Localization for Utilities Industry (FI-LOC-UT)

ID: EBJ1000030
Table Description
/SAPCE/IURU_BPOS Benefits: Posting Details for Benefits
/SAPCE/IUUA_SPOS Subsidy: Posting Details for Subsidies
/SAPCE/IU_BBHUCH Changes in EASTE caused by variant /CE/BBH1
/SAPCE/IUUA_MAHD Metering Area: Header Data
/SAPCE/IUUA_ESUB Subsidy: Subsidies Eligibility
/SAPCE/IURU_BCOD Benefits: New Account Assigment for Benefit Posting
/SAPCE/IUUA_SCOD Subsidies: New Account Assigment for Subsidy Posting
/SAPCE/IUUA_SLOG Subsidy: Database Log for Subsidy Import Report
/SAPCE/IUUA_SLGD Subsidy: Database New Log for Subsidy Import (Main Data)
EENRGY_CR_BR Brazil: Energy Credits Account
/SAPCE/PL_BBPHIS Poland: History table for deleted BBP
/SAPCE/IUUA_SLGH Subsidy: Database New Log for Subsidy Import (Header Data)
TEARREPCONTRT ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax control table
/SAPCE/IURU_EBEN Benefits: Benefit Eligibility
/SAPCE/IUUA_LORE Losses: Reactor and Shunt Reactor at installation
/SAPCE/IURU_SEAL Seals: Seals Maintenance (Application Table)
/SAPCE/IURU_EMP Seals: Employees Connected with Seal Management
/SAPCE/IURU_RAO Consumer Classification According to RAO UES lookup
/SAPCE/IUUA_OGRP Losses: List of loss objects
ECOMP_REL_BR Brazil: Define Energy Compensation Relationships
/SAPCE/IUUA_LOLI Losses: Power Line at Installation
/SAPCE/IUUA_SFI Subsidy: Import/Export File Structures
/SAPCE/IUUA_SBEN Social Benefits: Store Amounts of Soc.Ben. per Periods
/SAPCE/IURU_OP2 Benefits: Benefit Operands (RateTypes Operands)
/SAPCE/IURU_BNL Benefits: Name of Lines in Schedule of Costs Reporting
/SAPCE/IURU_F26 Benefit Category of Form 26-zkh
/SAPCE/IURU_IRS Seals: Reasons for Internal Seal Manipulations
/SAPCE/IURU_SCL Seals: Color of Seal in Seal Management
/SAPCE/IURU_SCT Seals: Seals Category
/SAPCE/IURU_SRM Seals: Reason for Removal of The Seal
/SAPCE/IURU_TBC Benefits: Benefit Category
/SAPCE/IURU_TRG Benefits: Benefit Region
/SAPCE/IUUA_STP Subsidy: Subsidy Types
/SAPCE/IURU_BCO Address structure Russia: List of building codes
/SAPCE/IURU_TGVA Value table of tax group for Several invoices
TEARGROUP ARGENTINA: Legal report group
TEARSORT ARGENTINA: Legal report sorting for output and subtotals
TEARVARI ARGENTINA: Legal report selection variant
/SAPCE/IU_CPVAR Variant of surcharge for Cos Phi violation
/SAPCE/IUTR_COU Customizing Table For County (IS-U Turkey localization)
/SAPCE/IUTR_MV Customizing Table For Municipality/Village (IS-U TR locl.)
/SAPCE/IUTR_MVTY Customizing Table For Mun/Village type (IS-U TR locl.)
/SAPCE/IUTR_TS Customizing Table For Township (IS-U Turkey localization)
/SAPCE/IUUA_LORT Losses: Parameters for Reactor and Shunt Reactor
ETOU_GRP_BR Brazil: TOU Compensation Sequence Groups
/SAPCE/PL_CRMPRD Poland: Maintain the product for CRM
/SAPCE/PL_RATE Poland: Define Rates for which no Extrapolation Applicable
EWHITERATE_BR Brazil Microgen: Contract Related Settings
EVALIDITYMNTH_BR Brazil: Global Credit validity month [New]
EGLOBAL_MONTH_BR Brazil: Global Credit validity month
ETOU_DBN_BR Brazil: Define TOU distribution proportion groups
/SAPCE/IURU_SHAR SharCons: Time Dependant Table for String Shares of Cons.
/SAPCE/IU_WKBB Weighting key for BBP
/SAPCE/IURU_BENC Benefits: Benefit Card
/SAPCE/IURU_EDO Customizing table for Local Office of IESD
/SAPCE/IURU_EVNR Benefits: Benefit Data for Contract
/SAPCE/IURU_R26 Customizing table for Form 26-zkh (IS-U Russia localization)
/SAPCE/IURU_INSL Seals: Application table - Internal Seal Installed to Device
/SAPCE/IURU_TBT Benefits: Benefit Type
/SAPCE/IU_HUGPC Line item types relevant for compensation
/SAPCE/IU_TADVBT Down payment type
/SAPCE/IURU_TGT Text table for tax grouping for Several invoices
/SAPCE/IURU_TRGT Benefits: Benefit Region (Text)
/SAPCE/IUUA_SFIT Subsidy: Import/Export File Structures (Text)
/SAPCE/IUTR_COUT Text Table For County (IS-U Turkey localization
/SAPCE/IUTR_TST Text Table For Township (IS-U Turkey localization
/SAPCE/IURU_BNEW Benefits: Benefit type - data change
/SAPCE/IURU_BNLL Benefits: Name of Lines to General Rate Category
/SAPCE/IURU_BTIM Benefits: Seasons for Benefits
/SAPCE/IURU_OP Benefits: Benefit Operands (Factor type Operands)
/SAPCE/IURU_ROP Benefits: Benefit Operands (Factor type Operands)
/SAPCE/IURU_SEQI Seals: Connection Between Material Number & Seal Management
/SAPCE/IURU_TBPP Benefits: Posting Parameters for Benefit to Authorities
/SAPCE/IURU_TRGG Benefits: Region Assignment to Regional Structure Group
/SAPCE/IUUA_SBCN Social Benefits: Consumption Norm Estimation
/SAPCE/IUUA_SBPP Subsidy: Posting Parameters for Claiming to The Authorities
/SAPCE/IUUA_SDP Subsidy: Subsidy Departments
/SAPCE/IUUA_SFUN Subsidy: Function Modules for Output to DBF File
/SAPCE/IUUA_SLIT Social Benefits: Define Line Item Type
/SAPCE/IUUA_SOP Subsidy: Billing Operands and Rate Type Definition
/SAPCE/IUUA_SUBS Subsidy: Global Settings
/SAPCE/IURU_SPLT Customizing Table for Usage Factor
/SAPCE/IURU_DIVL Assignment of voltage level to division
/SAPCE/IURU_ECS Customizing table for ECS line type
/SAPCE/IURU_NRI IS-U Russia: Own Number Ranges for special purposes
/SAPCE/IURU_TG Tax code grouping for Several invoices
/SAPCE/IURU_VLFS Russia: Field selection for voltage level per dev. and reg.
/SAPCE/IUHU_BCAT IS-U HU loc. document types
/SAPCE/IUHU_EL01 Down payment account settings
/SAPCE/IUHU_EL02 Validity period of down payment account
/SAPCE/IUHU_KOT1 Penalty types
/SAPCE/IUHU_KOT2 Penalty types and rate categories
/SAPCE/IU_BBHUD Default data for budget billing (HU)
/SAPCE/IU_CEBB01 Calculation logic control table
/SAPCE/IU_HU1101 Main Line item types for compensation
/SAPCE/IU_HU1102 Field allocation for compensation
/SAPCE/IU_HU1103 Target contract account for compensation
/SAPCE/IU_KMR_NR Number range for intermediate meter reading
/SAPCE/IU_EL01 Down payment account settings
/SAPCE/IU_EL02 Validity period of down payment account
/SAPCE/IU_HUGPC2 Line item subtypes relevant for compensation
TEARREVTAX_M ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax attributes at municipe
TEARREVTAX_P ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax attributes at province
TEARSALESTAX ARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax parameters
TEARSORTDEF ARGENTINA: Legal report sorting for output and subt. def.
TEARTAXID ARGENTINA: Legal report variant assignment to TAXID
TEARTAXID1 ARGENTINA: Legal report variant assignment to STRKZ_EE
/SAPCE/IUGRODN1 Assign Number Range Objects
/SAPCE/IUUA_LOLQ Losses: Parameters for power line - reactive charge power
/SAPCE/IUUA_LOLT Losses: Parameters for power line
/SAPCE/IUUA_LOT2 Losses: Parameters for Double-winding transformers
/SAPCE/IUUA_LOT3 Losses: Parameters for Three-winding transformers
/SAPCE/IUUA_LOVL Losses: Voltage Levels
/SAPCE/IUUA_REC Billing Residential Customers
/SAPCE/PL_IL_CEN Cust. table for prices and quantity limits
/SAPCE/PL_PORTIO Portions vs. clearing periods
/SAPCE/PL_TVORG HVORG - TVORG combinations for reporting purposes - ISU
TEEXTDOCASSIGNBR Time dependend Nota Fiscal configuration
EBRLIVICMS Registro de Apuração do ICMS: List control additional acct
TEEXTDOCBR Issuing branch (Nota Fiscal)
/SAPCE/IUSK_TRAN Localiz. SK: Main- and sub- transactions for partial invoice
/SAPCE/IUTR_DFCO IS-U Localization Turkey: Difference table for County
/SAPCE/IUTR_DFMV IS-U Localization Turkey: Dif. tab. for Municipality/Village
/SAPCE/IUTR_DFTS IS-U Localization Turkey: Difference table for Township
TE503_TAX_BR null
EBRCFOPMATCATEG Determination of CFOP Material CAtegory for Utilities
/SAPCE/IUUASHCHK Check for Shared Grid Active Check Ukraine
ETOU_COMP_REL_BR Brazil: Define Compensation Relationships within TOU Groups
ERND_BILITM_JP Rounding Criteria for Japan Billing
EMGBR_EXPPRD Microgen: Configuration for expiring credits
/SAPCE/IURU_GRP Invoice form lines grouping
/SAPCE/IURU_SRV Service Name List for RU VAT invoice
/SAPCE/IUUA_STAT UA:Main-Sub transactions for statistical items for Penalties
/SAPCE/IURU_SPOS Seals: Seal Position on device
/SAPCE/SEAL_ACT Determine if Seal Management tab should be active