Localization Financials (generic parts) (FI-LOC-GEN)

ID: ER98000051
Table Description
ACCT_SRF_RPIT_TI Accounting document tax items selected per report run
J_1IG_SUBCONSTAT GST India : Subcontracting Challan Automation Status
J_1AWITH Withholding transaction data
T012D_GLO House bank country specific setting
FIAU_PTR_SBI AU PTR Small Business Identification(SBI)
GLOFAAJPITEM FI-AA: Japan / Asset item (Annex16)
GLOFAAJPSTRC FI-AA: Japan / Asset structure (Annex16)
FIAUC_TPAR_GR_CO TPAR Configuration Table to represent Grants
IDCN_FSCLINES Form Structure: Lines
GLOFAAJPITEMT FI-AA: Japan / Asset item text (Annex16)
GLOFAAJPSTRCT FI-AA: Japan / Asset structure text (Annex16)
IDCN_FSCDEF Form Structure: Definition
IDCN_FSCNODES Form Structure: Nodes
OFF_NUM_LV_ACT Obsolete: Assignment of Active Number Group
TIVXCITCRMEMO (obsolete) Tax group for credit memo over one year
IDCN_FSCVALUES Form Structure: Values
IDCN_FSC_ITEM Form Structure: Item