CF_ACCOUNT | Cash Flow Statement Item Details |
FIRUD_OFFS_ALLOW | Allowded account pairs for offsetting account determination |
FIRUD_OFFS_BUKRS | Rule versions for offsetting account determination |
FIRUD_OFFS_GROUP | Grouping Sets |
FIRUD_OFFS_LEDGR | Rule versions for offsetting account determination |
FIRUD_OFFS_SPLIT | Splitting rules for oddsetting account determination |
J_3RK_MIGRATION | Migration check table |